
CP cp_millstone - 3CP attack/defence map b6

Jun 17, 2010
Teams get awarded with time when they cap the point - not before. It's a fight of the CP between 2 teams. If you can't cap this point, you deserve no bonus. The pit isn't that deadly. You can escape the spam (should there be any) or incoming pyro. Also this is a team fortress, not solo fortress. Not everyone should stand on the point. Some of the team should keep an eye for the exits where enemies come from. If everyone stands on the point capping it while enemies approach, you are doomed anyway. That point really isn't hard to take. Seriously.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
I'm sorry, but you said it yourself that it was a design flaw. Honestly, when you say that the point is how you want it, and it is still a design flaw, it doesn't show how good of a mapper you are or can be, nor are you able to show that you are taking feedback OR are at least willing to try. I had one person say that my arena didn't feel like arena, so i took a day redid the layout. People said they liked the other one better, so now I know that the orignal is better.

Maybe you should spend the about 15 minutes to fix that platform, make it wider and then test. This is what are for/should be used for.


Boomer by Sleep
May 4, 2010
Teams get awarded with time when they cap the point - not before. It's a fight of the CP between 2 teams. If you can't cap this point, you deserve no bonus. The pit isn't that deadly. You can escape the spam (should there be any) or incoming pyro. Also this is a team fortress, not solo fortress. Not everyone should stand on the point. Some of the team should keep an eye for the exits where enemies come from. If everyone stands on the point capping it while enemies approach, you are doomed anyway. That point really isn't hard to take. Seriously.

You ever noticed that when blue reaches top of badlands spire and start capping the point they get the height difference red used to have.

If teams fight their way to point and get on it and start capping they should be rewarded with somekind advance over enemy, something that won't prevent red from striking back ,but actually rewards team for getting trough enemy defence, this is what A lacks, even if they get on point past all defences they are middle of death pit, with a shack above their head and a lot of cover for red, it is really easy for red to do quick comeback and kill everyone on point with spam and airblasts and rebuild the defence.

Jun 17, 2010
First of all, it's a design flaw only looked from a certain aspect. A is like i designed now but if i make the platform bigger, it becomes a design flaw as there is no space done to it in the first place. For me, it looks fine as it is now.

I'm not saying i'm amazing mapper. I just said i have the basics at hand and i know how to use Hammer. I suck at certain areas of it but atleast i know more than average person. I'm taking feedback, which is why i do changes to the map. I won't do all because it's a point of view. Everyone has one and i have mine. I even have another point to A which is - leave it as it is now on _b6 and see how it plays out. That's what i'm doing now. If it's not enough, i'll consider doing it wider and another thing. I understand that you would make it differently for your point of view though.

What comes to height differences, i can name as many maps that do not have benefit for the capping team as you can name for the team that has one. I also did not want to do another map that follows the same pattern as all existing maps do.

This has been a usefull conversation. I've learned much reading these 5 pages through and i'll remember this when i release my next map.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
All I'm saying is that if you aren't that great as you say, I'm going to strongly reccomend that you listen to us and at least try some of our ideas, You pass off our feedback saying "this is how I like it." I'm not saying that if you like it that is bad, be proud in what you made, BUT what i'm saying is what is good for you, might not be good for map, or the rest. If you ignore our feedback, you can't get better.


L5: Dapper Member
Oct 9, 2009
If you ignore our feedback, you can't get better.

This rests on the assumption that all feedback is good feedback, which I think we can all agree isnt true. Regardless of if you actually follow the feedback ics, I think you need to be less quick to defend your map against any and all suggested problems. Let the feedback come in and use the useful stuff, dont try and disprove every statement that you disagree with.

Now I might be a bit of a hypocrite but I think this is a reasonable suggestion :p