
  1. Domey

    koth_infinity_a1 a1

    First map, tried to keep in mind every class and their strong suits; Hopefully I did a good job.
  2. Feathered Turtle

    Almond Water 1.0

    Some almond water, the texture is an edited version of this said they didnt care if people used it. Not many people will find use for this, but its here if someone does. Includes 3 version: A static version A physics prop version A larger version with a bobbing animation for health packs (small)
  3. Pepenyan

    Medieval lg_field a6

    lg means league - my first map with football
  4. emie

    trade_facility_untitled r1

    a trade map that's a facility it has many different elements like a nightclub, a streaming setup and a swimming pool
  5. Pepenyan

    Area b8

    idk my first map, so thats cool.
  6. j_tfc

    trade_skibidi_b1 beta_1

    a simple trade map
  7. hatsondogs

    72hr Jam 2023 Fiesta Finished

    Turn your enemies into pinatas. Made for the TF2Maps 72hr Jam Team Colored 6 Textures Replaces Mannana Peeled hatsondogs - Warpaint Elithris - Concept
  8. pamukdevstuff

    fishy cat map 1.0

    its a capture the flag map with one secret room can you find it. its very simple but it makes fun to play on it so please try it when you love long capure the flag maps
  9. collacot

    BulletRace A4C

    An variation on payload race where you have to shoot a target to make your team's cart move. Includes powerups, events, and a dynamic target.
  10. Świt

    cp_courtyard a4.2

    Fun, symmetrical, fair map with 4 control points!
  11. Lupe #savetf2

    pl_factoryfarm_b1 0.5

    A map that pass around a small factory in the middle of the desert. The map still on beta so some parts of the map still missing some details. The things that still missing are: *3D skybox *some details in some enviroments *some cliping Im accpeting any suggestion to improve the map...
  12. Lupe #savetf2

    Cp_storage 1.0

    My first Cp map and in my opinion the best map i have ever made. Cp_storage take place in a Mann Co. storage how have been dominated by the Red Team, and now the Blue team have to take it back. The fight take place in 2 different areas, the first point being in a large open area, and the...
  13. Lupe #savetf2

    koth_sandland 1.0

    A little valley how was discovered a mine of australium, after the local people refuse to sell the terrain to Mann Co strange sandstorms how are not in any way connect to Mann Co(the last sentence was sponsored for Mann Co)started to civer the village, and the people how lived there neded to...
  14. D

    "Comedic" Gameplay Signs v1

    An edit of the gameplay signs to say various of suggested things. Includes hanging and arrow versions of the sign!
  15. zythe_

    Hammer Memes!

    I kind of cant believe a thread like this doesen't exist already, but yeah, now it does. Post memes relating to or directly about hammer! not limited to just tf2, this extends to any source game, it just has to be related to mapping somehow. And i encourage you and everyone else to make memes...
  16. bajablink

    Mountwater A3

    A symmetrical 3CP inspired by Powerhouse. The only reason I named this map Mountwater is because if you go to mid point there is a mountain and water.
  17. SaltyPapi

    Barrage a6

    koth_dam_a1, a small koth map that encourages aggressive play. Set inside a massive dam, the map is split by a canal of flowing water, which terminates in a great drop. The intent behind the map was to explore verticality, i.e., height advantages, and to develop map-making skills. To do: -...
  18. ethosaur

    manor_of_mischief v4

    This is a new map I've been working on for a while now: Manor of Mischief! My newest addition to my "manor of" series. New custom content, art, rooms, models, collectibles, and so much more, all ready to be explored with others! Features a lot of characters, drawings and models that I have...
  19. ethosaur

    manor_of_fun_fix 2021-08-14

    A more stable, and fixed version of manor_of_fun, this one should work on bigger servers, with more players and mods/plugins. The old manor, was unfortunately made at a time, where I didn't know how to optimize that well, and the entity limit was already almost full, so it often ended up in...
  20. ethosaur

    mannor_of_horrors 2021-08-04

    Old exploration/hangout map I made long ago, this is a first iteration of my manor_of_fun, that I made much later. I found it while looking around in my files. You might find some fun in it still though, so I decided to upload it here, for archival/history purposes. "New" manor map...