Hello, attractive nerds of TF2Maps,
i decided to orphan some of my older projects that i kinda lost motivation on. All the maps are open to download and work on. Just let me know if you are doing something with it, because i'm interested in seeing how it turns out.

Game Mode: 3CP/KOTH hybrid
Development Stage: Alpha 9
Comments: Was tested and changed excessively, but still had enough problems that made me want to start over with it. Now, over half a year after planning to start over, i have to admit that i probably won't touch it again. I liked the gameplay of mid and the idea in general, i just don't see myself go back and work on it in any reasonable timeframe.
ZIP contains one custom texture and a bunch of instances, mostly for lamps.
Thread: https://tf2maps.net/threads/akuchi.27758/
Download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63071156/tf/orphans/cp_akuchi_a9_ressource.zip
Game Mode: Payload
Development Stage: Alpha 4
Comments: I still like this map. It has seen some good tests, and even though the difficulty spikes are still a bit off, it plays quite good. The problem is that i lost the vision of how i want to detail it, and which changes to the layout are still necessary. My heart is simply no longer in it, but i don't want to see it die, so it's up for grabs.
The map currently needs the Mayann Pack, but that should be kinda easy to remove, except for some rock formations.
Thread: https://tf2maps.net/threads/ascendant.29982/
Download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63071156/tf/orphans/pl_ascendant_a4_ressource.zip
i decided to orphan some of my older projects that i kinda lost motivation on. All the maps are open to download and work on. Just let me know if you are doing something with it, because i'm interested in seeing how it turns out.

Game Mode: 3CP/KOTH hybrid
Development Stage: Alpha 9
Comments: Was tested and changed excessively, but still had enough problems that made me want to start over with it. Now, over half a year after planning to start over, i have to admit that i probably won't touch it again. I liked the gameplay of mid and the idea in general, i just don't see myself go back and work on it in any reasonable timeframe.
ZIP contains one custom texture and a bunch of instances, mostly for lamps.
Thread: https://tf2maps.net/threads/akuchi.27758/
Download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63071156/tf/orphans/cp_akuchi_a9_ressource.zip

Game Mode: Payload
Development Stage: Alpha 4
Comments: I still like this map. It has seen some good tests, and even though the difficulty spikes are still a bit off, it plays quite good. The problem is that i lost the vision of how i want to detail it, and which changes to the layout are still necessary. My heart is simply no longer in it, but i don't want to see it die, so it's up for grabs.
The map currently needs the Mayann Pack, but that should be kinda easy to remove, except for some rock formations.
Thread: https://tf2maps.net/threads/ascendant.29982/
Download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63071156/tf/orphans/pl_ascendant_a4_ressource.zip