Welcome to Applejack, a rotational ctf map that revolves around the idea of a apple farm that is actually a secret facility for rockets!!!
(this map is a remake of the map i did for microcontest 18 Lockout
Made this map years ago with way too much ambition and it ended up burning me out almost immediately after playtesting it, never making it to Beta. It is originally meant to take place on farmlands (similar to the 2fort look), you can probably see what I was trying to do but ended up failing...
Based on my original map from VRChat "Ethosaurs balloon farm"
This is a recreation of that map, this was a quick 24 hour project I wanted to do, and here it is!
Ride the balloon ride, run through the fields, or just enjoy the view of Balloon farm, now in TF2!
WARNING: This map is meant for TF2 Classic NOT TF2 Original!
CP_Roadside Takes place in a beach roadside in which has a old hotel that both the RED and BLU team want to take control over and expand their businesses. BLU Team wants to expand and place an edition onto the hotel and the RED...
King of the Hill map with a focus on close quarters fights.
Feedback appreciated always.
Credit to Stiffy360 for the aspen tree props
Credit to Auwi for the gold dawn skybox
Credit to Tea at '5 for the muscle car prop
This map has its fair share of problems. Already aware of how annoying an overly aggressive team can be here, but I've mostly scrapped the project at this point and I just want to see if people enjoy what I've put together at all. Who knows, maybe I'll come back to it if people like the layout...
Oh no! BLU accidentally set the train's path into RED's territory, and the RED team won't let the train pass. It's time for BLU to get the gate to open it manually by capping the point. But they'll have to be quick! We don't want the train to crash into the gate.
"Secure the objective" gamemode from Rainbow 6 Siege recreated in TF2!
BLU team trying to attack RED farm building and secure the container
As RED player, defend the container until certain amount of time or kill all BLU players!
As BLU player, find the container and secure it or kill all RED...
A map I originally made for the Back to Basics contest, but shelved thanks to feeling too unoriginal, now with a more interesting theme.
I have no idea how this'll play, but let's find out!
A1 Screenshots
Comments and feedback are appreciated, take care.
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