
MVM Teien RC6

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Jul 31, 2009
Teien - MvM set in a rural Japanese town

Somewhere in rural Japan, there's a town with a nice garden.

And the robots want to destroy it. For some reason?

Includes expert and normal mode.

Advanced modes to come in future
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Feb 5, 2016
I played this some while ago with you. Expert was pretty fun, though the last wave forces to use Medic with a shield. The train I also like, for it being unpredictable. Did you fix the issue where the bots with bomb could get stuck by the tracks?


Jul 31, 2009
I played this some while ago with you. Expert was pretty fun, though the last wave forces to use Medic with a shield. The train I also like, for it being unpredictable. Did you fix the issue where the bots with bomb could get stuck by the tracks?

I remade the entire middle section of the map. Check the screenshots for examples


Jul 31, 2009
Map changes:
- Added more fences to reduce the power of the river pit
- Added a pit on the other route to balance routes
- Fixed many navigation bugs
- Bots now should take the back route as a possible route
- Fixed tank falling into hatch (for real)
- Added a light to the station building
- Moved train barrier on the bridge to the end of the bridge, this allows you to push bots through the hole created by the train tracks as well.

Expert Wave 3:
- Changed 2/3 shield medics to regular medics in the Australium Soldier squad
- Added a max vision range to the Australium Soldier
- Slightly reduced number of samurai demomen

Expert Wave 4:
- Giant Pyros now spawn with the tanks instead of awkwardly after them

Expert Wave 5:
- Reduced the ridicuous but funny knockback of the Giant Fire Heavies
- Reduced the health of the Giant Fire Heavies slightly
- Changed the giant medic that spawns with the Giant Fire Heavies to a regular giant medic, rather than a shield one

Expert Wave 6:
- Removed giant shield medics from Australium Soldiers
- Added a max vision range to the Australium Soldier
- Removed Fist Heavies from w6 to reduce length of wave (this brings total currency down that random 40 credits)

Expert Wave 7:
- Reduced heal on kill for boss slightly
- Reduced knockback the boss can take from knockback sources
- Reduced the speed of boss slightly

Read the rest of this update entry...


L3: Member
Feb 8, 2017
Got a bit of feedback. Don't know if these issues have been fixed yet.
You can get stuck in this spot.

And when you destroy the tank at the right time, this can happen with the money.

Bots seem to get stuck on the rocks on the left side of spawn, probably because of nav meshes being a bit weird.

As for the normal mission.
Wave 2:
-Takes way too long due Pyros only spawning one by one.

Wave 4?:
-A bit too spammy for it to be normal difficulty. Especially those Conch Soldiers.

Wave 6:
-While the main giant isn't that hard, for normal difficulty, it's still too difficult.

Normal/intermediate difficulty is kind of hard to balance around when you're testing with people who know what they're doing. Although it sounds stupid, normal difficulty should be easily doable with 2/3 Engineers, being able to hold front, that's how I see it.


Jul 31, 2009
Thanks! Yeah, normal mode has had the least testing so far and making it easy enough while still being interesting is quite difficult, haha.

I have no idea what I'm going to do about that tank money bug though, that's strange.


Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
I have no idea what I'm going to do about that tank money bug though, that's strange.
It might be ugly. But as a last resort a trigger_hurt will autocollect money inside it. But risks are double collecting the money when players can reach the area (and it looks like the soldier and maybe scout can).

But what i think is the issue is that the roof is simply too thin. Otherwise decoy would have had the same issue with its bridge.


Feb 5, 2016
It might be ugly. But as a last resort a trigger_hurt will autocollect money inside it. But risks are double collecting the money when players can reach the area (and it looks like the soldier and maybe scout can).

But what i think is the issue is that the roof is simply too thin. Otherwise decoy would have had the same issue with its bridge.
Probably. Judging from the screenshot it would seem it's only approx. 8 units thick. Maybe 16/24/32 will do it?


L3: Member
Feb 8, 2017
I'm back with some more feedback. So this time we played the expert mission and the latest version.
As for the map, I'd suggest on reducing the length. It's even longer than Bigrock and as soon as you lose the teleporter area, you're in for quite the walk, especially as Heavy. The length caused the bots to never reach the hatch area as well (aside from 1 time, but I'll get to that later on). And I feel like that if you play expert on an unfamilair map, you should be pushed to hatch atleast once in a while. Also, the right route when going to bot spawn contains a couple of side areas that went unutilized. We did find the skybox in bot spawn to be quite low, atleast compared to official MvM maps, don't know if you have plans on making it higher or not. And finally 2 spots in the ground that exposed the skybox. One on the road on the right route and one in the bottom right corner of robot spawn, but since it's an alpha map, I doubt it matters much.

As for the mission.
Wave 1:
Too easy and also contains an odd squad, why not change the crossbow Medics to Bowmen with a Pyro that always fire his weapon? I mean, if you want to keep this squad, your call, I just find it a weird one.

Wave 2:
Those Demo/Medic pair really came in one after another with no pause in between. Even Coaltown expert uses a 20 second pause between their Deflector/Medic pair and that one is on wave 6. I'd suggest to increase the time between them. The subwave with the Neon Pyros and Gauntlets afterwards is rather easy.

Wave 3:
I find that the Soldiers would be alright without crits. If using Shield Medics, it's better to remove their ability to pop their Quick-Fix charge, it's possible to do this by adding a long delay before they decide to pop. Not necessary, but it limits the annoyance of them. Other than that, I think the wave is fine.

Wave 4:
First subwave was fine, maybe a bit too many Pyros out at once, but it was manageable. Last subwave was again a bit too easy.

Wave 5:
First subwave contains a bit too much spam in my opinion. We managed to hold front though. Maybe remove some of the Dumpster Soldiers but let the rapid fire Soldiers spawn in pairs? Like 1 on each side? Similair to Mannslaughter's last wave. Now here comes the part we had the biggest issue with, the giant Heater Heavies. Felt like they were impossible to take out unless you have a Medic or a Spy. They set you on fire at any range, push you back so much that they're unfun to fight against, have 1000 extra hp and heal 500 hp on kill for some reason. They're the only reason that we got pushed back to the hatch. And they're a pain in the butt to fight against. Last subwave is again a bit too easy.

Wave 6:
This wave went for a long time, too long. Hard to tell how difficult this wave was since it dragged out for so long. Although last subwave was... you've guessed it... too easy.

Wave 7:
A squad that solely exists out of Medics is quite a mess and doesn't function properly, the giant Medic (not the boss) was by itself and the smaller Medics weren't healing anyone. And we didn't really like the boss, maybe it's because we've already fought against 2 syringe Medic bosses, but eh, it's your mission, you do you.

That's it.


Jul 31, 2009
It sure is nice when every previous test tells you it's too hard and the very next test with the same version tells you it's too easy


L1: Registered
May 8, 2017
It sure is nice when every previous test tells you it's too hard and the very next test with the same version tells you it's too easy
Thats the curse of mission making.

I played with Dayal the yesterday, and i have something small to add.


With a proper Sentry placement there, you can block a Giant for a very long time.

He eventually starts crouching, or maybe shoots it to destroy it, but with a bit AI knowledge, you can pretty much force the bot not to attack the sentry. We actually had the Boss there until he dropped to 25% of health when he started to crouch walk. But after that, i was once again able to block him right by the next door.

This can apply to any giant btw, not only the boss.

Easiest solution could be raising the door height.


Jul 31, 2009
Map Changes:
- Prevented bots from trying to walk under the boards at the botspawn.
- Moved tank end point back so it should drop it's bomb in the hole.
- Lowered ground under bridge.
- Raised door height of train station so bots don't get stuck.

Normal Mode Wave 2:
- Made the pyros spawn way faster and total amount less.
- Further changes to come (mainly wanted to test expert mode this version)

Expert Mode Wave 1:
- Lowered starting currency from 800 to 500

Expert Mode Wave 2:
- Only 1 giant demoman can be active at once.
- Reduced the number of displacer boss's from 2 to 1

Expert Mode Wave 3:
- Removed samurai's entirely, they will be put into another wave in future
- Changed the normal heavies to wrap assassin scouts
- Reduced the number of medics the heater heavies spawn with from 3 to 1
- Reduced the number of medics the Giant Huntsmans spawn with from 3 to 1
- Reduced the total number of Giant Huntsmans

Expert Mode Wave 4:
- Fixed the demoman boss being 1 hit by half-zatoichi

Read the rest of this update entry...


Comfortably mediocre
Dec 21, 2010
Remember that you're making an expert mission. I feel like the expert difficulty has lost a lot of its twang since release, partially because of revamped upgrades.

If i were you, i'd disregard people telling you a wave is too hard (unless you know that the team testing it is comprised entirely of people who are experts. My personal goal is to challenge players who can beat the stock expert missions easily).
Focus, instead, on making it as much a "too hard, but fair" mission as you can. And always make an expert mission too hard rather than too easy.


Jul 31, 2009
Map Changes:
- Raised height of ground under bridge slightly
- Fixed some nav issues
- Added flank navs
- Clipped trainstation roof
- Fixed being able to fall into the hatch (oops)

Normal Mode Wave 6:
- Fixed boss not spawning

Expert Mode Wave 1:
- Finally gave shotgun icon to shotgun heavies
- Melee scouts are now crit (sorry)
- Added extra set of demoman bots

Expert Mode Wave 2:
- Added support easy pyros
- Removed the Displacer, he was never as cool as I wanted
- Replaced Displacer with regular Giant Heavies, 3 of them, one with each vacc medic
- Grapple...demomen?!

Expert Mode Wave 3:
- Added support easy pyros
- Added Battalion's Backup to Aussie Soldier
- Replaced shield medics on heater heavies with vaccinator trio

Expert Mode Wave 4:
- Replaced Giant Neon Pyros with 2 Giant Fire Heavy Squads
- Reduced health of Giant Fire Heavies
- Removed Knockback from Giant Fire Heavies entirely
- Support is now a mix of Conch and Battalion Soldiers

Expert Mode Wave 5:
- Reduced total number of giant soldier squads by 1
- Gave them Battalion's Backup
- Spread out their spawns across the entire wave
- Removed giant fire heavies from this wave
- Reduced total wave length

Expert Mode Wave 6:
- Fixed second set of tanks using the same path
- Tryhard Scouts and Buff Trio now come out with the second set of tanks, this should reduce wave length and increase difficulty slightly
- Gave Tryhard scouts an unusual item

Expert Mode Wave 7:
- Removed damage resistances from Boss
- Increased Boss health to compensate (but should overall have slightly less effective health)

Read the rest of this update entry...


Jul 31, 2009
Map Changes:
- Added another full ammo onto the raised garden area in the center
- Added some more engineer spots so they push up nicer
- Raised ground under bridge more

Expert Mode Wave 1:
-Scouts and Demomen now spawn earlier
- Reduced number of Shotgun Heavies by 4 to speed up wave slightly

Expert Mode Wave 2:
- Reduced number of Giant Demomen to 2, this should speed up the wave also
- Reduced tank health by 5000 (20k -> 15k)
- Giant Heavies now come out after the Giant Demomen are dead, rather than with

Expert Mode Wave 3:
- Reduced Heavy + Vaccinator Trio sets by 1

Expert Mode Wave 4:
- Reduced tank health by 5000 (25k -> 20k)

Expert Mode Wave 6:
- Added Grapple Samurai
- Reduced number of giant FAN scouts by 2
- Reduced tank health by 5000 (30k -> 25k)
- Added custom icon for Tryhard Scouts
- Added custom icon for Rising Sun

Read the rest of this update entry...
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Jul 31, 2009
I have been updating the popfile only over the past few tests, so I will host it seperate to the download as I don't want to force anyone to download the map every time.
A9 REV 2

Expert Mode Wave 1:
- Wavespawns are more compressed together

Expert Mode Wave 2:
- Giant Heavies now spawn after a delay rather than after the previous one has died. Watch out!
- Added fister heavies to the second half of the wave.

Expert Mode Wave 3:
- Wrap scouts now always crit and spawn faster and more numerous
- Heavy Vaccinator Trios spawn faster
- Added a shield medic to the vaccinator trio

Expert Mode Wave 4:
- Slightly lowered number of Pryos
- Slightly lowered number of Samurai
- Fixed the cosmetics on giant hunstmans

Expert Mode Wave 5:
- Increased number of giant soldier squads by 1
- However the last one is special ;)
- MaxActive giant soldiers is now 2
- Increased delay between spawns of Giant Soldiers slightly
- Added Support Flare Pyros
- Added Conch Soldiers to second half of wave

Expert Mode Wave 6:
- Banner Trio is now Support
- Removed 4th tank, this wave was too long
- Increased health of 3rd tank (25k -> 30k)
- Replaced Bison support with Iron Bomber Demomen
- Gave the Rising Sun Soldiers a shield medic

A9 REV 3

Expert Mode Wave 1:
- Scouts were incorrectly spawning too late, they now spawn with the other bots.
- Added two regular pyro giants to second half of wave

Expert Mode Wave 2:
- Increased tank's health by 2000 each. (15k -> 17k)
- Reduced number of fister heavies

Expert Mode Wave 3:
- Reduced heavy vaccinator trio's by 1

Expert Mode Wave 4:
- Boss takes slightly less damage from sentries
- Increased tank's health by 2000 each. (20k -> 22k)
- Increased number of samurai
- Fire Heavies now have Non-Popping shield-medics instead.

Expert Mode Wave 5:
- Ninja scouts are no longer support
- Flare Pyros are no longer support, spawn after intial round of airblast pyros
- Removed Conch Soldiers from second half of wave
- Shortened first half of wave (Beggar Soldiers)
- Shogun Ultimate now has less splash radius
- Added some giant ninja scouts to put pressure on the bomb

Expert Mode Wave 6:
- Rising Sun Soldiers now have a mini medic vaccinator trio and mini shield medic
- Removed 3rd Tank
- Increased tank health by 5000 (25k -> 30k)

- Removed all grapple samurai. They were funny but ultimately nonconsequential

Download Current Popfile version
(Revision 3, includes expert.pop and template file)


Jul 31, 2009
Map Changes:
- Changed bridge design
- Fixed the place in the hotspring that bots would get stuck with bomb
- Added fancy train

Expert Mode Wave 1:
- Giant Pyros mark for death with their flames. Glory to the Flame O'War!
- Giant Neon's come out earlier.
- Giant Pyros have uber medics instead of quick fix medics.
- Melee crit scouts are now support limited so you don't have to hunt them down at the end.

Expert Mode Wave 2:
- Fister Heavies spawn slightly earlier in the wave, but slightly more
- Gave the mini neon pyros a bit of a buff

Expert Mode Wave 3:
- Added more giant scouts spread out across the wave, made them sandman giants.

Expert Mode Wave 4:
- Reduced number of total samurai by 2

Expert Mode Wave 5:
- Removed Flare Pyros
- Reduced number of melee heavies by 6
- Number of giant scouts is now 8
- Fixed the projectiles on Shogun Ultimate being too slow and too frequent

Expert Mode Wave 6:
- Reduced number of max active banner trios to 1
- Reduced max number of active demomen support to 4
- Scorch Shot Pyros come after bosses
- Added giant crossbow medic squad to second half of wave
- Added Engineers

Read the rest of this update entry...