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L1111: Clipping Guru
Mar 2, 2009
I dunno if it's just my settings (I forget if there is such a setting), but I cannot see any of the details that are in the first stage from where I am. I just see the layout - no props. If this is a setting in Video Advanced, disregard - my video card sucks.

On stage 2, from the inside building where the turbine is, I start to lag like crazy. It sightly improves when I go outside, but barely. Same with Stage 3. When i start to head out towards the outdoor area between 3-1 and 3-2, I lag. I expect lag because of my computer, but I've seen optimization done that prevents it from happening in any map without weather effects. Your map does surprisingly well outdoors with weather effects for my fps, but the indoor area shouldn't. Specially when I can't even SEE the outdoor areas from where I start lagging.

When you release b2, I shall go through the map one more time to get any last minute playerclip fails, clipping brushes/props, fail displacements, etc. before the contest ends.


Cranky Coder
Jul 31, 2009
I dunno if it's just my settings (I forget if there is such a setting), but I cannot see any of the details that are in the first stage from where I am. I just see the layout - no props

I think you're not seeing the original stage, you're seeing a 1/16th size scene in the 3D skybox that just happens to look very very similar. So in order to "see the props" there'd need to be 1/16th size models for each of them.

That said, they could be faked via a "flat screenshot" of each prop on an otherwise-transparent brush. A 1/16th-size paper cutout, rather than a model.


L3: Member
Apr 22, 2009
Quite enjoyed this map, it's very nicely done. The demo sticky-jumping the final point to win was kind of anti-climactic. Maybe add a big girder or something on the roof to block jumps like that.


L1: Registered
Jul 5, 2009
Just got done running it over on the Lost Continents servers for custom map night. Both times we ran it on a full 24/24 server, 12 on a team. General thoughts were, "holy shit, this is pretty/good looking", and "this map is really fast", followed by "this map is just engineers vs. demomen". Everyone thought the ctf A/D angle was really unique and cool, but was unusually grindy, even compared to dustbowl. We'll play it some more and see if people can't come up with some constructive attack/defense strategies for the map. I think at least 8 people pointed out the flat black texture in the rocks to the right behind the intel on 2.1 just outside of spawn. Dunno why that bugs people so much, but it does! Another thought was that you might want a CP texture for the capture zone, people were really confused (yes, really!) on 2.2 about where, or how far they needed to push the intel to. People would get into the area and then taunt, thinking they had capped the flag, and then get killed because they didn't realize they had to push it to the wall.

You might want to seriously consider releasing this in cp_ and pl_ formats as well, sort of how waste was released in multiple formats. Not everyone may see your particular genius in making this a ctf map, but this could see heavy rotation as a cp_ map on our servers.

Anyways, I really, really like this map! Thanks! And looking forward to the next beta, or maybe a rc!


Currently On: ?????
Sep 28, 2009
I have to say that I'm in love with this map. Anything that involves a pit of death is sure to be fun.


L1: Registered
Oct 10, 2009
Quite enjoyed this map, it's very nicely done. The demo sticky-jumping the final point to win was kind of anti-climactic. Maybe add a big girder or something on the roof to block jumps like that.

:) that was me. I just got bored because of all the sentries blocking the long hallway and realized the only way Blue could win was if I did that. The long hallway reminded me of a map I used to play a long time ago called cp_corporation. That may had the last cap point at the end of a long hall like your map and that was one of the main reasons our server stopped playing it. It was way too easy to hold on defense.

I really like the concept of moving the intel to different cap points and the map looks great, but I don't think it encourages people to play all of the classes. Because of all of the sharp angles and elevation changes, all you need is engies and demomen. It also seemed like the first cap points were so close to Blue's spawn that they were impossible to defend, while the second cap points were a lot farther away and all of the in between space was just filler. No fighting ever broke out in between the 2 points.

Dr. Spud

Grossly Incandescent
Mar 23, 2009
Just got done running it over on the Lost Continents servers for custom map night. Both times we ran it on a full 24/24 server, 12 on a team. General thoughts were, "holy shit, this is pretty/good looking", and "this map is really fast", followed by "this map is just engineers vs. demomen". Everyone thought the ctf A/D angle was really unique and cool, but was unusually grindy, even compared to dustbowl. We'll play it some more and see if people can't come up with some constructive attack/defense strategies for the map. I think at least 8 people pointed out the flat black texture in the rocks to the right behind the intel on 2.1 just outside of spawn. Dunno why that bugs people so much, but it does! Another thought was that you might want a CP texture for the capture zone, people were really confused (yes, really!) on 2.2 about where, or how far they needed to push the intel to. People would get into the area and then taunt, thinking they had capped the flag, and then get killed because they didn't realize they had to push it to the wall.

You might want to seriously consider releasing this in cp_ and pl_ formats as well, sort of how waste was released in multiple formats. Not everyone may see your particular genius in making this a ctf map, but this could see heavy rotation as a cp_ map on our servers.

Anyways, I really, really like this map! Thanks! And looking forward to the next beta, or maybe a rc!

Glad you like it. I think if you keep playing you should see people branching out from demomen and engineers a bit more. I mean, I usually only play pyro on this map and I end up being pretty effective.

I'll see what I can do about making the map more intuitive. I agree that some areas a little confusing for new players.

I'm not planning on making a CP version though. I don't think the layout would suit it very well.
Last edited:


L1: Registered
Jul 5, 2009
Linear CP, no.

a/d CP? Totally. I mean, a tweak here and there to compensate for the lack of "instant-cap", but it would totally work.

My apologies, yes I meant as an A/D CP (Dustbowl style) map. Maybe with fast-capping CPs and a little less metal scattered about the map.

Re: making the map more intuitive

The other problem we had was on 1.1, the scout would grab the intel, and run straight for the 2nd point (1.2) by going through the left entrance, and then left up the stairs. Fortunately the intel respawns quickly, and, with enough yelling at the guy, he finally clued in after his third attempt at running to 1.2 first. Which seems odd, because not only is 1.1 clearly marked, but you can see the glowing cap point floating in the window from spawn. This happened all four times (ran the map twice, with teams switching). I'll keep running the map and we'll see if people branch out to other classes, but it's very tempting for players to just go engineer without having to impose class limits on the server. The abundance of 100 metal drops on the map may be the culprit. =/


L1111: Clipping Guru
Mar 2, 2009
I was planning on doing a final sweep on all the contest maps before the end of the contest. If you've seen what I've done in other detailed maps, I go through a map on my own and find any rocket jump exploits, playerclip fails, displacement fails, misaligned props, weird lighting, etc. and provide screenshots of it all.

I was planning on doing it as soon as a new version of your map was released, but now that I notice there are only 15 days left, I didn't want to find out that a map was updated, go through it, and then find out that since there are only x days left, a new version wouldn't be submitted to the contest, thus my work not as useful as it could be (that is, I'm implying that you will finish your map even after the contest).

So message me on Steam (my name is littleedge), find me in the chat (between 3 and 9 pm ET), pm me here, or reply in this thread if you want me to go through your map in the current version, or do it in your next version. Or if you don't want me to go through it at all, and anything i come upon in a Gameday is enough.


May 25, 2009
Played this on the gameday and was good fun, enjoyed myself :D
Albeit I was on the team that held first stage and won final... but I think our kritz took their medic + team out a bit too effectively (go me), so I'll take that blame.
I think we had an engy and heavy spawncamping stage 2 cap 2 for a short while, which helped us get it.

The layout felt pretty good and it all looked nice, but could do with some work on the long corridors out of blu's spawn... second or third stage? Pretty sure it was third. They just seemed very bland and... then a pyro came through and brightened up the place.


L2: Junior Member
Feb 14, 2009
overall, very very cool. some very minor stuff I noticed looking at beta 1:

can get stuck on this while backing away from the doorway:

dark hole may seem... uninviting:

windowsill can block player from jumping onto crates while close to wall:

strange black areas on either side of this mound:

kind of hard to read the grate texture from this angle, making it hard to tell if I should be able to walk across those grates or they're empty space:

kind of plain spots:


might be nice to push that mound down a little so you can see the sweet facility off in the distance:

light artifacts:

cubemap on windows looks kind of odd at first, like it might be something in the sky:


L420: High Member
Dec 5, 2008
Night Testing Feedback:

We played alot of rounds and the teams seemed pretty balanced since not much changed after the scramble

The heath/amo placement and re spawn times i would say are just right, as for the round time generally it could be shorter a few times and i think you said you planned to lower them just a little and maybe the max time cap.

Detail wise, looks very nice and love all the spawns, minus the one problem with the door not closing, if you cant figure it out i guess a bunch of backup plans for that would be fine.

On the third stage blu spawn (or second stage red spawn) the heath cabinet looked a little weird, had a black line through it from far away. Not a big deal might just be a one time thing for me or some shadow but heres a screen from close up and far away.





Surprisingly we played quite a few rounds over an hour and it didnt get dull or very spammy, every round was interesting and fun for the majority of the players it seemed.

Look pretty much ready to submit for the contest. Good luck, thanks for a great map.


L2: Junior Member
Mar 3, 2009
I really enjoyed playing this today. I think I could have easily gone another hour.

On Blu as an Engi, I was having some trouble setting up on 2-2. Now this could be attributed to a few things:

1) Me being impatient and not waiting for my team to give me some cover.

2) It felt like the only spot where I could reassure myself that I was sorta safe was on the right side after the curved tunnel. Everywhere else was pretty easily accessible to the Red team (and honestly, this problem could just be me not placing my buildings in smart spots).

3) For my third point I was going to say "maybe turn the small metal pack into a medium!" but then I remembered you had a very good reason for not doing that: Red would have an easier hold on that area. And after some trial and error, I eventually found the medium in the tunnel. So really, I just typed this third point for no reason.

Anyway, this map is incredibly fun. Great work.


L1: Registered
Oct 18, 2009
3-1 is the most enjoyable ctf/cp point i have ever played.
however, it is overshadowed by how easy 3-2 is. the spawn times are perfect, but maybe less time for capping 3-1 would help, but mostly, there NEEDS to be at lease 1 great sentry spot , and a place where red can defend from, it is just too easy to breeze right into the final point