Can't Run Decompiled Stock Maps in Hammer


L1: Registered
Aug 12, 2022
Hello, I'm new to Hammer and I'm trying to get into map making, but I need some help solving a problem of mine.

I've tried running decompiled versions of Hoodoo and 2Fort in the Hammer Editor for test editing, but I'm running into major issues I don't understand. For 2Fort, Hammer's Alt-P function gives me 3 errors: 1) Entity [auto-logic] has bad I/O connection; 2) Entity keyvalue "position0" refers to a missing target; and 3) Entity keyvalue "position3" refers to a missing target. Plus,'s error searcher tells me that "vbsp is having a hard time figuring out your level, it seems to have found a part of your level that is infinite in size. This is, of course, invalid". For Hoodoo, both Hammer's compiler and's error searcher tell me that it exceeds the Brush Limit.

(Also, whenever I open 2Fort into the editor, it gives me a warning, stating "For your information, 1 solid(s) were not loaded due to errors in the file. Would you like to Re-Save your map with the invalid solids removed?", wherein I always click "No" as to not potentially break something further. While I'm not sure this is relevant information, I'm adding this here in case it might help.)

I haven't modified these maps at all; all I did was download the decompiled archives from here, unzipped the .vmf files, put them in the "Team Fortress 2\sourcesdk_content\tf\mapsrc" folder, opened them in the editor, and clicked the "Run Map" (F9) button. I also haven't touched the compiler's advanced settings; I just left them at default while adding a couple of "Additional Game Parameters" (-windowed -noborder -w 1920 -h 1080 -novid). The Valve Developer wiki says that VBSP's Brush limit is 65536 in one section, but also says it's 8192 in another. So if the limit is the former, how come I can't get these maps to run in Hammer? And if it's the latter, how come TF2 can run these maps if they exceed the Brush Limit?

AFAIK, TF2 cannot run maps bigger than 65536 Brushes because VBSP cannot compress maps with that many Brushes. 2Fort only has ~20k Brushes (I may be wrong), so there should be no issues with running it in Hammer, since it can be ran and played in-game perfectly fine while staying under the 65536 Brush Limit. But Hammer's compiler says Hoodoo has 66488 Brushes, yet the map can be played just fine in TF2. But I can't run either one in the Hammer Editor? So how are either of them playable in-game? It just doesn't make sense to me.

I'm kind of at my wits end, since I haven't found anyone else with this issue, and I'm not experienced enough with Hammer to fix this on my own. All I'm trying to do is edit and test pre-existing maps already in-game, but Hammer refuses to work with them and I don't know how to fix it without deleting large swathes of the map. Am I missing something? Did I not install something right? Is my folder structure correct? Were the files I downloaded messed up somehow? Am I not understanding how Brush Limits work?

Hammer's compiler error log (Hoodoo):
** Executing...
** Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\bin\vbsp.exe"
** Parameters: -game "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\sourcesdk_content\tf\mapsrc\pl_hoodoo_final_d.vmf"

Valve Software - vbsp.exe (Jul  7 2022)
8 threads
materialPath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\materials
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\sourcesdk_content\tf\mapsrc\pl_hoodoo_final_d.vmf
ConVarRef mat_reduceparticles doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Side 2
Texture: wood/wood_floor001

** Executing...
** Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\bin\vvis.exe"
** Parameters: -game "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\sourcesdk_content\tf\mapsrc\pl_hoodoo_final_d"

Valve Software - vvis.exe (Oct  2 2021)
8 threads
reading c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\sourcesdk_content\tf\mapsrc\pl_hoodoo_final_d.bsp
Error opening c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\sourcesdk_content\tf\mapsrc\pl_hoodoo_final_d.bsp

** Executing...
** Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\bin\vrad.exe"
** Parameters:  -game "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\sourcesdk_content\tf\mapsrc\pl_hoodoo_final_d"

Valve Software - vrad.exe SSE (Oct  2 2021)

      Valve Radiosity Simulator 
8 threads
[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
unknown light specifier type - lights

[56 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\sourcesdk_content\tf\mapsrc\pl_hoodoo_final_d.bsp
Error opening c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\sourcesdk_content\tf\mapsrc\pl_hoodoo_final_d.bsp

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\sourcesdk_content\tf\mapsrc\pl_hoodoo_final_d.bsp" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps\pl_hoodoo_final_d.bsp"

The command failed. Windows reported the error:
  "The system cannot find the file specified."

Hammer's complier error log (2Fort):
** Executing...
** Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\bin\vbsp.exe"
** Parameters: -game "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\sourcesdk_content\tf\mapsrc\ctf_2fort_d.vmf"

Valve Software - vbsp.exe (Jul  7 2022)
8 threads
materialPath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\materials
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\sourcesdk_content\tf\mapsrc\ctf_2fort_d.vmf
ConVarRef mat_reduceparticles doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Brush 20011: bounds out of range
Brush 20011: bounds out of range
Brush 20011: bounds out of range
Patching WVT material: maps/ctf_2fort_d/nature/blendgroundtogravel001_wvt_patch
Patching WVT material: maps/ctf_2fort_d/nature/blendgroundtograss001_wvt_patch
Patching WVT material: maps/ctf_2fort_d/nature/blendgroundtograss003_nodetail_wvt_patch
Patching WVT material: maps/ctf_2fort_d/nature/blendgroundtograss003_wvt_patch
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (1)
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 16392.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 16392.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 6144.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 16392.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 12288.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 16392.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 16392.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (3072.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (3072.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 16392.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 16392.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 16392.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (0.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 16384.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 16384.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 12288.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 15360.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (3072.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (3080.000000, 13312.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (3072.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 13312.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 13312.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (3080.000000, 12288.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 15360.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 14336.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (0.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 12288.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 16392.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 16392.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-2048.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-2048.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 16392.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 16392.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 16392.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-5120.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 16384.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 16384.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 15360.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-2048.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-2048.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 13312.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 13312.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 13312.000000, -65552.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 15360.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 14336.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-5120.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 12288.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 12288.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 6144.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 12288.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 12288.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (3072.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (3080.000000, 10240.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (3072.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 10240.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 10240.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (3080.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 12288.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 12288.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 12288.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 11264.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (0.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 6144.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 9216.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (3072.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (3080.000000, 7168.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (3072.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 7168.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 7168.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (3080.000000, 6144.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 9216.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 8192.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (0.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 6144.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 12288.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 12288.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-2048.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-2048.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 10240.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 10240.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 10240.000000, -65552.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 12288.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 12288.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 12288.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 11264.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-5120.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 9216.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-2048.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-2048.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 7168.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 7168.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 6144.000000, -65552.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 9216.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-3072.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 8192.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-5120.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-4096.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 6144.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 16392.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 12288.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 16392.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 16392.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-7168.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-7168.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 16392.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 16392.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 16392.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-10240.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 16384.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 16384.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 12288.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 15360.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-7168.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-7168.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 13312.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 13312.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 13312.000000, -65552.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 15360.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 14336.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-10240.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 12288.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 16392.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 16392.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 16392.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 16392.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-13312.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 15360.000000, -65552.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 14336.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-13312.000000, 14336.000000, -65552.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 14336.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 14336.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 14336.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-13312.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 13312.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 13312.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 16392.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 16392.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 16392.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16384.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 16384.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 16384.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 16384.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 15360.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 15360.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 15360.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 12288.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 14336.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 14336.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16384.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 13312.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 12288.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 12288.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 12288.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 12288.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-7168.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-7168.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 10240.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 10240.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 10240.000000, -65552.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 12288.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 12288.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 12288.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 11264.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-10240.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 9216.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-7168.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-7168.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 7168.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 7168.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 7168.000000, -65552.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 9216.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-8192.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 8192.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-10240.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-9216.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 6144.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 12288.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 12288.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 12288.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 12288.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 11264.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-13312.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 12288.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 12288.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 12288.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 11264.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 11264.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16384.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 10240.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 9216.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 9216.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 9216.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-11264.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 8192.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-13312.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-12288.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 6144.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 9216.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 9216.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-14336.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 8192.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 8192.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16384.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-15360.000000, 7168.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 6144.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-16392.000000, 6144.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, -5128.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-6144.000000, 6144.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 0.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 6144.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 3072.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 6144.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (3072.000000, 5120.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 5120.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 5120.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (3080.000000, 4096.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (3072.000000, 4096.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 4096.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 4096.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (3080.000000, 3072.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 4096.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 4096.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 6144.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 5120.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 5120.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (1024.000000, 6144.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 6144.000000, 1872.000000))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (-1024.000000, 5120.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: <NO BRUSH>, near (2048.000000, 4096.000000, -65535.996094))
WARNING: BSP node with unbounded volume (material: wood/wood_wall003, near (1024.000000, 5120.000000, 1872.000000))

** Executing...
** Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\bin\vvis.exe"
** Parameters: -game "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\sourcesdk_content\tf\mapsrc\ctf_2fort_d"

Valve Software - vvis.exe (Oct  2 2021)
8 threads
reading c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\sourcesdk_content\tf\mapsrc\ctf_2fort_d.bsp
Error opening c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\sourcesdk_content\tf\mapsrc\ctf_2fort_d.bsp

** Executing...
** Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\bin\vrad.exe"
** Parameters:  -game "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\sourcesdk_content\tf\mapsrc\ctf_2fort_d"

Valve Software - vrad.exe SSE (Oct  2 2021)

      Valve Radiosity Simulator 
8 threads
[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
unknown light specifier type - lights

[56 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\sourcesdk_content\tf\mapsrc\ctf_2fort_d.bsp
Error opening c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\sourcesdk_content\tf\mapsrc\ctf_2fort_d.bsp

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\sourcesdk_content\tf\mapsrc\ctf_2fort_d.bsp" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps\ctf_2fort_d.bsp"

The command failed. Windows reported the error:
  "The system cannot find the file specified."
Last edited:


L3: Member
Mar 13, 2021
One thing you should know is that decompilation has a lot of issues and the results of a decompile aren't 100% accurate to the original VMF. This creates some of the issues you see with the broken brushes. A lot of work needs to be done to fix up the decompiles. I don't think the decompiles on the website even have overlays in them. To be honest working with decompiles is a massive pain which is why we usually just say "use these for reference."

In the Hoodoo compile you're hitting the brushsides limit. This is separate to the brush limit. Brushsides counts the sides of each brush plus the sides of the axis oriented bounding box of the brush (assuming one of the sides isn't already flush and parallel with the bounding box). Many mappers get around this by by putting parts of their map into instances as for some reason this removes the bounding box brush side count. Note that not every entity is compatible with instances and those that don't will have unintended behavior. Many mappers also convert detail brushes into props since details usually add the most to brushsides. Some people use Propper for this.

The 2fort compile seems to be failing due to several broken brushes. This can kind of be solved by following the parts of the coordinates that actually make sense (i.e. don't go past +/-65535 which is past the world boundary) . You can also use the face edit sheet and try to mark the faces with the texture listed after "material:" if that's available. Lastly you can try doing cordon compiles of half of the map and seeing if it compiles. If it does, the broken brush isn't in that cordon. You can move the cordon to a spot you haven't tested and see if the brush is there. Eventually you can narrow down the broken brush.

I'm not sure if there are better decompiles out there.

But yeah, since you're a beginner mapper I would avoid trying to go through the hassle of fixing up mostly broken decompiled vmfs. Even experienced mappers have a lot of issues trying to get them to work for rethemes/joke edits.