
KotH Headland A12


L2: Junior Member
Aug 6, 2016
I'm very sorry for the complete trainwreck that was a8 and a8b.
I have rolled back all changes in that version, reverted back to a7 and started working on it again.

Rolled back all changes from a8 and a8b.
ACTUALLY added cubemaps.
Changed lighting to what koth_viaduct has, with reduced fog.
Added more cover in specific places.
Changed the width of the highground over the point.
Added several lighting related commands in the compile script.
Reduced height on the right area above the point.
Fixed a few texture errors and prop bugs.
Shifted rock in middle to cover a sniper angle better.
Changed health pack locations, I actually thought about it this time.
Overall optimized the map for highlander and pubs better.

Thanks for the amazing feedback so far, I never thought this map would be where it is atm.
Here are some screenshots.

a9-1.jpg a9-2.jpg a9-3.jpg a9-4.jpg a9-5.jpg a9-6.jpg a9-7.jpg a9-8.jpg a9-9.jpg a9-10.jpg a9-11.jpg a9-12.jpg a9-13.jpg

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L2: Junior Member
Aug 6, 2016
I just finished a bunch of things I think will help gameplay a lot and I used a few ideas from the feedback you guys gave to me.

Changed left health pack location to make it more visible.
Added an overlay under all health packs to make it easier to know where they are.
Added barbed wire to the upper right area to stop people standing on it while allowing players to jump over it.
Widened and opened the 2nd courtyard.
Added a window to the left building to look onto the point.
Added more cover on the entrance of the left building.
Added a nook area on the bottom side of the control point.
fixed a pixelwalk on the side of the logs on the control point.
Removed small health pack on the right highground area.
Raised the control point 20 hu.
Raised the right highground area by 32 hu.
Changed the displacement on the right to go up more.
Improved lighting in a few areas.
And a bunch of small changes.

Here are some screenshots.

a10-1.jpg a10-2.jpg a10-3.jpg a10-4.jpg a10-5.jpg a10-6.jpg

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L2: Junior Member
Aug 6, 2016
I am finally going to finish up the alpha and if the gameplay works out well I will update it with a fully detailed version within the next week or two.

I have removed the alpine stuff because I want to change the theme to something else.

Reduced cap time to what I think will increase the intensity of the game.
Reduced cover in mid.
Moved the rock in mid to get rid of the cubby.
Removed all alpine clutter outside the playable space.
Did a bit of detail work on the right hut because it lacked any personality or really anything.
Changed locations of health and ammo minorly.
Did a bit of brushwork to help transforming it into beta.

I wanted to make it easier to capture the point when it is lost and to buff the other areas.

20161011105454_1.jpg 20161011105503_1.jpg 20161011105530_1.jpg

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L2: Junior Member
Aug 6, 2016
This is going to be the end of the alpha, If there are a few things I don't like I will change them in the beta coming out in a week or 2.

Widened the first and second courtyard and opened up some choke points.
Slightly increased cap time.
Removed all rocks in mid.
Added different cover.
Clipped a few spots.
Moved the far left exit to the first courtyard forward.
Changed health pack locations.
Removed most cover on the left ramp.
Changed the left ramp to only have one ramp instead of 2.
Fixed a few overlays not showing.
Fixed a few clashing textures.
Added cover in the right terrain.
Changed lighting to ldr from hdr.
Remade most of the displacements.

Here are some screenshots:

20161012115832_1.jpg 20161012115902_1.jpg 20161012115909_1.jpg 20161012115916_1.jpg 20161012115922_1.jpg 20161012115929_1.jpg 20161012115934_1.jpg 20161012115941_1.jpg 20161012115954_1.jpg 20161012120002_1.jpg 20161012120041_1.jpg

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L2: Junior Member
Aug 6, 2016
I've decided to scrap this project and am starting work on another project.

I have learned so much about level design, balancing, and mechanics in hammer while building this map.
