At A, added a pillar in the main route to use as cover
At B, the left route for Blu no longer leads to near Red's spawn, and instead leads to an angled opening as an alternative option for attacking the point
At B, added another stair case which leads to Red's highground, and increased the width of the old one
At B, added a small badwater-last-style indent at B for Red, moved the kits at the low ground into there and turned the small health kit into a medium, and the medium ammo into a large
At C, removed one of the paths that went around the tower and led up to the point, and added an alternative that favors Red
At C, added a path way that connects both of Red's spawns together
At C, at Blu's hub area, raised the thin wall to top, and added an extra line of pipes to block a sightline
At C, removed the pickups inside the tower. Moved the small health kit to Red's highground. Added a medium ammo pack next to the medium health kit on the lowground
At C, made the the sightline block inside the tower partially non see through, and adjusted its shape
Adjusted lighting at A to be whiter and brighter in most places
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