
Slate b2


L3: Member
Sep 8, 2008
Sounds interesting, I like the concept - but I'd like to see you approach a different theme, alpine, granary, hydro etc.


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Oct 2, 2008
Awesome, I've always wanted to see someone do one of these maps, one that's not a Avanti remake :p

Anyway, griefing possibilities are quite big in this mode. Are you gonna do something about that?
Sep 12, 2008
And how is Red going to defend the flag when it's dropped?
  • when Red stands near the flag it's not capturable
  • the flag returns fast enough
  • no more idea's ..

Also; what are those cracks in your cliffs?
And for the name: I should go for ctf_must_push_little_flag! :p


Jan 6, 2008
I hate this game mode. It relies to much on one person, who has the full responsibility of bringing the flag where it should be brought. The rest just have to tag along...

This is to Dustbowl style Control Points, what Hunted is to Payload. Control Points and Payload are redesigned for TF2 for a reason - these modes cannot be ruined by idiots. Offensive CTF (and Hunted) can.

It's not too late to return to multistage CP, and I hope you do.

Sgt Frag

L14: Epic Member
May 20, 2008
It's kindof funny to see the surge in CTF maps lately. Hopefully it will help revive and polish the gamemode.

This could be an interesting gamemode too. I think Avanti is pretty cool, the major problem with that is the uphill battle blu has to face. If this map is on more even ground as it looks like it is it would be nice.

But I agree with MuffinMan, there is always some jerk who won't cap, sometimes someone doesn't realize they have the intel... But I think for for the most part those people are few and far between. And alot of times a mod can kick them if they are blatantly being a jerk.
Other than kicking there is no way to solve that issue. Even on a bad payload team one player can't screw over the whole team.

But what can you do, any intel map has that basic flaw. When one person holds the intel they are in control of it, short of the other team killing them nothing can be done. Ironically I don't think that point was ever mentioned in the 'why hate CTF?' thread.


Dec 5, 2007
I hate this game mode. It relies to much on one person, who has the full responsibility of bringing the flag where it should be brought. The rest just have to tag along...
"Just tag along" .. when we playtest it at gameday, I'll let you take the flag and let you try it solo - it won't work. Whilst in TFC it might have been a one man job conc jumping past sentries or whatever in TF2 you just can't do it alone. I'll find a suitable way of making sure of this, so far I'm liking disactivating the point whilst red are standing on it, I'll test out some entities for that tonight.

-lots of cp_ map names-
Dunno why you're suggesting cp_ map names, its a ctf map, there are no capture points, just intel cap zones.

An intel to cap an point?
Will you use a flag/bomb model/hud/sound replacement?
Not quite, an intel to 'progress' (I don't want to get into it being a cp/ctf mix, because it isn't). I've got something planned for the intel, you'll have to wait and see though.

Actually this is just like a Dynamic Payload map but with no explosion... or is there?
Yes, if you're having a hard time imagining this, it's like a dynamic payload map. And everything should end in an explosion ;)

No comments on any of the names yet, gotta consider it further.

EDIT: Ninja'd by sgt frag, pretty much agree with what he said. I can't imagine it being a huge problem.
Last edited:

Sgt Frag

L14: Epic Member
May 20, 2008
Sumthin' I just thought of.

Maybe the 'story' is that you are pushing into red's base with your briefcase to 'steal' their intel. Some maybe the cap point should look like an intel room, or lab... You get your case there and fill it up during the 'cap time'. Then push to their next secret lab to gather more info.

Would be cool to see a cap point icon that has a briefcase in it that slowly turns blu as you cap.

The last cap point would be a place you blow up with the intel you have gathered. Of course it doesn't really matter once the game starts, it's just moving intel to point>>>
But that's a good explanation of why at least.


Dec 5, 2007
heh thats nice. I've just implemented a detection of reds near the capture zone, so if there's a red on the point blue can't cap until they've left, works nicely, should help prefent someone just rushing in and capping the intel right off the bat.


Jan 6, 2008
"Just tag along" .. when we playtest it at gameday, I'll let you take the flag and let you try it solo - it won't work. Whilst in TFC it might have been a one man job conc jumping past sentries or whatever in TF2 you just can't do it alone. I'll find a suitable way of making sure of this, so far I'm liking disactivating the point whilst red are standing on it, I'll test out some entities for that tonight.

In CP and PL, there's often a problem with people who just don't understand the importance of pushing the cart. However, in these maps, other people can go cap instead if the less clever players don't. Say one of those "waiters" grab the intel, then they just stand around in a safe area, shooting at people while never really daring to do a push. Instead, someone else who is more willing to push in and cap the point won't get a chance, and the rest of the team just end up hanging out as well. The mode clearly relies very much on one person - if that person is a bad player or just doesn't understand the mode, he will ruin everything for his team. Bottom line, I think all teammates should have equal opportunities of completing the objective at all times.


L2: Junior Member
Jan 23, 2009
Wow, I'm just doing a map like this :O. i swear I had no idea until just now that you were making one too. You don't mind that I continue with my one do you? Since, to be honest, you revealed yours first and own the "copywright" (Is that how you say it?)


Blu Hatte, Greyscale Backdrop.
Dec 28, 2008
In CP and PL, there's often a problem with people who just don't understand the importance of pushing the cart. However, in these maps, other people can go cap instead if the less clever players don't. Say one of those "waiters" grab the intel, then they just stand around in a safe area, shooting at people while never really daring to do a push. Instead, someone else who is more willing to push in and cap the point won't get a chance, and the rest of the team just end up hanging out as well. The mode clearly relies very much on one person - if that person is a bad player or just doesn't understand the mode, he will ruin everything for his team. Bottom line, I think all teammates should have equal opportunities of completing the objective at all times.

If he's a bad player or doesnt understand he will die :D then another keen player can come along



Dec 5, 2007
Wow, I'm just doing a map like this :O. i swear I had no idea until just now that you were making one too. You don't mind that I continue with my one do you? Since, to be honest, you revealed yours first and own the "copywright" (Is that how you say it?)

um.. I can't stop you, and don't want to. I don't hold any ownership of the gamemode or anything like that, so we had the same idea? big deal..


L1: Registered
Oct 30, 2008
If he's a bad player or doesnt understand he will die :D then another keen player can come along

Depends how it is set up. If the intel is starts in the spawn room and Capt Jackass picks it up, he might just find a place to sit in the spawn room where the enemy can't shoot him and just squat on the intel until the time runs out, griefing his team.

A better way could be this (and I'm not sure if this is possible): You have the starting blue spawn room where players start. Outside of that is a smallish courtyard. Blue team can leave the spawn room and get into the courtyard anytime they want (during setup or during the game). There would be gates that prevent Red from getting into the courtyard during setup. Once setup is over, the gates open and Red is free to enter the courtyard (but not the spawn room). The intel spawns in the courtyard. That means Blue can pick up the intel during setup. However if a Blue player carrying the intel tries to enter the spawn room, they are blocked from entering/the intel drops/the intel returns to spawn point. Basically the intel can not go into the safe spawn room.

If Capt Jackass does pick up the intel, he can't take the intel someplace safe and the Red team can kill him. I guess he could collude with the Red team where they wouldn't kill him and they'd just spawn camp Blue but that really wouldn't be much fun.


L3: Member
Sep 20, 2008
Possibly the intel is being used by BLU in order to input the necessary codes into the RED's Mainframe to initiate a self destruct. Anyway since this is one flag CTF will it be needed to use a custom hud, if that were possible?


L5: Dapper Member
Nov 11, 2008
Couple things on my mind:

You have a great opportunity here to mix up the aesthetics. Consider starting the map WITHIN Red's base for Stage 1, and each Stage works backwards through a Blue-occupied Red base. This would allow you to add some Blu influence, as well as do some creative stuff with destruction (as Blue must have destroyed large portions of the Red base to take control of it. The last stage would end at the final gates of Red Base, who have since sent in reinforcements and setup a temporary outpost between Red and Blue base.

As for the gameplay itself, I share others' concerns with the 'lone scout' racing off with the Intel. Against a coordinated team, of course this isn't a possibility, but against new players it will definitely cause issues.

I'm proposing a number of solutions (not necessarily to be used together):
- MAJOR chokepoints. Large large amounts of confined hallways, canyons, caves, etc.
- Combinations of CP and CTF elements, like Blue requiring a number of players on CPs to gain access to doors that allow the carrier to progress further (within a given stage)
- Rarely, if ever, allow Blue alternate routes. Sure, they can have multiple ways to access an area, but ultimately they should always lead to a closed chokepoint they need to pass (like Stage 3 Hoodoo)


Dec 5, 2007
Anyway since this is one flag CTF will it be needed to use a custom hud, if that were possible?
Currently it has the compass pointing to everything that requires it, and just has the extra side for the blu intel but with nothing there, its a little lopsidded but it has all the information you need.

uma plata

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 20, 2009
Great idea. I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out

I never thought that the possibility of griefing was enough reason to exclude a game mode entirely. It didn't fly for me when Valve used that reason while talking about Hunted.

That's what server mods, and the greater community is for, to make sure players have a good time

Valve did a good job making CP and PL somewhat idiot proof, but in the end, you always get better idiots:)


Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
I'm sketching up some ideas for a particle explosion, I'll get back to you on that in a bit.