
Mar 23, 2010
there a slight hole in the floor in front of blue spawn in 2-1 at the bottom of wooden door frame, the one infront of the 2 shutter doors.-snip-

Also people shadows were coming through the wall behind point 1-1-snip-

and i'd say the sight line over the water from points 2-1 to 2-2 is too long, sniper was dominating the left route to 2-2

yay. im in those pics.

also, move the fence on stage 2 to the other side or do something with the doors to the right. people get confused and go back to stage 1.


Jul 31, 2009
I actually made stage 2 with Hydro in mind, but I suppose it is like Spillway. But then again, I loved spillway :D


L2: Junior Member
Nov 1, 2009
Just played a round or two on your map, i think it has allot of potential, but i think right now it mainly needs more side routs and some other tweaks. These are the things i noticed....


Here i think you need a red arrow pointing away from the doors because i though that we were locked in spawn while the server was waiting for players.


Here i think you need to lower the ledge or place a prop to hop on below it, it seems like it is exactly the maximum jump height and i needed to get directly up against it to crouch jump onto it.



Getting closer and farther from this window caused some issues.



You need railings or some kind of buffer here because as a pyro i got a few kills just pushing people off the points without any trouble. Also on the top pic i could camp that corner and only use one airblast to push people off so maybe you could move the exit farther from the cliff.

My last thing would be cap times were extremely short, other than the last cap on stage 3 there were 3-6 capping at a time and we had no time to react.

Im excited to see how this one turns out :).


Jul 31, 2009
I've already fixed the winodw (I think). I will be adding railings to the point and that platform and I will add a no-entry door over the setupgates that will be disabled for round 2.

I've fixed being able to into stage 1 during stage 2.

As suggested earlier today, I think I'm going to play around with 2-2, possibly making the point lower down and making it so blue can get to it from the water.


The "raw" in "nodraw"
Jun 1, 2009
hi there
haven't played the map, but I couldn't help but notice the filesize is unnecessary higher than it should. you see aly, you don't need to include a vtf for these 2 scrolling textures (you know which ones I'm talkin about). you can use the vtf included in the gcf instead.
the correct shader parameter would be: "$baseTexture" "models\props_forest/waterfall001"

forcing people to download textures they already have is BAD!
it's only 300kb but it's something you should consider anyways. professionalism you know...


Blu Hatte, Greyscale Backdrop.
Dec 28, 2008
Had a wee run through, rather liked the layout. I <3 Stage 3 tho :3

Why don't you turn this into one corridor? The 3 doors seem kinda useless.

I found this area quite dark ingame

Weird Window bug thing.



L9: Fashionable Member
Jul 9, 2008
i was impressed by a good start of this map. Some say its a remake of some other map still i think i havent played it. Anyways waiting for next versions that hopefully will bring more detailing and less "i can jumo from A to B with demoman" and "i can build dispences down in nowhere" competitions :D


Jul 31, 2009
A2 Released!

Added construction on 2-2's bridge as height advantage for attackers and defenders
Added more cover on 2-2
Added a staircase from the water up to 2-3
Mover 2-3 closer to attackers
Removed buggy windot, I couldn't fix it.
Added another one-way path for attackers to 1-2
Fixed clipping issues, especially at 1-2
Added railings on 3-2 and the platform in the same area (with the healthpack)

Download and screenshots updated in the original post.


Jan 6, 2008
Sorry for forgetting to post feedback from the last test. It's not so fresh in my memory anymore, but here's what I thought of each stage:

Stage 1 seemed a little bit short, at least from point 1 to point 2. We just roller right on to point 2 which appeared to be very hard to defend. It's a good layout but it needs to be longer and/or have better advantages for RED to defend.

I can't say much about stage 2 because I was AFK for a little while on it. :p But I like the theme! Just make that bridge a little higher, my vision clipped through it while I was under it.

Stage 3 is my favorite, probably the best designed. There's, however, a tunnel from point 1 to point 2 that's really long and straight, do something about that. Also, the final point should probably have some degree of spytech or secret base look to it, but its layout is fine.


Jul 31, 2009
I hereby call all rights and lawyers to use the Australium models, signs and idea as the central idea for this map.

From this day forth, this map shall be known as THE australium map, and all that come after it fail.

Even if valve had plans for it, they didn't count on an australian map already being in development.

Now the map has to include spytech too. I hope you're all happy.
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