CP Frozen

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010

Now that the 72hr Contest's Final Round of voting is done (woo hoo I won!), I can freely post my map without risk of shunning or stoneing. Its been a while, and I've been really anxious to release this version because I made a lot of changes based off the ~15 times the map had been played, and I really think that the changes make the map not only more balanced (and stable) but also more fun for everyone.

tl;dr: I changed stuff

Official and complete change log:
- **Made the area between blu spawn and 1-1 wider
- Raised the roof on the building flank connected to blu spawn
- Adjusted the angles of the wind turbines to face the proper direction in the wind.
- Assorted lighting effects changed across the map
- **Made the flank entrance onto 1-2 more visible
- Added a health and ammo pack to make aforementioned flank more appealing
- No built a boulder
- Adjusted the large building flank's exit to be larger and have a roof.
- Moved/Adjusted Health packs across the map
- Raised the wall on 1-2 that is between reds exit way and the point (To lessen the pre-emptive demo spam)
- Fixed some weird brushes
- Fixed some odd clipping
- **Added a new route between 2-1 and 2-2
- Plugged holes in fences
- Block bulleted tiny holes
- I think I fixed the whole in S3 blu spawn set up gates...
- Fixed a silly looking roof.
- made stairs look nicer
- **Made 2-2 a bit more open, moved reds entry into the area back
- Sorry, it still snows indoors, put a coat on.
- Moved some ammo/health around between 3-1 and 3-2.
- **3-2 is still the same, going to probably do individual tests on this later whilst detailing stage 1
- Detailed some places because I was bored (mainly around 2-1)
~and added a couple custom signs
- Pricked my finger on a needle whilst sewing some seams up.

A lot of the major and easily noticed changes are in stage 2. Most of the feedback was pointing at that, so I started there. Stage 1 has some minor changes, but should be pretty significant on gameplay. Stage 3 I originally had planned to change a little, but opted out at the last minute. I will run stage 3 as an indivdual map later to test out its kinks.

Hope you enjoy it, please leave feedback. Thanks in advance.

Download now!
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Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Not going to do the fancy textureing yet, but just wanted to start fleshing out the map so people get a feel for what it will look like:


EDIT: Now the other side!




I've been getting a lot of 'but this doesn't make sense' remarks about the turbines and their location. Here is the revised story (short version), as a way to calm everyone at least for a little. Alright, here it is:

The town is already abandoned (DAMN ECONOMY!). The normal power supply into the town has been shut down (it is abandoned after all). Red would like to stay off the grid so that can work on/run their machine to bring down the Blu Corporation. Since they can't reconnect to the grid, they use the nearest source of energy, wind. Yes, its a little rough, but it gets the job done and towers the machine and the necessary buildings. Thusly by this story, I can allow for Red to be in such a place and erect Wind turbines in such a location. (Honestly, if it comes to it, I'll take the turbine out and use computer consoles... turbines can go into the skybox)
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Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
cp_frozen_a2 DL

Alright, so I wanted to start "fleshing" out the map, give it more of the architectural feeling that I want. I started with stage 1. I won't really explain the compete style of the map that I want, mainly because its constantly in flux in my head (I defiently know that its going to be lumber/mining theme with maybe a dash of gorge?).

Changes include
-A Long round-about flank route for stage 1
+ It can take you directly to the exit only flank in the side building
- it is long, and roundabout.​
-Stage 2's left upper route is only accesable by blu, or red demo's, scouts and soldiers
-Stage 3's spawns are connected
-Adjust a couple of cap times on the final stage


L6: Sharp Member
Aug 16, 2009
New version looks good, the only problems I have with this map are the choke points that happy around the end of Round 2, since there's only really one route into the point it seems abit too much like a fuck fest the second you turn the corner. D:

And the final point is abit too easy to defend in my opinion...
May 2, 2009
Looking good! I don't care if there are windturbines in snowy hills or if the turbines go walking around an skiing. It's bloody game, use your imagination.

Maybe I should start hammering the feeling inside my map as you have done. Very good idea and I think it keeps the players interested.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Looking good! I don't care if there are windturbines in snowy hills or if the turbines go walking around an skiing. It's bloody game, use your imagination.

Maybe I should start hammering the feeling inside my map as you have done. Very good idea and I think it keeps the players interested.

That is. The GREATEST Idea ever.

Confirmed change for a3. Windmill with ski's in the skybox.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Alright, so based off the few rounds I've played with the map so far, here is what I would plan on changing so far:

Stage 1:
+Basically killing sentry spots, I believe the flank that goes directly from cp1 to the house next to cp2 (via exit only) is working somewhat well, but may need some tweeking.
+Maybe expand distance from Blu spawn to cp1.

Stage 2:
Between cp1 and cp2. I personally like the size of stage 2, but may make it a tad longer. I really want to do what I can to keep the canyon look, so I'm thinking about making the upper left flank route more cut off from the rest of route, that means, providing cover up the hill and across. probably move the exit closer to the wall that point is against (Not closer to the point, just closer to the wall, ie, moving it farther away from the canyon exit). I will probably kill the sentry spot that is ontop of the wood pile (another wood pile). This flank route will either have a non-jumpable balcony, or an exit only door, much like at 1-2, one that has good visibility, but is still exit only.
***EDIT: Also make a place for blu so that they can hold better after capping CP1. Not sure how yet, but I have ideas.

Stage 3: So far stage 3 is doing well with the exception of the final point, and I think the main issue is the spawn and the amount of entrances onto the point. I will change up the spawns so that the exit does not openly face a sightline or the battlefield. For the entrance issues, I will keep the existing ones, but add another flank route thats a drop down. Either it will go around the large cylinder tower (with the entrance on the sentry platform across from cp1, above the truck) or it will be an unlocked route after cp1 is captured, and will go around the opposite side.

I'd love to hear what you guys think about these. I don't know if I will do all these changes at once, depends on how long they take me/how they turn out in hammer/what I want to test.
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Sep 1, 2009
I agree with you views on stage 3's final point. As there are only 3 ways of accessing the point[excluding from the air] everyone is funneled to those 3 places , however two of them are right next to spawn rooms for the defenders and makes the area annoying to fight in. Maybe do what DustBowl did and have the spawns close to the point but rotated 180 degrees and have the exits facing away from the way the attackers are attacking from.
Here is a very crappy paintover example:

For example what is shown in the picture, with the orange representing the doors and green a possible dropdown. You can see that it would be a easier to access the routes to the point without being murdered by the defenders.


L3: Member
Jun 17, 2010
I was thinking about doing something similiar, but instead of being on the outside, I was going to do it on the inside and have 1 conjoined spawn room.

that'd be sick! Looks awesome, nice work


Sep 10, 2008
With regard to the issue of content, the sublime beauty of the sexual signifier seems very disturbing in light of a participation in the critical dialogue of the 90s.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010

***This is still a WiP***

Working on the transition between 2-1 and 2-2. I really liked the canyon area, that I have, but I'm thinking this might be a bit better. It provides a covered flank route for blu to attack, and a place for them to set up. The wooden building with "GLACIER LOGGING" on the side is going to get raised up a bit and the platform extended further down that wall. There will be stairs for red to enter it on (MAYBE... not sure yet.)


Jun 23, 2010
Hey Fr0Z3n, your buildings seems very boring and flat, that can bring some problems of cover on the main route and plus, they're a bit odd for me. Vary a lot the heights and the recesses, it's the best way to making them sexy and adding some small covers.

Here are some ideas.



Boomer by Sleep
May 4, 2010
Ravage it is alpha, these buildings are not going to be avatars of awesome detail, let him finish the layout first.


Jun 23, 2010
Oh okay, but why has he added overlays and shrubs ? And that's not an awesome detail, it's a basic brushwork ;)