Anti-capitalism, pro Icing


Comfortably mediocre
Dec 21, 2010
I think that socialism is harder to explain than capitalism. Capitalism is basically to let everything burn and see who comes out alive, while socialism is based on structure, Equality, cooperation and trust.

Of course, the "rules" is what makes capitalism pretty sturdy, while socialism can be broken.

One should ask oneself if he prefers something vicious and sturdy, or something fragile and brilliant (I couldn't find a good neutral word for that :c).
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Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
I appreciate Maher's views on some things, but the dude is sometimes very wrong. Such as here, where he defends SOPA. That shit is disgusting. (Thank god there were 3 other people on his show who weren't as big of idiots as him.)


Sure, i'm a massive fan of Bill Maher and don't agree with everything he believes either, but i think he's an honest man, which is more than i can say for most. He confessed he's never even read the bill and has only judged it on presumptions, it then doesn't surprise me that his impression is completely inaccurate of the reality of the situation. He doesn't understand the innovation that occurs on the internet, the extent of the bill's grasp or the consequences of attempting to control the net with said bill.

He hasn't told the panel what the bill is, he's asking what it is because he understands that he doesn't understand it fully. He only stated that he doesn't support piracy, which most of us would agree with if push came to shove, not that he supports the bill.
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Oct 6, 2008
Oh My - You maen that I might be able to do a HUGE rant here on the pros and cons of capitalisim/ socialism / communisim? hahahaha oh This IS My lucky Day! YAHOOOO. I'll get to work on something then post it later!

In the meantime this gives me a great idea! Anyone want to make a map based on this premis?

Blue team (The screwers) - Represents all the

Investment Bankers, Hedge Funds Managers, Corporate CEOS and the rest of the 1 % that are screwing you left, right and center plus a number of places you could never thought you could get screwed in.

Red team (The Screwees) - Represents you

Pay load map - payload is a large $ that rotates and starts in a red pocket - blue steals the money and takes it down the path on the road of life to put it into blue's pocket.

As the cart is pushed you hear the snappy little tune, "Hands in your pocket, hands in your pocket, hands in your pocket."