Epic just announced "Fortnite", basically minecraft without the blockiness


L4: Comfortable Member
Oct 14, 2009
Link here.

I for one think that the whole concept of bases in Minecraft mean "defending" your home is basically impossible *not* to do (torches + walls and ceiling + a farm = you CAN'T lose unless you decide to run outside and go hug a creeper), and this game could be a whole lot more interesting than Minecraft if they build the game from the ground up focusing more on the whole "defend the base and fight off mobs".


EDIT: On an entirely unrelated note, put a santa hat on your avatar! I made (ie edited) this for quick use (it's a santa hat with tranparent background, psd file).
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Mar 23, 2010
"Minecraft meets Left 4 Dead meets Team Fortress 2. That sounds like a good thing to me." - some comment

that would be awesome. i have never really liked an "epic game" so who knows. not really much info either...at least it's not a cover based shooter.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Funny how what is essentially just a tower defence game with a twist can be so entertaining. Way back when HL2 came out i briefly worked on a Zombie mod called HoldOut, which was essentially occupy a section of a map and... holdout against zombies. It was a hell of a lot of fun, it was a shame our lead coders quit to go to uni, the mod liquidated its materials into Zombie Panic in the end. Oh well.


&#128296 Grandmaster Lizard Wizard Jedi &#128296
Sep 5, 2009
Not a huge fan of the art style, but if the trailer is in anyway like the game (Scavenge, build, go against mobs that are actually scary as shit and out to kill you) then this looks like fun.


L4: Comfortable Member
Aug 23, 2009
Seems interesting. Looks fun, but if I could blow shit up at will with a lot of dynamite, this would be a day one purchase. At the very least, it looks fun to play, which is a godsend in the "Grr I'm a manly man who don't shit from no one, grr" stuff Epic usually puts out. Though I thoroughly enjoyed Bulletstorm, so I dunno.


L4: Comfortable Member
Oct 14, 2009
Seems interesting. Looks fun, but if I could blow shit up at will with a lot of dynamite, this would be a day one purchase. At the very least, it looks fun to play, which is a godsend in the "Grr I'm a manly man who don't shit from no one, grr" stuff Epic usually puts out. Though I thoroughly enjoyed Bulletstorm, so I dunno.

Have you hard of Red Faction:Guerrilla? It's basically a game where you have to use a hammer and explosives to blow the shit out of stuff, from the makers of Just Cause 2 - the weapons weren't really balanced or much like that, but it sure was fun to smash stuff, until you literally destroyed ALL the stuff, at which point the entirely hollow gameplay became insanely obvious and you basically wanted the game to hurry up and let you go to the next story mission, so you could go unlock more stuff to knock down.


Jul 14, 2009
By the way the first Red Faction was released in 2001 and already had the same destructible environment gimmick back then.

It doesn't actually add a lot of fun to the game still because physics engines still aren't good enough to properly do this sort of stuff. If anything it makes the level design needlessly complicated and unfocused. The AI can't deal with it either etc
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L4: Comfortable Member
Oct 14, 2009
By the way the first Red Faction was released in 2001 and already had the same destructible environment gimmick back then.

It doesn't actually add a lot of fun to the game still because physics engines still aren't good enough to properly do this sort of stuff. If anything it makes the level design needlessly complicated and unfocused. The AI can't deal with it either etc

Nah, The original Red Faction had destructible TERRAIN. RF:G has destructible BUILDINGS, which obey the rules of physics (ie you blow up everything on the ground floor, and everything above it will fall down).

Unfortunately, RF:G does not have destructible terrain. Pity, that.


L4: Comfortable Member
Oct 14, 2009
On a subject entirely unrelated to Red Faction:


Wow, no shit Sherlock, a game, all of which we know about it is that it's about being able to destroy the surrounding terrain and use the materials to build buildings, which you then hide in to avoid the monsters who start attacking you during night-time, is inspired by Minecraft? Who would ever have guessed?

In other news, I hear the USSR isn't doing so well.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
You know personally i would have thought it'd have been inspired more by RTS games like SC2's mission where you have to destroy the zerg infected towns and then defend your base at night. There is a similar tower defence concept mission in DoW2 Retribution where you have to hold an ammo dump from Ork aggressers for 20 mins or so, and another where you defend a vehicle from Tyranid aggressers for 20 mins.

Why is it "just because it can be built" or "they come at night" is it always related to MC. I'm pretty sure the Aliens in Aliens mostly came at night too, mostly.
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