
CP bridges b4

Apr 14, 2013
A standard A/D gorge-like map with 3 control points, located in the middle of nowhere, 249 miles south-east of Hydro. made originally for the 10th contest.

Current version b4


Workshop link- Subsribe!

How 2 update pics?

Doors and some nessecary parts of the gametype logic: A Boojum Snark
Lights based on Ravidge's lighting library
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Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
Allways give ingame screens if you have a map download. People wont bother a download if they dont know what to expect. Even just 2 screenshots can do alot if you show the most interesting spot and an overview screen. But more is better usualy.

If its just planning and there are no ingame screenshots, hammer screenshots or drawings will do fine.

EDIT: On a side note, im aware you have it for an imp which is probably why there are no screens. But when you get the chance add them. People who dont play in those imps otherwise still dont know what they get. And not to mention that there allways could be a random person looking at the thread.
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Apr 14, 2013
A2 incoming!



(Accidentally making all my textures unlit isn't called "theme", right?...)
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Apr 14, 2013
So the stairs to the bottom bridge below B were doing that, I have no idea how.
(that is something really wierd. It was just some clipped stairs, without any extreme brushwork or strange shape, unlike point C, which I originally suspected it to be the cause of the lighting error. amazing how such a small thing can cause that much trouble.) I made some ramps instead, and now it works!
Expect a2 very soon.
Apr 14, 2013
One of the most importatnt things I've learned from my map cp_grain (my first "real" released map) is NOT to make really steep slopes. So I made a really steep slope for my map...

...But unlike the slope on cp_grain, that gave BLU the height advantage, and by that made the point at the edge of it very easy to cap ("free point"), the one in cp_bridges seems to work better, giving the RED the height advantage. But then again, since the first point (A) is 384 units higher than the BLU spawn (for reference, the roof above badwater's 2nd point is 320 units high, and the balcony on the middle tower in plr_hightower is 376 units above the elevators' area), BLU has a huge disadvantage.

To try and make it more fair, I added a small flat area right in front of the spawn doors, so the BLU team will not have to start the steep climb right after they exit out of spawn. the slope's cover had also been optimized, to give BLU exits more cover. I also added 2 small health pickups and one medium ammopack, in places that will help the BLU team, or make the RED team go downwards, away from the safe area at the top, making them more vunerable.

A3 released

-fixed the problems from the [gameday]
-small things
-found out that stairs made out of brushes, set around the area of 2nd (B) break vrad completely. Good luck, detailers!

Apr 14, 2013

-changed the spawnpoints' placement in BLU's 1st spawn
-made the RED "spam rock" right out of the hanging tunnel thing into a small building
-changed size and shape of the shared spawn
-new route to the balcony overlooking 2nd (B)
-new route towards 3rd (C), from the "loading dock" behind RED's facility
-closed the route from the bottom bridge directly to the "ring" around 3rd (C). you will have to walk through -the upper floor of the facility


known issues:
1) There is a small part of the cliff brush coming out of the floor in the building leading to the ramps in B. it does no harm, but looks bad.
2) There should be small health and medium ammo in the "loading dock" area, I forgot to add them.
Apr 14, 2013

-finnally fixed clipping on ALL staircases
-added more cover around 2nd (B)
-unnoticable fix- the 3rd cp is now an actual circle, and not sightly eliptic (2 units)
-lowered the 3rd cp to be at ground level
-new route into 3rd
-more health and ammo fir 3rd attackers
-fixed some general stuff from the imp


also works with bots! DOWNLOAD NAVIGATION MESH!


L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 18, 2010
Looks pretty good.

-Clean & tidy
-Interesting design
-good looking all together

-Dev textures (I suppose its in wip stages so yeah)
-Really dark spots, needs more lighting (Again i take this as wip)

Good luck with the map!
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Apr 14, 2013
-Dev textures (I suppose its in wip stages so yeah)
Good luck with the map!

The map is for the 1st part of the 10th contest, so it shouldn't have detail in it. Textures count as detail, so I have to leave it in dev textures (altough I agree with you, dev textures are not so pretty, and I will be happy to remove them as soon as the 2nd part of the contest starts)
Apr 14, 2013
This map's vesion (A5) was played 12 times during imps and gameday, and it has a perfect 50/50 win/loose ratio! so I had to make a new version to ruin it on porpuse...

...Hammer knew it's a bad idea, so he tried to prevent it by causing unexplained leaks between two visleaves (inside the map), that had no areaportals around them, and blamed some random inocent brush (Hammer's fault), but I just remade it, and he stopped.

a5b released
-widened A area, and enlarged A itself
-some small changes and fixes (mainly: no more building in common spawn, no more huge clipping holes (I think no one noticed it, but some of the roofs between A and B were accidentaly accessible), no more capping B through the windows, no more spycrabbing along the hydro traffic barrier next to B, and more)
-more fencing along the cliff in B area
-new bottom route from the lower bridge to C, that can be usefull if the whole "ring" surrounding C is sentry-infested
-healthpack & ammopack changes

DOWNLOAD! IT"S THE FINAL VERSION (for this part of the contest)
Apr 14, 2013
I'm sorry for that. I made a terribly built map. I got myself into lots of trouble detailing this (and still get into trouble). I personally ended up ctrl+shift+B'ing (aligning everything) to a 8 unit grid, sitting for a few hours fixing areaportal leaks and aligning errors. I'd have post here the new better aligned vmf but sadly it'd be considered cheating... again, I'm sorry.


Gone and one day forgotten
Mar 11, 2013
Hey, did you make the water texture? If you did could you please release it i'd love to use it for the 72 hour contest.


L1: Registered
Dec 21, 2013
The lighting in this map is incredibly sexy. Mmmmmm...