
KotH Distill a11


L3: Member
Sep 15, 2016
Distill - A downhill KotH map with various quirks, such as the two-story capture point

This map is a KotH map that goes downhill, and because of this there is a lot of cover walls to prevent sniper from being OP.

It also has a double decker capture zone. There is a sewer system under the point that will be expanded upon at a later date 'cuz I'm lazy.


Here's a few screenshots.

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L2: Junior Member
Aug 6, 2016
Are you working on something to nerf jumpers?
Because you can jump across literally the entire map with a sticky jumper.

Just clip a few buildings.


L3: Member
Sep 15, 2016
Are you working on something to nerf jumpers?
Because you can jump across literally the entire map with a sticky jumper.

Just clip a few buildings.

I don't see the problem with that... It's the same way on Harvest, Lakeside, Nucleus, Suijin, and Sawmill


Sep 1, 2013
I don't see the problem with that... It's the same way on Harvest, Lakeside, Nucleus, Suijin, and Sawmill

Harvest, Nucleus, Suijin, and Sawmill were first built as arena maps, where suiciding via sticky jumper is punished by no respawns. Lakeside has a yard after spawn before you can sticky jump across map. You technically have a yard between your spawn and the main battle area, but you can sticky jump right over the "divider".

In the long run this will cause big problems for the optimization anyway, as currently you have the whole map rendering from spawn to spawn. Even along the boring sniper alley.


edit: lmao, did you really put trigger_push on the tops of all buildings?
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L3: Member
Sep 15, 2016
Harvest, Nucleus, Suijin, and Sawmill were first built as arena maps, where suiciding via sticky jumper is punished by no respawns. Lakeside has a yard after spawn before you can sticky jump across map. You technically have a yard between your spawn and the main battle area, but you can sticky jump right over the "divider".

In the long run this will cause big problems for the optimization anyway, as currently you have the whole map rendering from spawn to spawn. Even along the boring sniper alley.


edit: lmao, did you really put trigger_push on the tops of all buildings?

Alright. Will fix in a later version. Also yes I did because I wanted Soldiers to not be able to stay up there and spam the enemy spawn, but I didn't originally want a playerclip. They boop you off if you try to stand on them.


L3: Member
Sep 15, 2016
Redid the design of the second floor of the watering hole huts so that it opens to the back and the side instead of the back and front. This means no more sniping across the map. Instead, the tops of the huts play a high ground role in the hillside area.



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L3: Member
Sep 15, 2016
The tops of the walls are no longer stupid and angled with trigger_push things. Instead, they are flat, and the large complex near each spawn is playerclipped.

Redid the second floor area of the complex. It now functions to provide access to a heightened viewpoint that gives an advantage to any team being spawncamped. NOTE: Snipers (and Heavies) are unable to reach this area, for obvious reasons.

Added a large crate and water barrel near the complex to completely get rid of the sniping alley once and for all. Good riddance.

The team-colored buildings near the point no longer have a door in the front, making the point less open Additionally, there are stacks of water barrels near the point and the pillar in the center is thicker, thus providing more cover.

Reduced the health/ammo pack spam in the water hole beside the point. Now contains one medium health pack and two medium ammo packs. The tunnel under the point now contains full health and ammo packs. It has also been nobuilded, so no more underwater turtle nests.

Added some "Capture Point " signs to make it more obvious that you can capture from the second level.

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L3: Member
Sep 15, 2016
The RED base has dirt instead of concrete, because the distillation facility is being constructed by BLU. The background behind the map is that Builder's League United decided to make a distillation plant in this area with a strangely high water table, and then Reliable Excavation Demolition decided they wanted to steal it for some reason. Probably to blow it up.

Oh and also there's a drain pipe directly under the large health and ammo that can pull you in and make it hard to swim up.

20170619015429_1.jpg 20170619015513_1.jpg 20170619015538_1.jpg

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L3: Member
Sep 15, 2016
  • Lowered point capture time from 12 seconds to 8 seconds
  • Widened capture area by 32 HU on all sides
  • Increased size of second level capture platform, but decreased the size of the cover
  • Split the second floor doorway of the point-side building into two doorways to open it up and fix the door glitch.
  • Widened the front of the wooden structure, shrank the back. This makes it easier to get into the structure without being targeted by enemies.
  • Shrank the side-tunnels of the underwater passages into small tunnels, since they were empty and not commonly used
  • Took out a wall on the second floor of the building complex near the spawns to further prevent spawncamping
  • Nerfed the clump of dynamite that was causing people to "randomly explode" near the beginning of rounds
  • Slightly reduced the strength of the succ tube
  • Combined some brushes
  • Fixed some textures
Fun fact: You can get all the way from one spawn to the other without touching the ground as the stock Scout.

It's 2 am and I'm tired so no screenshots.

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L3: Member
Sep 15, 2016
Big list o' changes

Now there's a big ol' dam, and an overlooking area behind the center building (with deathpit)
Redid mid building; stairs to second floor are now outside, second floor is open, building is less wide
Fenced in the whole map to look better and remove useless open space
Removed roof and cover on top of point
Added cargo loading area and flatbed truck w/ container in near-spawn building complex
Moved health and ammo inside the truck container, increased ammo from small to large
Removed weird useless second floor ramp and space near spawn
The medium pack shack is now a building on BLU side and a ramshackle shed on RED side.
Scooted large barrier prop and crates to the middle to remove sightline and change route from spawn
Moved a wall back to shrink useless alcove area
Added some barrels to fill space made by moving wall
Dynamite is now a box of dynamite.

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