KotH Lakeside

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Dec 21, 2008
I keep lakeside, lack of a better name atm. Oasis is already used for an arena.

So the beta 1 is up !

Big changes are visual (looks finished) but i'm still not sure about gameplay.
Still some visual stuff to fix like flying object and nodraw in the skybox and probably more clip and optimisation.

Screenshots :

Changelog :

b1 - map is fully detailled, some gameplay change but ready to check for some improvements over there.

- Added a lot of details.
- Added wood "stairs" on the sides of the main temple.
- Some geometry modification like the 2 narrow doors.
- Make the main way more covered from snipers.
- Improved soundscape.
- Fixed a lot of feedback from tf2maps.
- The team blocking volume at spawn are better placed.
- Reduced the cap time from 5 secondes.
- Added an observer point.
- Added a platforms for scout jump in the middle.
- And more things...


Sep 11, 2013
The mix of mining and egyptian themes is really jarring sometimes. Especially the hazard stripes and CAPTURE ZONE signs.
Apr 13, 2009
The mix of mining and egyptian themes is really jarring sometimes. Especially the hazard stripes and CAPTURE ZONE signs.

I wouldn't have put the mining company name signs, but the hazard signs and capture zone are alright with me.

Scotland Tom

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 19, 2008
The mix of mining and egyptian themes is really jarring sometimes. Especially the hazard stripes and CAPTURE ZONE signs.
The mining signage does look a little strange. Especially those "Brown Nugget" and "Goldstream" signs. I'm OK with the "Keep Out" sign in the screenshots though. I'm also not a fan of the hazard stripes or the "Capture Zone" sign.

I will say, however, that I do recognize the need for stuff like the signage you currently have. I think if the "Capture Zone" sign was in a different font it would look fine. If the mining logo signs were changed to something that might fit the Egyptian theme a bit better I wouldn't have a problem with those either. I think it's just a matter of creating some new overlays that fit the theme.


Dec 21, 2008
I agree with you for signage. I can simply remove the stripes, wood planks are enough to delimit the capture zone.

That would be cool if mining signage could be replace by treasure hunter and archaeological signage.

That what i'm planning to do, RED are treasure hunters, BLU are archaeologists, and make both side more significatives in this way. But for that, I have to reverse teams (actually, BLU are on the mining side)


Dec 21, 2008
So yeah i foud cicada cool when I test my map alone but in game...

That's sucks :O I will try something less intrusive next time.

Anyway, it's look like the point is easy to defend but the last round was epic ! For beta 2 i will only make the capture time a lot shorter and we will see.

Sniper looks to not be a big problem anymore. i will take a look at demo to be sure.


L420: High Member
Apr 19, 2009
Snipers weren't all that much of a problem, occasionally they would hide behind the rack in the side with the large health and be a bit annoying but it wasn't to bad. But yes the point was very hard to cap back, especially at the start of the testing, though after that, it did change hands a bit. Reducing cap time may be all that's needed, or maybe change the barriers a bit so they give a little less cover.


Dec 21, 2008
B2 is ready now ! :)

Changelog :

- Team are switched (design choice)
- Fixed problem with 3Dskybox and added more detail to it.
- The floor in the temple is higher now.
- Added another platform for scout jump.
- The capture zone is bigger now.
- Capture delai has increased from 30 to 35.
- Capture time has decreased from 12 to 8.
- Added "Nile Archaeo" "Red Raiders" and "NJ Production" signs.
- Added Earkham rock pile in several places.
- Added a missing lamp in cave.
- Water is no longer custom, now it's Well water.
- Skybow water limit is less visible (btw water is cheap and move to fast in this version).
- Cicada sound is no longer annoying.
- More clip.
- More optimisation.

I know there's not a lot of gameplay change, I hope it will works better because I don't want to spend more time on this map :p
Anyway, last playtest wasn't really bad even if defense is more easy.


Dec 21, 2008
Updated to rc1 :

- More details.
- More optimisation (especially with lightmap).
- Fixend a blu func_respawnroom in red base.
- More clip.
- Fixed some visual defects.


Former Alias: †Blade†/Xi.Cynx
Nov 25, 2008
Was just checking this map out in the images and I think it looks pretty nifty. I like the egypt theme mixed with a nice reconstruction of red going on there. The only thing that really looked "funny' to me in the center point. I believe the platform it should sit on would look better as a Octogon rather than a 16-18 sided shape.


L1: Registered
Jun 7, 2009
I'll admit to having yet to play this on a full server of people, but the map plays great with the bots. The point seems to be balanced well in terms of being able to attack/hold it. I really like what you've done with the Egypt theme :D.

Here's an optimized navmash for anybody that wants it:

"optimized" meaning more than just a nav_generate: areas combined to reduce file-size, inappropriate connections removed to enhance performance, etc. Feel free to include it with the map if you want.


L1: Registered
Feb 22, 2011
This look pretty neat form the scrn shots. I'll have a look at it later this week. The new theme is a pretty good freshner.