
  1. RednessQuaver

    Winter Sniping Spot 1

    Here's my submission for the 72Hour Jam, I had fun making it and chatting to friends while thinking of ideas for a poster. I decided to go with a simple scene featuring everyone's favorite sniper in a winter setting with a good vantage point. Here's a link to my Steam Profile...
  2. coWolves

    RubbleYard A10

    Both teams will be forced to meet together inside the main building on intersecting paths. The map is simple in design. the main route is strait forward and takes you to the enemy base. The second option will give you more cover, and has 2 exits plus a cat walk leading outside. With the second...
  3. Pixenal

    Squeaky Swampers

    So long as you don't stab holes in them, boots actually do a pretty good job of keeping your feet dry. Paintable!
  4. Raito

    Shining Lights, Even in RED 2019-08-04

    Inspired by Mission 43 from Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain. "Shining Lights, Even in RED", 2000x2000 pixels, Digital, just-raito.
  5. contrOller™

    Sniper on hunt 1.0

    На этом плакате Я выставил снайпера впередсмотрящим и шпиона с крабом-шпионом за спиной.
  6. Skylark

    Longest sightlines in maps

    Calculated by finding the longest kill by a sniper in each map - this does not give a definitive longest sightline but it gives the longest sightline which has been used. Maps (which have enough data) ctf_turbine..............5'395 ctf_2fort 4'017 cp_dustbowl 4'603...
  7. BigfootBeto

    Spy Party B2

    The Spy vs. Sniper gamemode is a TF2 remake of the the "Spy Party" game. Compete in a 1v1 match as a spy or sniper. As a spy, complete objectives while blending in with the crowd. As a sniper, look out for someone acting suspicious and out of place. How to play: BLU players must be spies...
  8. FishTiger

    Walk Like an Egyptian 2018-07-30

    A Source Filmmaker (Hieroglyphs, base for Sniper pose) and a GIMP fusion poster for the 72 hour Summer Jam, 2018. The symbol in the middle is the sign of Egyptian goddess Neith, the goddess of war and hunting. It resembles a shield with arrows behind it.
  9. BlaBla

    Greeting From a Far Land 2018-07-30

    A little scenebuild made for the 72hr jam Made within 6 hrs Using Garry's mod and photoshop
  10. Redd

    Low Poly Sniper Rifle 2018-07-30

    Here is my submission for the TF2 Summer Jam! I was nearly out of time to make it, but I was just able to get there.
  11. Daddy Leon

    Give Me Love 2018-07-30

    Snipercest for the TF2 jam softwares used: SFM and My Paint Redsniper eye-reskins by Nikolad92 Rainy Day Cosmetics by Suijin Ice Beam Shard by Chaofanatic Other props by tf2 Map koth_sawmill
  12. Snakey642

    Taking Aim 2018-07-29

    This is a painting I made by drawing over an SFM render in Krita. I made the picture basic because this is my first time doing something like this. Originally, I wanted to do something closer to the Team Fortress comics art style, but I ended up mostly following the render.
  13. MidMort

    Summertime Fun 2018-07-29

    My very first summer jam entry~ I really liked how it turned out Made in Paint Tool SAI
  14. Not Your Sagittarius

    [ARTWORK] HEADS UP 2018-07-29

    wanted to try something different so i did pixel work of the sniper throwing a jar of jam for the summer tf2 jam of 2018
  15. hynra

    Teufort Sniper Artwork 2018-07-29

    Late night drawing until 2:30 am. My first ever attempt of making my own TF2 character as a drawing, I can't color nor do I have a color pencil >.< Picturing how batman would be like if he'd have an iron man helmet and an AWP. I didn't have a ruler for the AWP so I used my student card instead XP.
  16. °SpukI°

    FURY, but with the TF2 characters 2018-07-27

    this is my first time on the 72h jam, I hope everything goes well :) tank: Enhanced Soldier: scout jacket...
  17. Cool Dakota

    Torture Dance but TF2 2017-08-07

    Thanks to my job, I wasn't able to finish it until about 5 minutes ago. I hate the drive-thru so much. I meant to have it colored with sound effects, maybe even animated, but I had very little time.
  18. AndyO's™

    Sniper Portrait

    A simple Sniper portrait for the 72hr Jam.Enjoy :)
  19. Borne

    Sniper on 2fort :C 2017-08-07

    2fort servers be like
  20. Dr. Salty

    Broken boat 2017-08-07

    Although scout may be the main focus in this poster, I wanted the background to be as animated as possible. Everything from Sniper peeing in the lake to medic running to soldier and demo's aid was a combination of pre-rendered poses mixed with my own posing wherever I saw fit. Also, Engie is...