You first need to install Meta Mod, then you need to install Source Mod, then you need to install the roll the dice plugin of your choice. Here are some sites that might help you out:
Source Mod comes with a rock the vote plugin by defualt, if you want something fancier, look around Allied Mods a bit.
You'll also need an FTP client and you'll need to know how to use it and you'll need to know how to connect to your server, I like Filezilla because it was the first one I used and I'm used to it. Your server provider should be able to provide you with the FTP details you need to connect to your server and modify it. Some server providers provide you with an option to install meta and source mod from their control panel.
Oh, I don't think there's any way to set up these things on a local server, either, so you'll probably have to rent a server from somewhere.