Sill alive, I managed to escape the assassin’s grasp because of a curious golden object I found in the level.
I appreciate the attention. Sorry for the let down, especially to Alia and jondo for taking so much personal time over skype to give me feedback and ideas as well as assets. I'd like to apologize to everyone who frequented our thread here to give criticism and to Gooba for the paintovers when he could have been working on his own map.
The last two weeks have been rough: overtime at work, over the past few days I've been getting sick, yesterday the full blown thing hit me like s sledgehammer to the face while I was at work. I never gave up on the map. In fact, from the first post on this thread to the last one I worked on my artpass entry every night and every weekend day except one . I was still working this morning down to my 4 am deadline. I hunted down log errors and the like, but like the last Source level that I did, it decided to get cranky and not build right at the end, though I'd been building daily from the start. I reverted to a backup a few backups back and tried to build. 3:50 am. Unfinished version of the map. Fever, sore thought. Tried to pack up the assets. Problems. You know, the normal stuff. So the deadline came and went and I went to bed. And woke up feeling even sicker.
Not an excuse, but a story of how things went.
The theme has alot more to offer than the crude makeover that I've done.
So, the assets were planned to be released anyway so that will be forthcoming so any of you can try your hand at the theme. I plan on my own custom level using this theme in the near future.