
  1. Viridian

    pl_bigmount a7

    It's a cold, winter morning. An upward battle to wipe out a communications array, sitting atop a hill, begins. Ignore the swapped team roles, as they will be swapped in the final version. Still quite WIP, and looking for feedback. This is my first map, and I hope I can improve this one as much...
  2. Qersojan

    Thaw B3

    An ultiduo map I made a while back and decided to finally push it out of alpha. Thaw is a balanced snow-themed courtyard inspired by my favorite map baloo. The cylindrical point has an overhang and a walkway to get on top. The map is mirrored symmetrical rather than rotated symmetrical. Thanks...
  3. Dayal

    MvM Snowfall RC2

    Submitted for the TF2 72 hour Winter Jam. An MvM map located in a small French town. Plays very similair like Mannworks, 2 bomb and tank routes that cross eachother. Nothing really special about the map. Works in its current state, needs the mission and navigation file in the dropbox link in...
  4. Luther

    Multi Stage Frosty Outpost a2

    An multi stage attack/defend map played in a frosty outpost somewhere in the mountains. Let me know what you think. Resources used: Ultimate Mapping Resource Pack
  5. vulduv

    ctf_snowrun b2

    in a arctic reasearch facilety. there men who are working on deadly weapons. red and blu find "intrests" in there intel. heres a (outdated) video about it. View:
  6. Billo

    CTF_ColdBase RC5

    A Frontline Themed Map! Its A Snowy Theme Map. Discover The Secrets That This Map Holds And Try to Steal The Enemy Intel From Their Base! the map Encludes Many But Many Exploding Barrels , Mines And More. but dont step on them. Also If you Want to Test It Out Now Its RC2 Version...
  7. Mikroscopic

    Arctic Signs a3_reupload

    Made for the TF2Maps Arctic Content Pack.
  8. Billo

    CP_ArcticFortress 2016-03-24

    Greetings From ArticFortress! its A Snowy Map With Some Secrets and other things to find. Try Not To Fall On The Steep Clif! This Is The Final Version Of The Map And Now Everything Should Work Perfectly. In Case I Am Wrong Let Me Know In The Comments
  9. Bull

    Frozenvalley A1

    Warning: a1 is quite unoptimized Hey guys! Been a while since my last project but I've got a new one in the works. It's a single-stage payload map set in the snowy mountains, the name is just a placeholder for now. Both teams have one single forward spawn and there are several shortcuts opening...