
PL Borneo rc4

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Oct 6, 2008
THANKS - is it released yet?

Tarry H Sruman

Large Orphanage Proprietor
Jul 31, 2011
I think that having the last point in a building like that just isn't a very good idea to begin with. In the official payload maps (especially Badwater and Upward imo) the finale is a really big, open area and has a an epic feel to it. I think that Borneo's finale is kinda anticlimactic.

I know it's way too late to do anything about that but I thought I'd give you my two cents.


Aug 12, 2009
I have put a door on the pit.

Much better, but if i may say so, you're probably better off using the default final payload point.

Those two pillars are also still in the way, imo. Other than that, you're making good progress. :)
Mar 20, 2012
I think that having the last point in a building like that just isn't a very good idea to begin with. In the official payload maps (especially Badwater and Upward imo) the finale is a really big, open area and has a an epic feel to it. I think that Borneo's finale is kinda anticlimactic.

I know it's way too late to do anything about that but I thought I'd give you my two cents.

I don't think indoor payload finales are the problem. It's really just the limited space. Barnblitz has an indoor finale, and Upward has a pseudo-indoor finale (despite having a hole in the ceiling, it's designed very much like an indoor space). They tackle 'indoors' in a very different way than, say, Junction does.

Personally, I like the 'secret facility' you've got going, Heyo, but Tarry is right - the space is quite limited and can be a hassle to play in. Mechanics and entities like that pit and pillars get in the way. The area is cramped, leaving either BLU to be spammed out by RED or RED to be spawn camped. Barnblitz is a closed finale, but it's huge! It has three levels of play and covers a wide area.

Just some things to think about.


L2: Junior Member
May 14, 2008
I think that having the last point in a building like that just isn't a very good idea to begin with. In the official payload maps (especially Badwater and Upward imo) the finale is a really big, open area and has a an epic feel to it. I think that Borneo's finale is kinda anticlimactic.

I know it's way too late to do anything about that but I thought I'd give you my two cents.

I'm planning on adding some windows out to a jungle scene so hopefully that will make it more exciting visually. Does anyone have any other ideas that would make the final point feel more epic visually?


Jun 23, 2010
Maybe a thing wich is related to gold or diamonds, that's would be cool.

The main problem with your last it's that you don't have any theme on it, so it feels really generic.


L2: Junior Member
May 14, 2008
Been working on the map a lot for the past few months. In general I've been adding more space to all the areas. Hopefully it will feel a lot more open, the map felt too restrictive before. I've been testing it in highlander pugs.

It needs a bit more work, I'll release it sometime in the next few weeks.

Some screens of some of the changes:









L4: Comfortable Member
Nov 16, 2007
Really nice work, can't wait to see it :)


L2: Junior Member
May 2, 2013
Very aesthetically pleasing in all areas, but I can't shake the feeling that the last point will be a cramped version of Barnblitz's last, which is to say very hectic. The pillars feel like they'd be the most obstructive, especially because they're almost touching the track. It's so small that I can't even imagine there'd be a good Sniper spot.


L2: Junior Member
May 14, 2008
Just released the new version of the map, pl_borneo_rc1. Really big changes have been made to this version. Hope you enjoy it.

Also, it would be great if an admin could remove the WIP from the title of the thread, please.
Last edited:
Sep 7, 2012
I just spent about 20 minutes wandering around and I have to say, you really have outdone yourself with this release. While I have a few minor gripes, all of them have to do with very specific detailing decisions and in the end that doesn't matter very much. On the other hand, the map is much more open and offers a multitude of options to the player in a way that it really didn't before. On older iterations of the map I sometimes felt like I didn't really have much choice in how I travelled to my destination or what I would do when I got there, but this version makes the map seem a lot more enjoyable.

Also, different areas of the map feel a bit more distinct as well (which is a really good thing) where before I felt like the entire map was just a big winding snake, and now I feel like there is a lot more depth and each area offers different options from its precursors.

Awesome job. Next time I'm on the tf2m server I'll fill up your feedback page with detailing tidbits I didn't like.


L2: Junior Member
May 14, 2008
Just released RC2.


-Changed the shack building in 1st into a watch tower, players can no longer go on top of the building.
-Added more stairs to the side route in in 2nd, so blue has more options.
-Moved red's forward spawn to a different location further back from 2nd point.
-Opened up the space around the cart tracks in yard before 3rd.
-Moved blue's final forward spawn further up.
-Opened up the space in the yard right before the final building interior.
-Modified the placement of health and ammo packs in general.


L420: High Member
Jun 17, 2012
This is fairly late, but, congratulations on making this. I legitimately like it more than upward. Something about this map just kind of feels right. The geometry generally feels "tf2"ish, the areas are all interesting to fight in, and nothing especially gay popped up.

I mean, I guess you did what swiftwater didn't, which is make a map that feels like a TF2 map and plays like a TF2 map and has a structure that lends itself to the way that TF2 is designed. Though not everything is detailed in a way that makes it feel like TF2. Once I was playing on this for highlander and people were complaining that it was an "art map", but at the same time they were stunned that it played like a tf2 map instead of a "tf2maps map" (quote).

Aside from that, I just kind of really really like the terraces you have on the second point and I wanted to thank you for them.


L2: Junior Member
May 14, 2008
RC3 now released!

-Expanded the space in the yard after the 1st.
-Removed the large pillar in the interior flank route after 1st.
-Added more doorways lining the tunnel after 2nd opening up the space more.
-Completely reconstructed the building housing the 3rd point, added in a third floor, expanded the space, etc.
-Removed roof flank route that went over 3rd building.
-Reconstructed the left entryway into final building, the entrance is now further to the side of the building.
-Widened the right doorway into final building.
-Removed the window that allowed defense to see the right entry into final.
-Expanded the space of the right entryway into final.
-Reconstructed some of the geometry next to the final point.
-Removed the pillars in final.

Here's an album of how far the map has evolved since version 1:


L1: Registered
Mar 4, 2014
Hi guys, I am Scarface, a comp player of highlander, and I wish to share with the members some stuff that could be "abusable" on Borneo, I love playing this map, one of the most beautiful, and very unique.

In the third point there is a balcony that is a buildable area, it can be reached by a Bullet + Rocket wrangler jump, and with the "pet my sentry" set of wrangler + Rescue Ranger could be potentially annoying in pubs (I can already see the guys from groups like "Team Roomba" making videos of it).


It's possible to "hide" inside this tree, looks like it's not a big problem, but from some angles the player inside this tree in the third point cannot be seen.


Near the second point, in the "corn" house, there is a cache of full metal and a medium med kit, if you climb the small ledge and taunt, you can "wall hack" to see outside.


Inside the BLU spawn, in both, the right side, and left side, there is some windows, they have solid ledges, you can climb there, and taunt for "wall hacks" too.


In the last point, there is this catwalk, you can stay hidden there, almost impossible to be seen, and the worst, any 100% speed class can access this area, since they can walk in the ledge of the window, making this path, yellow barrel > window ledge > catwalk handrail > catwalk, the good news is that the catwalk is not a buldible area.


Follow the "Recue Ranger repair bolts" for the path for a 100% speed class access the catwalk even a heavy with GRU can go there.


Almost all the lamps are solid, and can be used for surprise attacks from Soldiers, Scouts and demos.


Some ledges in the "hangar area" are solid too, if a roamer sneak into one of those during a push, maybe the defending team can go back, in the right time, a uber drop can come from one of those.


Another example of a solid ledge, this one is not very "abusable" but, still can create problems, since in the past Valve have updated some of the stock maps to remove this ledges, looks like they think this could be potential bad for the game.


Some of this cracks in the "wood shields" let projectiles pass, this could lead to a skilled soldier hitting the "protected team" with a devastator crit rocket.


You can build in the vent on the last point, with the "pet my sentry" set, this could be done very fast.


Overall impressions from RC2 to RC3, I love what have been done with the map, less "sight lines" for snipers, the "hangar area" near the trird now is huge and less turtlengineer friendly, less stalematey, the last point redesign now give viable ways to defend with a uber pyro (the new narrow corridor) but also have a better spots to a sniper sneak for an entry frag, like the opposite flank from the narrow corridor, in resume, a ton of improvement, for me this map is ready to be in the game as a "stock" map, I can't enforce how comp players complement this map for being fun and beautiful.


L2: Junior Member
May 14, 2008
Just released RC4.

-Removed side entrance in the forward defensive holding building at 1st.
-Removed 3rd story entrance into the 3rd point house.
-Cut off part of the 3rd story level in the 3rd point house. (It does not overlook the left entry anymore.)
-Added covered walkway up to the defensive highground on the right side of the final point.
