
  1. 333res

    72hr Jam 2024 All health pickups in Minecraft. 1

    Builded large, medium and small health pickups.
  2. X Kirby

    MvM Mineco v2.4

    This was another map made purely in MC, ported over to TF2 using an old program, then fixed up by an actual Source map maker. (specifically E-S, the man behind jump_minecraftia and also fixed up CTF Minecraft. Thanks again, btw!) I used to run a private MvM server with this map, including...
  3. Volęger

    Minecraft Textures [1.21] v1.0.0

    Minecraft textures up to 1.21 version, but only blocks, no items or entities. Archive • Drag & Drop "materials" to Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\ folder to use it in Hammer Editor • Drop .bsp file to tf\maps and run "map minecraft_textures_v100" command in-game console to launch the...
  4. lavasap13

    cp_minecraft_2build_a3 a3

    Test map
  5. Spartakus

    72hr Jam 2023 Turbine in Minecraft (With a twist) 2023-09-17

    I remade Turbine but in Minecraft BUT, All from memory because of the short period of that I had to make it, I didn't connect the BLU and RED areas together but you can still acess them with a command block (Since it's all made from memory don't except a lot of details, especially knowing that...
  6. Wendy

    72hr Jam 2023 random assortment of tf2 melees in the art style of minecraft 2023-09-17

    my entry to the jam decided to make 3 melee weapons in the style of minecraft note this is not a resource pack yet..
  7. gusic

    Minecraft Alpha textures and sounds F2

    Minecraft Alpha textures and sounds. VPK > \Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom Models 42 hammer unit grid. (View > Set Grid Size...) Texture Scale 2.625 (Tools > Options...) Use Face alignment and not World. Skyboxes. (Map > Map Properties...) mcday mcnight...
  8. Gravidea

    Searching for a long lost map

    So I'm looking for a really old TF2 community map, and I've had no luck so far. I know it's silly, but I'm looking for a community made Minecraft TF2 map that I played almost 7-9 years ago when I first played TF2. I have a lot of fond memories on that map, but I don't know the name of it, and my...
  9. 333res

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Process middle point in Minecraft. a2

    With some shaders.
  10. ProGaMEr110521

    Past 72hr Jam Entry TF2 Poster in Minecraft Style 2022-07-24

    TF2 Poster in Minecraft Style This is a TF2 poster stylysed in minecraft-like style. All the resources were made by ProGaMEr110521 and Grenka(Map, Knife, Skin, Briefcase, portcigar, Hats. The poster was made in several steps. 1. Idea - Creating the idea 2. Preparing...
  11. Sonoma

    Pit 2023-05-08

    A reimagining of the classic TF2 map pl_minepit from 2009, originally created by cdsand. With their permission I've re-artpassed the map to fit TF2's artstyle in a way that makes it looks straight out of 2009, I chose the desert theme because of that. I picked this map because I'm very...
  12. DudeTheNinja

    Minecraft-Styled Classic 2021-12-18

    HLMV Render. This is also used for the backpack icon! Replaces the Classic with a model I made entirely in Blockbench. The model technically works in Vanilla Minecraft (but fixing the UVs Blockbench gave the exported json model for Literally 418 Lines Of Json Code was just not fun for...
  13. 333res

    Ultiduo_baloo in minecraft. a1

    That not perfect but ok for me.
  14. Satedling

    Texture Update v2

    this is Texture Update read description 2019 year. the blocks like minecraft can here. Minecraft Wiki: Texture Update
  15. Sunrise Everymaker

    Minecraft CastleTower v1

    This is prefab in minecraft of the castle tower.
  16. Satedling

    Minecraft Sounds 1.16

    my the Minecraft Sounds Pack. have sound and the ability away.
  17. Farlonger

    Chisel Textures a1

    this is set blocks thened. i am going to chisel mod. this is Minecraft Mods now.
  18. Paireing Eyes

    Minecraft Oberon Event v1

    A King of the Hill map in the minecraft theme. you're allright though oberon halloween.
  19. Paireing Eyes

    Minecraft Jupiter 2020-09-20

    A King of the Hill map with a jupiter theme. This is anyway you with a jupiter planet.
  20. Paireing Eyes

    Sunrise Minecraft A1

    A Mann Vs. Machine map with a minecraft theme. You're and with a minecraft started. Please PureBDcraft contact take that though you. Grey Mann and attack Robots. Custom Assets: PureBDcraft Textures. The Frontline Pack.