
CP Altitude B6

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Jun 28, 2017
Altitude - Skiway

Linear 3cp Attack/Defend with a focus on unique set pieces and verticality. Made for the Rule of Threes Minor/Major Contest.
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Jun 28, 2017
  • Eliminated middle section of low route on B; low route now only grants access to the basement rather than allowing players to cross directly to the other side of the point

  • Added a plank and small health to window above B

  • Added cover to yard area in front of the silo between A & B

  • Reduced length of silo platform

  • Fixed an unintended sightline on last

  • Lighting adjustments

  • Clipping fixes

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Jun 28, 2017
  • Mirrored and rotated A

  • Redesigned routes from A to B

  • Various changes to structures around A to accommodate new orientation/routes

  • Relocated Blu second and third spawns

  • Adjusted pickups on A

  • Added snow piles to B building roof

  • Added a plank route up to silo/shack on B

  • Changed ammo in B basement from medium to small

  • Added door to right side staircase route to C that opens after B is capped

  • Right side staircase route now connects to upper level of C lobby

  • Added/adjusted cover on C

  • Replaced opaque doors on Red final spawn with windowed doors

  • Lighting adjustments

  • Clipping adjustments

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Jun 28, 2017
  • Decreased capture time on A & B

  • Decreased Red respawn time on A

  • Decreased Blu respawn time on B

  • Increased Red respawn time on B & C
  • Widened left side route on A
  • Expanded A point building

    • Widened doorways

    • Added high ground route to left side of A-B connector

    • Added window overlooking A-B basement route doorway
  • Removed stairs from B to high ground overlooking A-B connector

    • Extended platform to overlook cliff side of B point building
  • Adjusted position of A-B basement route

    • Added cover/height to B-side doorway

    • Added small health & ammo
  • Added route from silo building to interior of B point building
  • Removed plank route up to silo/shack

  • Removed clipping on roof of B point building

  • Rotated position of windows above B point building

  • Added medium health & ammo to base of silo near B point building

  • Added door in C upper lobby that opens after B is capped

  • Removed door on C staircase route

  • Added small health and ammo to C staircase

  • Adjusted cover on C

  • Extended length of C cap zone

  • Removed handrails on C bridges

  • Added more signs
  • Clipping adjustments

  • Optimization improvements

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Jun 28, 2017
  • Changed small roof beside A to provide better cover and visibility for players on the point

  • Added snow piles to A shack roofs

  • Adjusted cover on cliff overlooking Blu first spawn to limit sightlines

  • Lowered B point roof by 64 units

  • Removed dropdown/tunnel route into B building

  • Adjusted cover in B building

  • Adjusted pickups around B

  • Adjusted position of Red’s first spawn

  • Added an secondary exit to Red’s first spawn

  • Red’s first spawn now remains active until B is capped

  • Removed cliffside staircase route to C

  • Redesigned C

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Jun 28, 2017
  • Adjusted position of open window on A right side flank
  • Changed shape of roof next to silo on B to make it more difficult for Red to access and hold

  • Moved medium health and ammo near silo closer to the A-B connector

  • Widened main entrance to B point building

  • Removed some cover in B building

  • Removed left side entrance to B basement

  • Increased Red respawn time on B

  • Lighting adjustments

  • Clipping adjustments

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Jun 28, 2017
  • Increased Red respawn time on A and C

  • Decreased Red respawn time on B

  • Added a staircase on B connecting the left side of roof to the main floor

  • Redesigned B main floor and basement to accommodate the new staircase

  • Added cover on C

  • Lighting adjustments

  • Clipping adjustments

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L1: Registered
Dec 15, 2020
Map is great :)

I think I've found little bug in the latest version.
It seems that 1st RED spawn is little broken. It is opened even if BLU capped 2nd point.
Spawn was empty and the doors closed after I walked into spawn and I left it


Jun 28, 2017
  • Reduced capture time on B and C

  • Increased Red respawn time on B

  • Moved Blu second spawn closer to B

  • Added a window connecting the upper and lower routes in A building

  • Removed a rock near the cliff on B

  • Widened doorways in shed near silo

  • Added a dropdown to flank below silo

  • Moved medium health and ammo below silo closer to the cliff

  • Moved left side doorway in C upper lobby

  • Made platform at the base of C staircase flank a dropdown

  • Lighting adjustments

  • Clipping adjustments

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Jun 28, 2017
  • Increased Blu respawn time on B

  • Decreased Red respawn time on A and B

  • Added a new entrance to the right side of the main A building

  • Blocked right side route on A that allowed Blu to bypass the point

  • Removed a door from the A-B basement route and connected it to the right side flank

  • Door in the A-B basement route now closes after B is capped

  • Adjusted cover in left side building on A

  • Removed some walls in the A-B connector

  • Changed dropdown flank on the A-B connector to a staircase

  • Expanded the B cap zone

  • Added trusses to the B ceiling that provide cover from the upper window

  • Added a one-way window in Red’s first spawn

  • Fixed a bug where Red’s first spawn doors would stay open when the spawn was inactive

  • Added a door to the lower route between B and C that opens after B is capped

  • Reverted dropdown on C cliff flank to a staircase

  • Adjusted cover around the point on C

  • Expanded Red’s high ground on C

  • Adjusted various pickups

  • Lighting adjustments

  • Clipping adjustments

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L1: Registered
Dec 15, 2020
We updated altitude to v a9 on our community and we've played it some times already :)

I got feedback from some people that the re-spawn time for RED on the last point is bit long what makes the last point difficult to defend

And something from me:
You can enter (as RED) first RED spawn after 2nd control point is capped. Just use back doors

P.S We wait for next updates :)


Jun 28, 2017
  • Began art pass

  • Adjusted orientation of doorways in A point building

  • Removed staircase up to right side of A point building

  • Replaced window in A point building with a dropdown

  • Adjusted position of Blu’s second spawn

  • Changed shape of roof near silo to be accessible to all classes from either side

  • Increased length of silo platform

  • Closed off right side balcony on C

  • Lowered balcony and upper lobbies on C by 64 hu

  • Added a staircase connecting the upper left side route to the lower route on C

  • Reduced the width of C cap zone

  • Extended cover beside the C cap zone

  • Split entrance to room beside the C cap zone into two smaller doorways

  • Adjusted routing in Red’s final spawn

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Red to enter their first spawn after it had been disabled

  • Optimization

  • Clipping

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Jun 28, 2017
  • Continued art pass

  • Various pickup adjustments

  • Decreased cap time on A

  • Increased cap time on B & C

  • Increased delay before Blu’s second spawn enables after capping A

  • Removed misleading ledge on B cliff

  • Changed roof of shack on B to limit sniper head peak angle

  • Added staircase up to right side balcony on C

  • Raised and widened cliff on C

  • Fixed broken areaportal in Blu’s first spawn

  • Fixed func_respawnroom not covering all of Blu’s third spawn

  • Lighting improvements

  • Optimization

  • Clipping

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everyone back to the base

L1: Registered
Jul 10, 2021
had the fortunality to playtest this map about a month ago. must admit so far it's one of my personal favorite maps ive playtested. the theme, scenery, and its generally good gameplay combine to make it a really good valve level map.
Mar 23, 2010
I think this is a fantastic map that has become a bit overtuned and solidifed where it plays the same way everytime. The battle for the B roof and the high entrance on C (banana) are so vital to hold and everything else has become irrelevant, more or less. As red or blu, I find myself doing the same things everytime.


Once I take this roof that I'm standing on as blu, red has very few options except an uber to not have B be taken immediately after. They can hold to the left of my aimer, behind the shack on top of roof, but they have already lost. I don't feel a very healthy push and pull dynamic with this roof I'm standing on pooping on everything that shows its face. Hell, you even get to spam down into where you can see the hay and it's wide enough that you can hide from people down there too. I think this little roof might be fine if....



red could hold better back here! I like this new lil sentry spot, but what if it was a big, good sentry spot that covered more angles? I think it would help if red had a staircase to lower B behind me, and this was expanded to be more of a sentry spot. Blu has the whole roof to work with and there would be a bit more fighting around the point and fighting over roof rather than "lose small roof and then lose main roof cause of small hp shortcut then lose" I would cut off this small hp route completely if you ask me, completely overkill for B point lower area. I tried to draw a bit of what I mean in the next screenshot.



I can see why you'd nerf these low ground flanks, but I miss when they connected and actually had a use other than "I gotta get the health oh i guess this route is closer to point" (both reds low ground health and blu's deathpit bait health. I think if there was a stronger hold spot (red sketch) then you could have a relevant lower flank (orange sketch). my sketch was better before the site made me delete all my images!!


I think attacking on C is great, but like other people have said, defending is not.


holy shit am i bored of playing around this tiny-ass lobby. It's completely unholdable for red, you have no shot at stopping blu from getting to the high ground access at all. These computers in the middle give blu an amazing sentry spot but it makes the whole thing cramped and doesn't seem to block any sightlines. Consider opening up this area a lot more so there is an incentive for red to do something other than hold the upper banana, because everytime I flank through the lower lobby, I get completely stuffed out. Lastly, consider moving the entrances around so that red has a chance to defend access to blu's holdable spots/dropdowns.



I really like this low ground at C, but it leads into upper lobby and futher cramps it up by everything leading in there, and thats the only place it goes? I get it, upper lobby is supposed to be holdable for blu, red is supposed to flank around it through lower lobby and such. Consider, connecting this to lower lobby instead of upper lobby. Would make C point area feel slightly less rectangular as well. It's a very strong, wide flank, so there should be a way for red to hold or watch it from either lower main or upper lobby (i drew upper lobby whichs looks OP)

I wouldn't even say C needs a forward hold dynamic completely, just somewhere to go that isnt completely stuffed out by upper lobby. Personally, I'd like for upper lobby to be a place that red could hold lower lobby by maybe taking out the back walls so you can poop on lower lobby while still vulnerable to another blu route, maybe a dropdown if you want.

A point I think is absolutely perfect though. I think this map is fantastic but you are being a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to flow. Maybe its better this way and would function competitively better, but as a pubber, I would appreciate a bit more of variety of stuff I can do that works on this map. Feel free to dm me if you want me to clarify anything.


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