
  1. ⁽ᴵᴰᴳ⁾CaptainRussia94

    (72 hr) Orange Space Plaza Event A2

    Made for the 2019 Summer 72hr jam! So for a while now I've been wanting to try to make a "playable" version of these 2 maps, and I had the idea to combine them for the Jam, so here's this map. The goal is to collect hats and bring them to the...
  2. F4NGS

    pd_lunarbase A12

    Reworked this map into this map ---> player destruction map set on a lunar space ship with low gravity zones at capture points when the capture points enables. A1 made during 72 hour summer jam 2019. - PD prefab (made by Egan) - Custom skybox...
  3. VR456

    Dreaming Astronaut 2019-08-04

    Nebula Captain Space Mann with Apparition's Aspect is my dream combo, so I decided to draw it for the event.
  4. Limasio

    MoonLaunch B2

    My first KOTH map, set on an lunar outpost, in which RED and BLU fight over a laser to blow up each other's space ships. Part of the 2019 72hr jam.
  5. MilkMaster72

    Satellite A4

    Fight in deep space over the Mann. Co Satellite! Watch out, or you might fall a bit... Made for the TF2 Maps 72 Hour Summer Jam.
  6. Emil_Rusboi

    Venera a1a

    Somewhere in space... maybe on Venus... BLU trying to take out RED space base
  7. Dr. Sir Knight

    Spacepit a4

    A mirrored koth map in space
  8. Wyvern

    Observatory A1

    A symmetrical King of the Hill map in an observatory. Feedback is greatly appreciated!
  9. RetroNuva10

    koth_retro a2

    Sci-fi themed moonbase KOTH map with an unconventional design layout. This is my first legit map, and I think it's coming along nicely - ALL feedback is welcome!
  10. Suna

    Moonjump A2

    I made this in literally a day cause I was bored. I'll probably update this a bit more in future, but for now, enjoy! (recommend 6v6 trolldier)
  11. Dr.FrenchFries

    Name of Skybox in rd_asteroid

    Hello, I'm making a space themed Attack/Defend Map, I'm trying to look for the skybox from rd_asteroid but I can't find it. Does someone know the name?
  12. Z

    cp_fulljosh a6b

    I know that this map has already been uploaded by a different account, but I'm using my new account this time.
  13. PrivateerMan

    High Orbit (Skybox) 2018-08-18

  14. Wilfire

    Nostromo 2018-07-30

    Small corridors and an Engine Room. Custom Assets Used: Dewm Hard Surface Asset Pack Slender Arctic Assets
  15. MiragH

    Space Dragonfly 2018-07-29

    Well, this is my entry for the Summer Jam 2018 n.n I recreated the loadout of my pyro that I use in RSP, It´s like an astronaut with a pan for weapon... idk but i love it. I hope you can continue to exceed even more goals that had been raised So much thanks for the opportunity to share and show...
  16. SnakedSnack

    [KOTH] Outerbase 2018-07-30

    An entry for the 72hr SUMMER JAM (Started 27.07.18) ---- Map with a space theme (moon theme). I used a Ultimate Mapping Resource Pack by a Boojum Snark for this map.
  17. BigfootBeto

    Coriolis A8

    Hey I finally decided on koth to be the gamemode for this map! (RIP 3 CP versions) Pics:
  18. Mess About

    Moontown a1

    Note: Even though the map has packed, but if the robots don't move, type in the console nav_generate, the robots are actually bots so they needs nav_mesh to work ___________________________________________________ A bit different than normal RD maps layout, where you go deeper for higher tier...
  19. maddie!

    Sibyl A13 Release 1

    REUPLOADED SINCE I UPLOADED A JPEG LIKE AN IDIOT Feedback is welcome. Created in 3.5 days (so far). The lift will go up and down when capped, and the hologram bridge changes team colors. THINGS TO DO: Displacements Moar Props Skybox fixes
  20. L

    Ymir A5

    Well here I am, with another space themed A/D map. Ymir, an irregular moon that orbits Saturn lives up to its name with an irregular number of visitors on it in the form of the Red and Blu teams. What are they after on this moon? Maybe an empty billabon- wrong game. All screenshots are up to date.