
  1. Emil_Rusboi

    Emil's Orphaned Things Collection

    Well, after 8 months of being in this community (and creating quality content), I've decided it is time for me to move on. I started level design because the levels in my game were extremely flat, and I'm going to continue to make games (I also recently created a new twitter so if you want you...
  2. Tango

    Tango's Thrift 'n' Value Store™ is now [OPEN]

    PUBLIC NOTICE: STORE CLOSING; ALL ITEMS IN STORE ARE NOW FREE Unfortunately due to alleged health and safety violations Tango's Thrift 'n' Value Store™ will be closing and all items on the store shelves are yours for the taking...
  3. Leonin

    Light_env, secret room and windows completely bugged.

    (First time posting) I was bored and decided to make a small map based on Superhot, although it would have worked better if I knew how to map well. if someone will fix it please send me the file and I'll give you some hats. :engieyay:
  4. D

    How to download map making assets

    I want to start making makes and I found the frontline assets (Frontline supply drop v2) but it is a download package and I don't know how to get it into the hammer map maker, I read that you had to use Compile pal, but I don't know how to use that either
  5. Jhoira of the Ghitu

    How to make a no damage zone?

    I've tried using the trigger_add_tf_player_condition by nullifying ranged damage but spells and melee damage still makes it through. My goal is to create a room for friendly players to look at other players cosmetics like unusuals ect. The only solution I found is using the TF_COND_INVULNERABLE...
  6. Zenronaut

    Does anyone know how to open the original tf2 maps? [Solved]

    Hi there, I'm new to Hammer Editor and I would like to find where to open or decompile the original maps such as dustbowl, but no matter where I look online I can never find any resources that can help me locate them. if someone could help me out that would be perfect. Thanks.
  7. pumpko

    Payload Cart not moving at all

    READ REPLY I've created every entity needed for a payload map, however, when a blue player stands near the cart, the hud displays the arrow for the cart moving, but the cart does not move at all. The cart is raised highly off the ground, but it just refuses to move anywhere. Any ideas?
  8. D3C0D3R16

    map loading seems to be broken

    everytime i load up my map for testing it always says that my game is out of date. even though on steam it is already updated. no items are even in my inventory. Not even stock weapons. also the spy t-poses
  9. D3C0D3R16

    Not Snapping to grid as well as small windows

    hammer crashed on me and now the props, brushes, and things alike wont snap to the grid. also my 4 windows that show 4 different views are small and do not fill the screen. im wanting it to fill up the screen (othere than the left hand side tools there) and be normal. please help me.
  10. D3C0D3R16

    Map storage

    im going to be visiting my grandpa today and i want to show off a map im making. I'm thinking about putting it on a usb flash drive and then i thought, "where would i place the map file in the game files?" In a nutshell I'm asking where do I put the map file so i can run the map and edit it at...
  11. Cincomma

    Making MvM Maps

    Hello TF2Maps community! I need some assistance! I would like to know how to create logic for Mann vs Machine maps! (Spawn Points, bomb hatches, etc...) And I cant wait to start! Thanks!
  12. obodobear

    Custom MGE Maps?

    I recently received a job offer from someone who is looking for a custom mge map for his server. I took up his offer but told him I don't really know if i can figure out the plugin and how to make the map compatible with it. If anyone has any knowledge of how an mge map runs please let me...
  13. HartyChalL

    koth_ElectricTower 2017-08-07

    ElectricTower is here !!!
  14. Krycer [~TSP~]

    koth_tunnelduct a8

    My first ever (playeable) TF2 map - koth_tunnelduct, obviously inspired by koth_viaduct, done with the help of amazing tutorials from UEAKCrash! I tried tackling an interesting design with semi-hidden side tunnels that would lead to cover.
  15. HartyChalL

    koth_ElectricTower_a1 2017-08-05

    The first version of koth_ElectricTower !!!
  16. FishyUberMuffin

    How Many Maps Did You?

    How many maps did you people have to go threw until you got a okay map? I have 14 maps scrapped during and after development of the map themselves. How many did you go threw? I had to delete my whitejack. Now I am working on my 15th map which is a koth map.
  17. Zizinhu

    TF2 crashes whe i try to run my map

    Hey,before anything else,i'd like to say that i don't speak english very well,so,yeah... As you can see by the title of this,when i try to run a map i made,it crashes my tf2; When i select to compile the map in hammer,it does it normaly,open TF2,freezes for a few seconds,then,when tf2 tries to...
  18. obodobear

    Attempting to Port Things from Wii to Source Engine/Hammer

    TLDR: I'm making a map of colony 9 from Xenoblade and don't know how to compile .smd files or retexture world geometry in blender. Recently I took up a new mapping project for myself, it will be colony 9 from Xenoblade Chronicles (my favorite game of all time) and in doing so I have had to...
  19. Requiesta

    If a Developer Used Your Map Concept How Would You Feel?

    No, I'm not a developer, no I'm not taking your map concepts :P I'm taking your souls! That aside, I'm curious. How would you feel if Blizzard, or Hi-Rez looked at your idea for a new map type and made a series of maps for Overwatch or Paladins using it? Not taking the layout or any of the...
  20. Tyraka628

    Overlay I need some maps made, and I'm ready to pay money for it.

    I joined this website with the intention of finding someone who could either port maps from certain games into source, or create custom TF2 versions of these maps for me to use in Garry's Mod projects. The maps I want/need to be ported/created are: Autumn Plains, from Spyro 2 - Ripto's Rage...