
PL Haywire RC5


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
pl_haywire - Wicked payload map (soon) in the style of 2fort!


This is my second map. Right now it's just brushes and playerclips, however its completely playable.
Any feedback would be appreciated since I feel really insecure about scaling! The plan is to make a payload map in the theme of 2fort since 2fort looks cool and that style needs to be used again.
Here are some screenshots of the current version(06.12.17)



EDIT: Map entirely remade! Screenshots coming up soon(tm).
Last edited:


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'll remake the map and make sure the scaling is right this time and also fix several sniper sightlines. Lesson learned!


L3: Member
Dec 1, 2016
It might be a good idea to have the buildings a lighter colour, to contrast with the ground. eg reflectivity 50%


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
- Widened the area of the first Cap and added a new structure around the first Point/Spawn-shack
- Moved Payload further so its less hidden
- Added Arrows for both the RED and BLU team for less getting lost
- Changed RED and BLU Spawns:
--BLU's forward spawn has been replaced with a Shortcut door that gets unlocked after capping second
--RED's forward spawn has been moved back a bit
--Adjusted Respawn times accordingly
-Added nobuild to water area
-Added a big pillar with a Skull sign at the death pit for clearer visualization that its actually a death pit
- Added patches on the ground where drops spawn
- Added extra door at the building at Second for easier access to the payload
- Fixed several brushwork oddities
- Last has been reworked:
--Added several openings at the "Last-Shack"
--Expanded the tiny hut before it
--Added another Building
--gave RED access to the highground building
-- reworked outer-area to a larger "bumpy" area and added drops
--moved some drops
-probably some more stuff I forgot about

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L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
- Fixed BLU spawning inside the RED Spawn after capturing second
- Added a new building at second for an alternative flanking route
- Added a rock and generally a bit more highground at second for more cover
- Expanded a variety of doors (including crouch door)

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L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
-Reworked and almost completely rebuilt the last area
-adjusted timers accordingly
-Fixed several ugly brushes, still more to clean but unsure if I wanna keep those areas as they are
- slightly expanded a wall at BLU Spawn to block a sightline
- Moved BLU Spawn door to the right for more ways of defending
- Added Triggers to open the door after RED Secondary spawn enables, so you can leave spawn now if you are unfortunate enough to spawn there
-updated certain tiny ledges you'd stumble over
- closed some gaps

NOTE: Thanks for the feedback everyone! The last Test has been very helpful.

(The new Last)

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L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
- Got rid of several OP Sniper Sightlines
- Removed Drop-down at Second, replaced it with a staircase to the lower level, allowing RED also access, making the Area after first not as one sided.
- Moved some Ammo Packs away from their HP counterparts at First
- Increased some door sizes
- At the hut around Second, expanded above area and added a small door + bridge to it behind it for easier access
- Added another big "bridge" at Last
- Added stairs to the upper area at Last

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L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
- Any Capture will now trigger an instant Team Respawn - this is to prevent rolls from BLU and to prevent BLU rolling 3rd.
- Adjusted Respawn Times on Last
- Moved several Health Packs
- started the texturing process
- Reworked BLU Spawns
- fixed extreme sightline on First
- Moved RED forward spawn back and added a ramp to the highground
- added a tunnel at Last to the main room
- added two windows at Last
- moved cart path out a bit to expand fighting room
- moved RED last spawn and expanded the baby door

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L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
I decided to call the alpha phase off and move to beta. Gameplaywise the map seems to be in a stable spot, however I will continue to make gameplay-adjustments when seen necessary, of course.
With the jump to beta comes mostly textures for everything to the map doesnt look like a blocky mess, however smaller gameplay adjustments have been made aswell to make some stuff more balanced. The full changelog can be read below.

- Textures for everything! Of course a lot of things will continue to look sloppy, especially the "stairs" which are just slopes, but there are no longer dev textures anywhere.
- Adjusted RED and BLU respawn times.
- BLU now received less time from capping first and second to prevent 9 minute last holds.
- The building with the tunnel at last has been expanded in size and generally reworked.
-- the "walls" before it have been removed as a consequence.
- The middle tower at last no longer has a "door" to its left side and now simply has a pillar there to prevent a claustrophic and generally awkward feel to it.
- Lots of ground has been replaced by dirt/grass.
- Payload Tracks for the entire map.
- The payload should now no longer defy gravity - and itll turn corners more smoothly as a bonus, too!
- Upon capping Second, Doors will now appear to block other spawn entries. Unless you actively try to go the wrong way now, it should be essentially impossible to miss the right path.
- Several playclips to make transitioning certain areas less blocky and weird.
- Cow Jail
I have updated the OP with new images of the Map aswell.

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L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
- Adjusted Respawn times again focusing on Third.
- Fixed Supply Cabinet not working after capping second for BLU
- Added an Extra Arrow around red's forward spawn that literally stands on the track so people cant avoid looking at it
- Fixed some brush oddities
- Moved spawns ever so slightly forward when capping second so BLU doesnt have to walk too much
-Fixed several stupid and overly long sniper sightlines:
At B:
---- Moved rock a bit so you cant snipe out of the hut anymore.
---- Added Planks to some walls and moved some walls to make sniping from the spawn area essentially impossible.
---At Last:
----Moved RED's left spawn exit below
----Added a fence to the exit of the hut to the left of the middle building
----Added a fence to the exit of the right spawn
----Added a "bridge" with a fence from the middle building to the right hut
----Added some planks to the exit of the hut left of C.

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L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
It has been roughly a month, and while I dont know if anyone gives a crap, Ill post this anyways.
I'm still chugging along with the map; I have it at a point where I am relatively happy with the gameplay, so now all Im doing is giving the map an actual artpass.

Its coming along nicely, and if everything goes right Ill have a relatively art-passed map ready before the end of February.
The plan then is to test it again 1-2 and if nothing arises, do a final release.

Here is a screenshot of the Art-passed last area with me forgetting to disable the HUD again. :V

Smell ya later.


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
After having worked on the map for roughly a month to two non-stop, I'm happy to say that I'm finally done - not entirely of course, but the Map is very close to a releasable format, and all that's left is polishing.

This update is essentially just this: Detailing. Props, doorframes, textures, details - everything to make the map look like an actual map and not a roblox prototype, there are other changes aswell, though, gameplay-related.

- Updated the entire map with props, textures, details and essentially gave it an artpass!
- Adjusted Respawn times for the third point to give BLU a slightly better edge.
- Added a barrel around the second point to access the highground on the cement catwalk.
- Adjusted the Playerclips so blast jumpers of any kind no longer get stuck.
- Expanded the Tunnel around last
- Moved the healthpack on the middle building of second
- Re-designed interior of the In-door Deathpit Shack™ and added windows, alongside of a secret window to rocket jump up to
- Fixed getting stuck around the Spawn Door of RED's forward spawn

- Figure out several lightning issues.
- Fix any kind of exploit that might pop up
- Make the skybox-area a little bit prettier since im not that happy with it.
- Actual release

I've updated the OP with Screenshots of the new map look; Any feedback is appreciated!


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L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
Hey. I've tested the map again and fortunately, most of the reactions were rather positive to both the looks and the gameplay! However there were still some hiccups, which I hope to have fixed in this patch.

If nothing else comes up, chances are the next step will be the final release. Haywire has been taking up a large chunk of my time as of late, afterall.

Either way, here is the Changelog:

- Adjusted respawn times for the first point to give BLU a higher edge, even in unbalanced teams.
- Added a variety of sniper sightline blockers to make sniper less powerful on the first point and reduce the amount of weird sightlines
- Made certain areas of the map prettier
- got rid of the stupid Cave-lights and replaced them with a lantern.
- Explored the advanced technology of windowframes for the two windows on Last so people stop mistaking them as open windows.
- Removed misleading arrows, added leading arrows to make the map less confusing
- Added BLU patches on the payload track to give BLU players an easier way of orientating themselves.
- Added a deathzone for the payload cart explosion!
- Added Cameras for spectators! You no longer face a big, red texture when loading into the map, how great.
- Added Clouds in the skybox so the sky doesnt feel as empty.
- Added some buildings and fences in the pre-skybox area so it feels less empty.
- Reworked the lightning! Goodbye black props, hello not black props.
- The long, empty white corridor of BLU's initial spawn is no longer empty!
- Added several nobuild areas so Engineers cant get out of the map via cheeky teleporters.
- Optimized the map. People should no longer get FPS drops around A/B.


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Feb 8, 2016
this map looks really cool i have to admit.
for your second map this is a huge achivement. keep the gr8 work and I really look forward to playing it