TF2 Tightrope


L9: Fashionable Member
Feb 27, 2012
Discussing weapons and actually doing something.


Jul 14, 2009
Discussing weapons and actually doing something.

To be totally frank I haven't seen any good weapon discussions in months, apart from the ones on our forums. The "discussions" on SPUF are just 30 people constantly repeating their own opinion with no progress ever being made, and then 1 week later they do the same thing again because the same topic comes up again. It's basically insane

Anyway here's the last set of polls:
Priority Polls – Heavy & Sniper


Jul 14, 2009
The Priority Polls will end this Sunday, 25th November.

Are they over- or underpowered, have bugs or just a broken concept in general: which are the items you would like to see changed first?

Reminder: Priority Polls Are Ending!

Make sure to get your votes in! Spread the word!


L1: Registered
Jun 23, 2012
Whatever happened to the weekly crit? I really enjoyed reading that, and a lot of the information given has been very useful to me while coming up with ideas for my own mod, but it just kind of stopped happening after the reboot.


Nov 1, 2009


Jul 14, 2009
Whatever happened to the weekly crit? I really enjoyed reading that, and a lot of the information given has been very useful to me while coming up with ideas for my own mod, but it just kind of stopped happening after the reboot.

Yeah it went on hiatus, I had to take over as programmer, organize all the other publicity and then there were the holidays.

I forgot to post it here right away but yes, a new one came out this Tuesday, don't worry~


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
Finally got a chance to play on the server last week. And the Homewrecker buff was both a clever idea and useful. But I think I figured out the real problem with mini-sentries. The "50% damage reduction + 50% firing speed increase" combo effectively gives them double the knockback power, making it harder to hit them (or anything else, for that matter) accurately from within their firing range.


Jul 14, 2009
The Homewrecker already is much more usable, yes. It also giving knockback resistance is still a very common suggestion too though, yeah.


L9: Fashionable Member
Feb 27, 2012
I honestly think that the Bushwacka does need a nerf, but not the nerf it has now. Honestly, even if it is just a parasistic weapon, giving the it a 25% damage reduction is easily making it unusuable.
I use the Bushwacka to kill Pyros. The damage nerf makes Pyros particulary scary. In the front lines, with the Huntsman, kiss goodbye to Pyros being just an annoyance and say welcome to afterburn being a death sentence.
Give it a slower swing speed. It works preety well with the Ubersaw and the KGB. It doesn't mean it is good as it is now, but it would be bad if someone changed to what you guys are doing.


L1: Registered
Jan 22, 2013
Any plans for the Red-Tape-Recorder? I hate it when people call weapons overpowered, but I don't know how to describe the RTR.
(Anecdotal evidence incoming) I was playing Engie on part 2 of Goldrush, and a Spy came along and did what all spies do, sapped my shit. Luckily, a pyro had already spotted him and took care of him before he stabbed me. I was focused on getting the RTR off, so there was no delay between swings, and the sentry was already down to level 2. The instant downgrade is a pain in the ass.

Of course, I heard a rumor that the reason for the instant downgrade is a programming error, something to do with how the sentry upgrades or something.


Jul 14, 2009
Yeah the RTR's downgrading speed was supposed to be nerfed to take 3s... but they screwed it up and that nerf only applies to teleporters now. Dispensers and sentries still downgrade in 1.7s which is simply too fast. Also keep in mind that when an RTR is knocked off the building still takes time to re-upgrade so it stays disabled for longer than usual. On top of all that when a dispenser downgrades it loses all stored metal for no reason.

It's a huge mess but unfortunately the offending mechanic is hardcoded so there's nothing sensible we can do


L1: Registered
Jan 22, 2013
Yeah the RTR's downgrading speed was supposed to be nerfed to take 3s... but they screwed it up and that nerf only applies to teleporters now. Dispensers and sentries still downgrade in 1.7s which is simply too fast. Also keep in mind that when an RTR is knocked off the building still takes time to re-upgrade so it stays disabled for longer than usual. On top of all that when a dispenser downgrades it loses all stored metal for no reason.

It's a huge mess but unfortunately the offending mechanic is hardcoded so there's nothing sensible we can do

That's what I was afraid of, oh well, sorry for bugging you!


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
Speaking of hard coded behavior, how much tweaking can be done to the Vaccinator? Because when it first came out, I wondered what would happen if they had actually tried to make it work with just two buttons, by for example dispensing with the Ubercharge altogether and using mouse2 to cycle through damage types. Possibly compensating by increasing the standard resistance or something.


Jul 14, 2009
A possible way to implement that would be to simply not allow the Vaccinator to build ubercharge and then intercept the incoming damage values, multiply them with the resistance factor you want and only then apply them to the player.

That in particular would be possible but things like adding a 4th resistance type or so are extremely difficult (though I'm not certain if impossible if workarounds work out)