Forsaken Downpour

CP Forsaken Downpour b2n

a freakin' knight

L3: Member
Jul 6, 2019
a freakin' knight updated Forsaken Downpour with a new update entry:


  • Ditched the 180 stair case, it was too disruptive for flow. That area is now just a straight staircase that leads to the caves
  • Moved Red's spawn right exit at C a bit further up vertically
  • At A, increased Blu respawn wave time from 2 to 2.5
  • At B, reduced Red respawn wave time from 8 to 7 (Same as A), increased Blu respawn wave time from 2 to 3
  • At C, reduced Red respawn wave time from 6.5 to 6, increased Blu respawn wave time from 2 to 2.5
  • Slight reduced scale of the...

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a freakin' knight

L3: Member
Jul 6, 2019
a freakin' knight updated Forsaken Downpour with a new update entry:


  • Adjusted Blu's first spawn; the spawn room trigger has been extended to engulf the whole area, and Red can no longer enter. The dustbowl spawn style just doesn't appear often in maps and ends up confusing people when it does. The funny lights align with the sun again
  • Added a new small route next to each exit at Red's C spawn; gives additional options to avoid some areas
  • At C, added a stair case that connects to Blu's lower spawn exit. Additionally, removed an unnecessary wall...

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the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016
A somewhat complex analysis of the A forward and backward hold:

The cover in this area is pretty cool. It helps to solve a very pervasive problem with this spawnroom, which is that BLU must run past these two doors in order to get to their other exits. This is theoretically still a problem if RED holds the low ground, but this didn't matter in the one demo I watched.

One thing that's pretty noticeable is that even if this cover design works, whether you use the low ground, high ground or farway third exit of BLU's spawn, it all leads you to the same place:

This is the primary source of advantage for RED; they can watch all three routes with nearly nonexistent rotate time. It also means that there's minimal distinction between the forward and backward hold. In my maps, I like to make it so that there's a route between the forward and backward hold that RED can only prevent BLU from using if they control the room it starts from - thereby defining that room as the forward hold and the exit of the route as the backward hold.

It seems like you understand this, since there's a route that looks almost like it was designed for this exact purpose, in this very room:

But this route is made largely pointless, since to get to it, you have to pass this doorway, which exposes you to a lot of RED's defensive positions:

So, what I think the best (although a little extreme) option is is to add a partitioning wall to split this entire arena:

This would ensure that if RED is holding the high ground in the forward hold, if they want to watch BLU's faraway route, they must either drop down or retreat to the backward hold.

It would also prevent RED sniping classes from stopping BLU from reaching that dropdown route I was talking about earlier.

Now, this would probably make it pathetically easy for BLU to take the forward hold.
So, RED needs an easy rotate route that lets them go through the partioning wall to watch the faraway route during the forward hold.

There are a couple of options for this:


Fun fact: The height DOES NOT protect people in the faraway (BLU sniping route) on its own, so you'd need to add some kind of like, plywood sheet covering the doorway and the side of the stairs
I am sure this all makes perfect sense.

The backward hold suffers from much the same problem as the forward hold; RED being able to watch everywhere from everywhere else without really needing to move.

The partitioning wall (as well as slightly extending a bit of cover) would somewhat help with this, as the low ground as well as this position with the medium health and ammo can no longer see the other side of the arena.

From there, the worst problem with the backward hold would be it being kind of boring. RED would all stand directly on the point to defend it, and so BLU would only cap after killing them all. This is fine - RED needs a chance to defend - but not how I prefer my CPs.

It's worth noting that it would be kind of interesting, since RED's snipers would be standing here and fighting BLU on their own sniping route, while the close-range classes would be completely safe from this dichotomy thanks to the partitioning wall:

It's also worth noting that this creates kind of a problematic mixing of purposes; if BLU wants to be safe from the RED snipers, they can't use the low-ground - they have to use the partitioning wall - but if they do that, the first place they emerge puts them right next to the RED snipers.

So, if you're a RED sniper, you probably feel like this is complete bullshit and you die to people who you could not possibly have stopped from reaching you.

One possible fix for this is to make the partioning-wall route go into a new route behind the point, so it doesn't interact with RED's sniper perch anymore.
If you do this, you may like to make this part of the partitioning wall chain-link, so RED can see when BLU is getting behind them.

a freakin' knight

L3: Member
Jul 6, 2019
a freakin' knight updated Forsaken Downpour with a new update entry:


- Couple of changes to A;
Extended one of the covers at A a bit to hide the drop down flank route
Added a see-through wall on the highground opposite to the point, separating it from Red's side
Added a doorway on the high ground opposite to the point, connecting it to the route on the left side of the point
Turned the small health kit in the water into a medium and the medium ammo next to it to a large, turned the large ammo pack that is on the platform above those two...

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L3: Member
Feb 21, 2020
If people react to A well, next version will most likely be Beta
I hope you will crush with your artpass harder than hydraulic press crushed Kokichi Ouma

a freakin' knight

L3: Member
Jul 6, 2019
a freakin' knight updated Forsaken Downpour with a new update entry:

b1 - Witness The Light Of Hope

  • Detailed the A point area
  • Reverted layout changes to A; after a lot of testing, I ended up prefering how the point played with a more open style. May experiment again with them in the future though. Kept the new door way on the highground opposite to the point
  • Changes to pickups at A; Moved the medium health and ammo that was at highground opposite to the point to the area behind its all, making it more accesible to Blu rather than Red, also turned the medium ammo pack into a...

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L3: Member
Feb 21, 2020
this will be TF2 on Source 2

a freakin' knight

L3: Member
Jul 6, 2019
a freakin' knight updated Forsaken Downpour with a new update entry:


  • Added a few sight line blockers at C
  • At A, increased Red's respawn wave time from 7 to 7.5
  • At B, reduced Red's respawn wave time from 7 to 6.5
  • Significantly reduced the speed of the gate opening at B
  • Moved back Blu's second spawn slightly
  • Adjusted the position of picks up at the A point water lowground area
  • Added a new resupply locker in Blu's first spawn that is closer to the front lines
  • Added more signs at C to help Red see where the point is when spawning...

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L1: Registered
Apr 15, 2023
I wanted to share, I checked out b1 and really liked the detailing on the first point, particularly the areas where warm light was used to contrast the naturally cool palette of the sewers around BLU spawn. I did think, though, that the area around the cap itself was a bit too "flat cool" and could use some visual flair. I was a little torn on sharing such a subjective opinion though, but then you go and add some nice lighting that does exactly that!

While I'm commenting, two things:

I noticed in b1a that water reflections tend to break in a weird way when you're standing in this corner, and also when you're moving below it. This does not happen in b1.


Secondly, this is a pretty small detail, I think, but it would be nice if the first point was better at capturing your focus, visually. While the approach to A is relatively simple in the grand scheme of things, and the map itself flows towards the point, the Red hologram capture light thing is very often obscured from Blu's perspective, and the area itself doesn't scream "go here!" to me.


a freakin' knight

L3: Member
Jul 6, 2019
Thanks you so much!
I noticed in b1a that water reflections tend to break in a weird way when you're standing in this corner, and also when you're moving below it. This does not happen in b1.
Yes, I noticed this right after uploading it unfortunately. I am compiling a fix for it.

Secondly, this is a pretty small detail, I think, but it would be nice if the first point was better at capturing your focus, visually. While the approach to A is relatively simple in the grand scheme of things, and the map itself flows towards the point, the Red hologram capture light thing is very often obscured from Blu's perspective, and the area itself doesn't scream "go here!" to me.
Thanks for pointing this out, I'll definitely have to make some changes for it to catch the player's eyes better.

a freakin' knight

L3: Member
Jul 6, 2019
a freakin' knight updated Forsaken Downpour with a new update entry:

b2 - Open The Floodgates

  • Detailed the B point area
  • Detailed the spawns at A, and increased detailing around the point
  • At C, added a prop jump that leads to Blu's flank from Blu's main route
  • Added a medium health pack at red's escape route from B
  • At blu's last forward spawn, moved the resupply cabinets a bit further from the doors
  • At C, slightly raised a wall at Blu's main route, blocking a sightline onto the point if players jumped
  • Clipping Fixes
  • Improved Optimization
  • Other minor...

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a freakin' knight

L3: Member
Jul 6, 2019
a freakin' knight updated Forsaken Downpour with a new update entry:


- When B is capped, Blu first gets a force respawn to their current spawn location, which is now disabled (respawn trigger included).
Afterwards, their spawn location is changed to Red's first spawn.
At C, increased Red's respawn wave time from 6 to 7
Removed Blu's old forward spawn for when B is capped
  • Removed the bottom middle route at C
  • Made an additional escape route for red for when B is capped, and made it clearer that they are escape routes
  • Added a medium...

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a freakin' knight

L3: Member
Jul 6, 2019
a freakin' knight updated Forsaken Downpour with a new update entry:


  • At C, moved Red's right exit higher up
  • At A, reduced Red respawn wave time from 7.5 to 7
  • At A, fixed a sightline into Blu's spawn
  • At A, added a full health kit below the stairs that are behind the point, and added a small ammo pack near the point
  • At B, in the caves, turned the full ammo pack into a medium
  • Added a hand sign to the shutter next to A to indicate that it does not open by player contact
  • Changed the color of the lighting at B to a more brownish color...

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a freakin' knight

L3: Member
Jul 6, 2019
a freakin' knight updated Forsaken Downpour with a new update entry:


  • At C, fixed a sightline into Red's spawn
  • At B, extended the point's nobuild trigger
  • Fixed Blu's first forward spawn trigger not disabling when it needs to (The point of this is to stop people from respawning themselves instantly and just going to the new forward spawn, skipping the delay)
  • Minor detailing fixes
  • Clipping fixes

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