
  1. Brokkhouse

    BAMF - Brokk's Assorted Mapping Fixes 0.6.0

    A TF2 Mapping Starter Pack of the Modern Era This pack is intended as a basic toolset for anyone mapping for TF2 or its many mods. It includes a large amount of resources, tools, features, and guides that will help you on your mapping journey. All features are modular and can be combined with...
  2. Brokkhouse

    An FGD Fit For A LORD - Brokk Edition V6

    This is now outdated! Get the newest version HERE! This is an updated version of Da Spud Lord's FGD, modified and redistributed with permission. Check out the original download for further information: https://tf2maps.net/downloads/an-fgd-fit-for-a-lord.9586/ This FGD requires A Boojum Snark's...
  3. Taroka

    fgd. file problem

    Hello, i made a custom .fgd file but it doesnt work. Does anyone know why? tf_npc_custom.fgd: @PointClass base(Targetname, Origin) studio("models/your_npc_model.mdl") = npc_custom: [ // General properties npc_health(integer) : "Health" : 100 : "The health of the NPC"...
  4. gusic

    An FGD Fit for a LORD Updated V4B

    Original Thread - V3b Original Download - V3b Da Spud Lord's Forge Game Definition file (.FGD) for Team Fortress 2, updated to Version 4a which includes VScript content and various other changes. An extra "tf2_spud_se.fgd" is included in this download where the dynamic shadow properties...
  5. 14bit

    tf-timerfix.fgd v1

    This is a very small .fgd that adds two missing keyvalues to the tf-abs.fgd that were added in the September 26, 2022 update: the "team_number" keyvalue for tf_logic_cp_timer, and the "DestroyBuildings" keyvalue for func_nobuild. As a bonus, it includes a new, more useful description than just...
  6. Atasco

    Editing the ABS FGD, or, Using Bad Textures on Purpose

    So I —like most— am using the ABS FGD to vastly improve the experience of making maps for TF2. It solves a lot of problems, like not having appropriate icons for things, better accessibility, and also hiding textures that shouldn't be used as brush face textures. A lot of the "help, why my...
  7. Da Spud Lord

    An FGD Fit for a LORD V3b

    An FGD Fit for a LORD - Oh god not another one of these do we not already have enough jfc Hey you! Remember me, that guy that's made only one finished map, which was two years ago and kinda mediocre? Oh yea, I also made that one April Fools map that was almost unplayable due to lag! Now I've...
  8. RatioS

    Simple MvM Support FGD v1

    This FGD includes: Add missing entity sprites for point_populator_interface, tf_point_nav_interface, tf_logic_mann_vs_machine and filter_tf_bot_has_tag. Auto visgroups support for frequently used entites in MvM Install: 1. Unzip downloaded zip file. 2. Install the fgd in hammer...
  9. Pinsplash

    A dedicated "visualizer" entity

    You spend minutes putting down those prop entities to make sure your map's scale is correct, or compiling it and placing sentries manually to see if they can cover a room. "There must be a slightly easier way," you say. Now there is! This FGD code will give Hammer a fake entity called...
  10. ISPuddy

    Puddy's Small Mapping Resource Pack vscript_test (11/12/2022)

    like Ultimate Mapping Resource Pack :medal:(Boojum) but with more useful/useless stuff. 11/12/2022 VScript Stuff the pack is now compatible with the tf2 [vscript_test] beta branch Added VScript entities Added "Bypass Ubercharge" spawnflag to point_hurt Added point_worldtext Updated more...
  11. AlexCookie

    Update ABS's .fgd

    Report all issues with ABS's fgd, so I can fix them. info_player_teamspawn class flags
  12. AlexCookie

    Class-specific spawnpoints [Fixed ABS's fgd] V1

    Class-specific spawnpoints Original fgd Author: A Boojum Snark Screenshot: Installation: 1. Put tf-abs.fgd in "Team Fortress 2/bin" 2. Open Hammer , Tools -> Options 3.Choose tf.fgd from the list and click [Remove] 4. Click [Add] and choose tf-abs.fgd 5. Click [OK]