attack and defend

  1. Startacker!

    cp_workstrained A1

    A someone quickly made 3 point A/D map, just up for testing how the layout will work. Control points are close quarters with connecting areas being somewhat long and open. Blue spawn with A Connection from A to B B Connection from B to C, with RED's first spawn point
  2. MegapiemanPHD

    cp_palenque a17

    Palenque, the Mayan's Red City. A place of mystery, redness, and conspiracy. Is there any truth to the Palenque Slab about ancient space travel? Probably not but that won't stop the Mercs from fighting over it.
  3. Diva Dan

    Attack and Defend / PASS time hybrid

    I was wondering if this would work as a concept. Before I make the effort into making a map in this gamemode (which I think will be very interesting), i was questioning if it would work as a concept. I feel like it might lead to a server of just bum rushing scouts against nesting engineers. Do...