Cut him some slack, he´s done well in borax and for an alpha this looks very promising
An earlier, more rudimental release would have sureley been more suiting for a complicated setup as he has, just to get the glitches out, rather the having to hotfix the first alpha.... but who am i to judge
I like the idea taking it to a haunted mansion level, i like eerieness
Why not open up a new scenario
tf2 is always spytech + maptheme , as long as he covers the spytech at some point, i´m fine
i well appreciate him trying something new on the theme, i wouldn´t be keen seeing this become a desertmap.
Let him experiment
You´ve protested against the watermine, he changed that, now you protest against everything, that´s not the way to go.
Give tips, don´t bash it to the ground.