Hammer waged a war on a mapper?! (Man gets violently assaulted by a map making program)

Smiley the Smile

L2: Junior Member
Dec 11, 2016
Try not to compile with -fast. Your vvis compiles in just 6 seconds anyway.

Also the errors in the log persist and look worrying.
6 seconds?
You underestimate the lameness of my laptop.
The fast compile takes about 20 minutes on it.Even with a fully optimized and func_detail-ed map like this one.The full compile of a turbine reskin I made took up a whole day.
Also,can you specify which errors are worrying you?
Mar 23, 2013
The fast compile takes about 20 minutes

The vrad part takes that long. Your vvis takes 6 seconds on fast and fast vis can cause issues ingame. See how long vvis takes on full. Probably no longer than 10 sec.

The weird errors you still have is that patch sample thing and the error with the coordinates. Perhaps those errors are fine but you should use the cordon tool to compile parts of your map until you found the part that causes those errors in the log and the crashes ingame

Smiley the Smile

L2: Junior Member
Dec 11, 2016
The vrad part takes that long. Your vvis takes 6 seconds on fast and fast vis can cause issues ingame. See how long vvis takes on full. Probably no longer than 10 sec.

The weird errors you still have is that patch sample thing and the error with the coordinates. Perhaps those errors are fine but you should use the cordon tool to compile parts of your map until you found the part that causes those errors in the log and the crashes ingame

PortalFlow compilation process takes hours.I don't want to wait that long.

Da Spud Lord

Occasionally I make maps
Mar 23, 2017
Mar 23, 2013
PortalFlow compilation process takes hours.

But your compile log says the vvis part only takes 6 seconds. If it takes hours then it sounds like your map is very unoptimizef bit vvis compile time is fine?
Also vbsp takes over a minute? I have never seen this before...

Smiley the Smile

L2: Junior Member
Dec 11, 2016
But your compile log says the vvis part only takes 6 seconds. If it takes hours then it sounds like your map is very unoptimizef bit vvis compile time is fine?
Also vbsp takes over a minute? I have never seen this before...
I swear to God,I turned everything I could into func_detailes and in some cases func_brushes,that's just how my computer operates.
Let's focus on the problem at hand.
I've spent the last few hours cordoning and recompiling the map over and over again and the results don't make any sense.
If I divide the map into 2 halves and compile them separately,they work fine.But if I compile them together,the game crashes.
I suppose that it happens because I have to many entities on my map,but as you can see in the comp.log,nothing exceedes 100%.
I am so confused...