Lets All Do The 100 Push Up Challenge

What Is Schwa

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 13, 2008
Are your arms weak and girly from spending all day hammering out your next epic map? Mine sure are.

So here's what I'm going to do about it. I'm going to do a hundred push ups. Yup. And because nothing is more encouraging than having other internet nerds laugh at your failure, I'm going to use this thread to keep track of my progress.

Here's the six week program: One Hundred Push-Ups. You should do it too and use this thread to track your progress. We can be the number one site for TF2 Maps and Ripped Pecs.

So who else is with me? LETS GET RIPPED NERDS!

(edit) I wasn't clear but doing 100 push ups isn't actually my GOAL. Sure, it'd be nice to do, but I'm actually more interested in making small life changes and incorporating them into my daily routine. I want to form habits that are healthy and productive. This program seems like a solid way to do that without hurting myself.

I understand that other people have different goals, but I hope the other participants can come around to my way of thinking. This isn't about doing an absurd amount of push-ups. Rather, it is a collective effort to improve our bodies over time. Just doing as much as we can on a daily basis is more impressive than doing a lot of something once.

(double edit) I DO NOT SUGGEST DOING AS MANY PUSH-UPS AS YOU CAN EVERY DAY. I am not a fitness instructor, but I suspect this is only a good way to hurt yourself quickly. My arms feel like jelly after every work-out and taking a day off feels crucial to the health of my muscles.


Okay, so step one. Take the Initial test. Stop reading this thread now, go to that page, read it, and then face the floor and pump out some pushups. Really, do it. You won't do it later, trust me.

I think back in high school I could do about 30. I should rock this shit. Imma take my shirt off and cue up some Girltalk and drink a buncha water. Okay here I go.


18? What the shit. Tomorrow is going to be a better day.
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L6: Sharp Member
Mar 14, 2008
I needed motivation. I can now say I have this.


EDIT: Fml. 8 for the initial test, rank 2.
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What Is Schwa

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 13, 2008
EDIT: Fml. 8 for the initial test, rank 2.
Fuck yes dude. You actually got down and faced the floor. We are gonna rock this. I printed out the week 1 plan and put down dates for each rep set. This thread has a link on my desktop so I won't forget about it.

See you tomorrow man. We gonna get us some buff arms.

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
I used to do 20 every morning when I woke up, but then I strained some muscles in another activity and couldn't for a few days and never got back to it.

What Is Schwa

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 13, 2008
Sounds like this is the perfect time to get back on the wagon ABS. Join us man! =)


Jul 14, 2009
Also gonna do this. I'll do the 100 push-ups on the first day and break my arms!

Initial test 23, rank 3.
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What Is Schwa

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 13, 2008
40 minutes after my initial test and my armpit area is a little sore. Hope chicks dig big muscular armpit areas.


L3: Member
Jul 15, 2009
Totally in. I've needed motivation for a long time.


edit: totally out of breath after 11. I'm in even worse shape then I thought D:
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Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
I can barely make it through the twenty or so we do in warm-ups for gym.

But damn can I dominate the equipment in the weight room.


Cake or Death?
Dec 20, 2007
back in HS i used to do 58... I'd hate to see where I am now 10 years later lol. Same weight though oddly