
  1. Brickiest Brick

    "If You Know What I Mean" Scout 2018-07-29

    This Scout needs no description. He is the embodiment of all that a Scout main is: Sheer overconfidence and a lust to dominate you. This is also the face Scout mains make when they dominate you. Oh yeah.
  2. Darkwing Duck

    TinTin as Scout from TF2. 2018-07-30

    I got the idea of making the main character from The adventures of TinTin by: Hergé into the Scout. So i made TinTin into Scout and this is how it turned out.
  3. FREE Loose Cannon

    Pyro Loadout 2018-07-29

    Based off of my personal Slot B loadout for pyro
  4. -Darkly-

    Stabby The Spy 2018-07-29

    Basically a "Marshmallow man" spy. Art by: Me Idea by my friend "Vic"
  5. RhysBowl

    Too Hot 2018-07-29

    Scout sings and Medic is forced to sing too.
  6. Lo-fi Longcat

    Lazarus Voxelised 2018-07-29

    Here's my recreation of Koth_Lazarus' mid point created lovignly in MagicaVoxel! I had a tonne of fun doing this and had a great time participating in this jam! <3

    teufort 2018-07-30

    your typical 2fort game with engineer and demoman camping on roof top and friendlies
  8. SignificantOtter

    Let's Settle This on the Beach 2018-07-29

    After a long day of fighting over gravel pits, worthless lots of dirt, and top-secret hat-production facilities, the mercs decide to let loose with a "friendly", "fair" and totally regulation-accurate game of "volleyball", emphasis on the quotation marks. Miss Pauling decides to take her one...
  9. Snedic

    Gute Zeiten Medizen (Acrylic On Denim) 2018-07-29

    I DID IT! Woo, okay. So. This year my supplies were very limited, but college kids make do. I had a few ideas here and there but nothing was really working out. I then remembered how I distressed and painted a jean jacket into a David Bowie themed vest a few years ago and thought painting this...
  10. Cool Dakota

    Super 'Murican God Super 'Murican 2018-07-29

    I've been meaning to draw a lot more recently, and I accidentally got a dash of TF2 in my Goku. Noteworthy details include the 6 white hair spikes and 7 red, and the kanji being swapped out for the Soldier Emblem
  11. UltraPhi

    The Crone's Dome is a very smug hat 2018-07-29

    Had fun making this :)
  12. K

    The Bolshevik Baron 2018-07-28

    A silly idea i had a long time ago, that i felt like working on during the event, to see if i could make it work. Its a little strange but i still feel like it'd make for a good mod at least.
  13. r2d2upgrade

    Inspector Stabby 1.1

    I'll get you next time, Stabby! Next time! Some art of my spy loadout for a >>video<< I made a short while ago! Been wanting to make this for a while and thought I'd make it for this Jam.
  14. hynra

    Teufort Sniper Artwork 2018-07-29

    Late night drawing until 2:30 am. My first ever attempt of making my own TF2 character as a drawing, I can't color nor do I have a color pencil >.< Picturing how batman would be like if he'd have an iron man helmet and an AWP. I didn't have a ruler for the AWP so I used my student card instead XP.
  15. Slurpamurp

    The Jiminomicon 2018-07-28

    Well. Seems like you've hit a fork in the road when it comes to TF2 related stuff, haven't you? Well then, have no fear, the Tome of Team Fortress 2 is here! Feel the skill of anything TF2-related course throughout your veins, brain, heart, feet, and pancreas! (DOCTOR'S EDIT: THAT IS NOT...
  16. Nic5 Cyprus

    Freak Fortress 2 2018-07-28

    A piece of artwork I made on gimp featuring 9 freaks from each individual class

    Musical Medic 2018-07-28

    Musical Medic Artwork by ☭MASTERPIECE☭ Soft used : Reference - PureRef , Scetch and Line - Medibang Paint , Colouring - Paint Tool SAI. I spend many time for this Artwork , and I did my best , I hope you enjoy it)
  18. Questionmark

    2018 TF2 summer jam entry: Donor medal, Ray of sunshine sketch and colouring final

    A drawing of the Ray of Sunshine medal.
  19. Erk

    The Orange Box's 10th Anniversary

    The Orange Box's 10th Anniversary October 10, 2017 - TF2 Team (10th anniversary community mosaic image courtesy of TF2 subreddit) On October 9th, 2007, Team Fortress 2 was released to the world. Also some other games shipped too, in a game collection called The Orange Box, but between you...
  20. Ruchary

    TF2 textures - Need help about tf2 cloth effect

    Hi, i have a problem for replicate the style of the cloths of tf2 in a texture. It's similar,But he needs something else, what could it be? (my texture is the selected, the other is from the shirt of the sniper) I need an answer as soon as possible.