72hr Mapping Contest #4 - Prelim Voting!

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Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
<72hr Mapping Contest #4 - Preliminary Voting!>

And with the conclusion of the 72 hours of mapping toil, 23 entries emerge! That means that we'll be having a Preliminary vote!


After you have played the maps, you will then choose between 5 to 10 of your favorite maps, and post them below. They do not need be in any specific order. For your vote to count, there must be at least 5 maps, anything more than 10, the first 10 listed will be chosen. Each vote counts as 1 vote. At the end of the Preliminary Voting round, I will tally the votes. The top 10 maps with the most votes will move through to the final voting. The more votes a map receives, the better the chance of moving through. Final voting will occur after the preliminary voting has occured.

The voting will be open until Wednesday, July 3rd at 12 Noon, EST.
You can adjust your votes as you wish at any point before the above date.

Please leave this thread for voting ONLY. Any discussion should be done in the main contest thread

If you find any server crashing bugs, feel that someone may have cheated by copying from another map or anything that might be against the rules, please PM me on the forums immediately so I can review the situation. I have checked all of the maps, and none appear to be grounds for disqualifications, but being of the human variety, I can be wrong.

<Preliminary Maps>


For individual downloads, please go to this thread
For the entire map pack, please go to this link (dropbox ~112MB)
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Mar 23, 2010

still have a few more to play
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L666: ])oo]v[
Jul 22, 2009
cp_nightwatch because double bridges is something i've wanted to make myself but never got around to it
cp_bladend64 because it's just neat tho castles in the sand aint no sandcastles
koth_player because he clearly plays my maps or at least one of them
ctf_tmp because i could unleash my invite engy skill on this map
cp_prestige because the unique gameplay features also facilitated the marvellous display of my engineering capabilities
will add more later
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Nov 6, 2011

i'll update as i go and play more maps
also is koth_player part of the contest?? it isn't in the list in the OP so that is confusing


L1: Registered
Jun 12, 2011
1. cp_bladend64_72
2. cp_fish_72
3. sd_vacon_72
4. cp_pdt_72
5. pl_icecrystal_72
6. ctf_tmp_72


Finisher of Maps
Oct 29, 2010

I shall add more once I have decided


resident homo
Dec 27, 2012
cp_bladend64_72 for the tree
cp_pdt_72 for amazingness
cp_dark_72 ilikedhowbaditwas

Add more later maybe.


I'm so happy :D
Dec 21, 2010
I implore you to actually get out there and test a lot of maps. The ones that seem to go again and again appears to be the ones that got tonnes of tests in the middle of the building period.

My judging process:
Primarily intuition and "feel" really, but what automatically affects my judgement is the scale, if the map looks "presentable", if the amount of routes allow having a frontline without being too chokey, and generally whether it feels like there is actually a fight going on.

My picks:
cp_nightwatch_72 Might be my favorite. This 5 cp map appears to be built on competitive principles, and does so pretty darn well given the time we've had at our disposal. It's not problemfree tho. Sometimes the climbable roofs are hard to tell from the clipped roofs, some choridors and the like turns in weird fashions and the map lacks directions to function properly as a competitive map. Still a very good 72hr map.
cp_prestige_72 Not much to say here. It was a fairly fun map with a layout that offered challenge, variation and overview.
koth_player_72_2 One of the few maps i've actually enjoyed thus far. It has some vertical combat which is on the verge of being really interesting. Still needs work tho, especially considering that it is sometimes easier to attack the enemy spawn than the control point. We didn't get around testing this with more than 8 persons either, so my judgement may be flawed on that point.
cp_bladend64_72 While i find this map quite annoying to play because of things like pushing water and the difficulty of attacking the last point, there's no denying that the idea is promising, and could turn into the first of a fine multi-stage map after a little refinement.
ddom_trotim_72_3_fixa daring project with an unorthodox gamemode, this map has some pretty neat base aesthetics and a challenging objective. The points manage to be so much different from each others, while still appearing equally difficult to conquer. I find that this map/gamemode/whatever has enough potential to be picked up.
sd_vacon_72 This map was quite intense and entertaining - much more so than i had expected, and even tho there are some doors placements that are under heavy abuse right now, there is some promise in this map.

Thoughts on other maps:
cp_crash_72 Way too large, and lacks the "feel" of a proper tf2 layout. Quite a shame since it's an impresive amount of work, especially considering that you have to leave for work early.
cp_dark_72_1 Being an overly rushed 3 stage cp map, this map funnels players along a single passage that rarely splits. One CP was a single rocketjump from the last one. Consider working quality over quantity next time :>
pl_icecrystal_72 I'm not sure what to think of this. The layout seemed very generic, but the version played at tests was broken or something. I'll consider reevaluating if i get to see the map in its intended light.
cp_pdt_72 You've gotten some great visuals for the time given, but the layout feels like it has bits and pieces taken here and there, and the rest of the layout gets really messy. I know it sounds thick, but i couldn't really enjoy it.
arena_zpqrei_72 Granary's mid scaled up by an imperial fuckalot, put under a bridge and compiled without clipping. Good job. (But the visuals shown on the screenshot are nice :>)
cp_valeria_72 What we got when we tried to start it on the server was a fullblighted box maze. Lots and lots of identical doors made it a gamble about whether you would reach the battlefield or walk into another one of the thousands on resupply rooms that seemed to be in this 5cp map.
cp_lightflock_72_t4 Far too dark, far too narrow, far too little route variation and far too flat and boxy in general.
cp_hooky_72 This gamemode made no sense. The points even less. Between the points we found a pitch black passage, and both teams startes spawning in the same spawnroom all the sudden.

Maps i haven't tested yet:

cp_stegarootbeer_72_a2 I almost have an opinion on this, but i need another game to draw conclusions
sd_bakscratch_72 I tried this, but i don't remember enough to give an opinion.
cp_sergis_72_3 This seemed like a weird map. Aught to try it again to get a final opinion.

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Fish 2.0

L6: Sharp Member
Nov 22, 2012
Regarding my map, with the final handed in version which is not on the server issues like the draw distance and a few balance issues have been played with and for the most part fixed. If you read this and make comments, leave really obvious errors out because I already know and they have actually been fixed :/



*****Maps that have further potential outside of the competition:

cp_hooky_72 -- The gamemode could possibly go somewhere
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Sep 7, 2012
My picks:
1. cp_sergis_72_3
2. cp_mlj_72_2
3. cp_drelement_72_2
4. cp_bladend64_72
5. cp_pdt_72
6. ctf_tmp_72
7. koth_player_72
8. cp_crash_72
9. sd_vacon_72
10. koth_frozen_72


cp_bladend64_72 - was detailed quite prettily and seemed to play decently.

cp_crash_72 - while there was some nice detailing, the map seemed gigantic from the start and this took away from my enjoyment of it. I really couldn't have fun on this map unless I played scout.

cp_dark_72_1 - There was a definite attempt at detailing and the overall look seemed polished. However, the gameplay left much to be desired.

cp_drelement_72_2 - I took off marks for that spiral thing, but overall it played decently when there were people on the server to play against. Looked pretty too, and your 2nd control points were cool.

cp_fish_72 - I felt a little like this didn't bring much innovation to Degroot Keep, but I liked how B point had a raised way into the castle so that the attackers had an alternate route. I wish there was a demoknight ramp though.

cp_hooky_72 - The gamemode seemed really interesting and unique, but the map felt rushed and there were some glaring issues - namely the unlit corridor and the spawnroom confusion. Put in the right map, I think the gamemode might have a strong future!

cp_lightflock_72_t4 - Most of the areas felt quite similar and I couldn't really tell where I was most of the time. The detailing felt like propspam and the layout was confusing. I liked the point B area but it was too difficult to find and wasn't really focused.

cp_mlj_72_2 - while I enjoyed several aspects of this map, the poisonous water made me upset. your last point was also a little open. That said, it was quite fun to play on.

cp_pdt_72 - The scale felt a little off but the map seemed quite nice, you got extra points for the spectator camera.

cp_prestige_72_1 - I really want to try playing this on a slightly more full server before I say anything positive or negative about it. The unpacked lighthouse was fun though.

cp_sergis_72_3 - Fairly bare-bones but the texturing was all great, probably better than many of the maps that tried to detail completely. I really enjoyed the pseudo-symmetric layout, it reminded me a little of the way the last point on badlands seems symmetric but plays differently. Great work.

cp_stegarootbeer_72_a2 - the first point was promising but there was a lack of routes and the second point was easily captured by blu if they got there first, or defended by red if they got there first.

cp_takabuschik_72 - while the layout and detailing were slightly erratic, I could see a sort of spytech progression which I appreciated. The entire map was chokey and things were in a rather strange scale. There were a few cool ideas I liked though, like the train you walk through.

cp_valeria_72 - There were tons of doors everywhere which I found kind of silly. The general layout seemed promising but it needs a bit more to really work well: your middle point is a big hump between a bunch of doors, your second points are raised platforms between a bunch of doors, and your final points are wedged between walls and a bunch of doors and platforms. There could also be another entrance into last, it seems pretty easy for defenders to turtle up. Also, fullbright :(

ctf_tmp_72 - the map was a lot of fun with 8 people, but I had no clue where to go a lot of the time and it was difficult as a defender to know where I should defend at the start. The last point was ridiculous. Good use of the kong theme.

ddom_trotim_72_3_fix - I would have liked to see this on a full server, but it seemed promising. The team-specific routes kind of annoyed me and I think the transition routes could have been a lot smoother.

koth_frozen_72 - The layout seemed solid but the moving point went a little too high in my opinion. I'd have liked to see both levels of platform a little lower and the actual point's peak lowered a little too. Scale seemed great, but I never got to test with other players. :(

koth_kaptankul_72 - Clearly inspired by viaduct, this map was a little boxy and rather unoptimized considering some of the opportunity that was available. A lot of the detailing was nice but could use some work to really make good player immersion. Also, the point is wide open and there are long sightlines in every direction, something that could be cut down on a little more.

pl_icecrystal_72 - Seemed relatively well scaled and fun to play on. However, the final point was annoying to push into and your blu forward spawn is set in such a way that it makes the player want to go the wrong way down the track.

sd_bakscratch_72 - many of the routes were tight and burdensome, while others were much too open and became a simple deathmatch fight. I'm a little biased because the shipping crate is my least favourite model, but I think you went a little heavy on the propspam in the australium area.

sd_vacon_72 - while I never got to play it on a full server, it struck me as entertaining during the time I did play it. There was a lot of open space that I think could have been tightened a little though, and it was really no worse than doomsday in this regard.

koth_player_72_1 - the foundry theming was nice and the map played fairly well, even though I only got to experience a 5v5 at most. A little deathmatch - heavy.
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Mar 1, 2010
My votes:

Water is a bit too OP, but I like the gameplay/ design. Cool details, though the castle seems very plain compared to the rest of the map. Unique ideas, as always. I like your maps.

Bestmap 11/10 (it does seem like a bummer that a lot of people are judging my map and heck, other maps as well, based off of a very small testing group, though...)

Too small, too narrow and chokey, too dark (heh heh heh). Control points shouldn't be a rocket jump or two away from each other. Just wasn't fun, sorry. Very buggy.

Paths are kind of convoluted and hard to follow at times. Hard to push past mid. Too chokey. We just traded back and forth at mid for the longest time with pretty evenly matched teams. Spawn times need to be adjusted, I think. There were some fun fights around the map, it was just rare that we fought over anything but the middle.

Far too similar to Degroot, but looks good for the constraints. Point doesn't hold gates open on "overtime". No flaming torches was a bummer. Nothing new brought to the gamemode that Degroot isn't already doing, imo.

Super dark tunnel, but I'm sure you've heard all about this. It was kind of fun to play around on, though. I'm not a fan of the game mode, unfortunately. It didn't feel like there was much depth to the gameplay.

Way too dark, should have kept it how it lit was before. Still very corridor-y. Way too hard to cap final. Too many dynamic doors and too flat and choke-pointy. I feel like you had a hard time interpreting feedback during the 72 hour time period (this is easy to do).

Actually a pretty interesting map. Not sure if I like the slime, but it's an interesting dynamic. Particle error really sucks, however. Final point might be a bit too open, it was hard to attack. Still, I had quite a bit of fun here. Me being a sniper main might have helped this.

Very Scout-oriented. Feels overscaled vertically, benefitting jumping classes and scouts. I could see this being improved on pretty easily for future versions and turn into a pretty solid map.

Solid map, I really enjoy it. I feel center is a bit too straight down the center, but not terrible. Not a fan of the drop-down jump just before the final point, though, as it feels more annoying than an important feature, for both team. The rest is pretty good. Very good back-and-forth. I really enjoy the shape of the spire on 2.

Doesn't feel like much solid design behind it. Kind of random. It wasn't bad, I just didn't have much fun on it. Missing models and textures, looks like one large model missing that really affected gameplay. Paths feel overly complex, not much flow to it.

Points are too close, not much between. Hard for attackers to get momentum. Last point is sort of overscaled and hard to attack. CP is too close to spawn doors. Needs a forward spawn, like gorge.

I don't like the final point. We shouldn't have to walk past the spawn doors to get up the tower. The courtyard before first is a big improvement from what it was during the contest. You definitely caught what we were saying about it in feedback.

Underscaled. Tiny routes. Too many choke points. Cool detailing feel to it, though. No bonus time on cap really breaks this map.

Feels flat with some platforms tossed on top. Forward spawns are available from the outside? Middle has exploitable ledge on one side.

Interesting gamemode, but it was super easy to capture the first three points for our group, feels like it's easy to get momentum as a scout and just rush the first few points. When we were able to hold them there were some good fights, however. But, I do think there are too many dynamic doors, imo.

The massive no_entry's are super frustrating and I don't understand the point of them. Interesting gamemode, though. Cool geometry to fight on here.

Very open in mid, especially at the lower levels. Dynamic point is a cool idea, and really changed how the point is fought over. Dynamic brush is buggy though, jittery at times, makes it hard to fight on.

Too high of ledges, take fall damage. Spawn facing wall. Overscaled. Super long spawn times. Good look for the time limit, though! I got a 40 second respawn time on Blu at one point... I think something got messed up on your spawn timers.

Forward spawn is all messed up. Spawns in there too soon, locked in. Breaks the map pretty badly. Rest of it looks really nice, though. Very airblast friendly at last. Sad about that bug. Fun map.

Very similar to Doomsday without changing much. Very low ceilings in spots, cramped. Fun map to fight on. Flag respawns a bit too fast, I think. Hard to capture.

Not a bad SD map at all. I'm not normally a fan of this mode, but you did a good job with it. I like the idea behind the dynamic doors in spawn. You really fixed it up from the versions you had while testing. cleaned up well. Good details.

Interesting capture point spire. The room behind it is waaay tall though. Feels a bit open. Interesting angles. Unique design. Fun map! Our server had a lot of fun on this. Looks really good for the timelimit.
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L1: Registered
Jun 28, 2013
cp_takabuschi (spelled it wrong i assume)
koth_kaptankul (was a tie between kaptankul and player till i saw some texture issues in player)

That's 10.

Turbo Lover

Fight me under Glasgow Central Station
Feb 15, 2011
cp_nightwatch_72 I guess
cp_prestige_72 I guess
Something else

I haven't played half of the maps, and the maps I have played I can't remember, so this list almost certainly will change.
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