Mission update
Wave 1:
Wave does not end with gatebot
Wave 2:
Reduced max active soldier support to 8. Fixed their name as well.
Wave 3:
Adjusted difficulty of W3_01
Increased squad distance of W3_02
Wave 4:
Reduced Length of W4_01
Increased max count of soldier medic combo to 4
Reduced WaitbeforeSpawn of blast soldiers
Reduced engineer count to 1
Wave 5:
Increased max active shotgun heavy count.
Deflector heavy spawns faster
Spawn timer of several subwaves reduced
Changed W5_04 Blackbox subwave to W5_03 Blackbox subwave
Wave 6:
Golden Commander now gives less rage
Golden Commander now has health generation of 200
Golden Commander now has 90% resistance to airblast
Golden Commander now has 90% damage force resistance
General changes:
Reduced vaccinator resistance from 100% to 90%
Reduced most of the bot counts
Reduced all WaitBeforeSpawn by at least 10 seconds
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