KotH Clock Town 72


L3: Member
Apr 14, 2011
I got totally blindsided by other people and so never got it tested before submitting to the contest. Hopefully it's not an utter trainwreck (in either gameplay or packed content).

So the deal with this map is that it's based on Clock Town from Majora's Mask. This has two major implications:
  1. It's asymmetrical. In the planning phase I moved and resized things to ensure that both teams have about the same area to work with, but it's still unusual.
  2. There's an overall time limit. If neither team wins after a period of time, both clocks start counting down until someone does win. Practically this can't happen unless the point goes uncaptured for the first three minutes of the round.
I used env_screenoverlay to display the overall timer (like cp_snowplow does for the train health), so any issues from there will probably also be here - especially if it didn't get packed right. (It works for me when I rename the source folders to break the local links, but who knows.)
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L3: Member
Apr 14, 2011
Alrighty so. This got actually played by humans for the first time once the contest testing began. Gonna document some of the stuff I heard so I remember it for later, because while I do intend to improve it, I won't be doing so for a while.
  • Most common complaint is "flat". I can't disagree with this. Throughout the design process I kept trying to figure out "how can I add more height variation" and never really got anywhere (partly due to time). Now that it's actually been played though, I got a few ideas:
    • Open up some of the buildings' interiors (like Viaduct).
    • Take the existing height differences (ramps between sections etc) and scale them up.
  • A little too big. This irks me a bit because the unreleased A1 I believed was too small (comparing it to other KOTH maps), so I scaled everything up to 1.5x. Time will tell if anything gets done about this.
  • Someone said that BLU has an advantage in more cover. They do have all those fences in the West/North connector that RED doesn't have, so that might be the source of the comment. I think BLU having the advantage in North is okay if RED has a corresponding advantage in South - we'll see if that's actually present.
  • People seemed eager to have the moon actually land to see what happens. (For the record, it doesn't land, and unless neither team has capped in the whole 12 minutes it won't even reach that point.) The original plan for when time ran out was to have the moon crush everyone and end the map in stalemate, but I couldn't find a way to do that in KOTH.


Feb 7, 2008


L3: Member
Apr 14, 2011
Okay that does seem to work. It's clunky if the server decides to go to sudden death instead though, because immediately after the whole "prepare for stalemate" thing happens, you get shaking, ominous screentints, and 72,000,000 damage without the chance to fight the other team.

Also, another niggle I might as well bring up. Apparently, momentary_rot_buttons require quite a lot of time to get "spun up" and actually move at their stated speed, resulting in the clock tower being 9 "minutes" behind. I don't suppose there's anything I can do about that aside from setting the clock 9 minutes ahead on roundstart like I've done? I'm assuming I can't use a func_door_rotating because they can't be reset to initial position instantly (for the next loop) like m_r_bs can.