
PL Manngrove rc

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L2: Junior Member
Sep 22, 2011
Manngrove Marsh (PL) (Release Candidate)
by Reid "R!ghteous" Hansen

Currently: Release Candidate 5

As the payload plods its course through Manngrove Marsh you can rest assured it's going to be a bumpy ride.
The focus of this map is to provide players with a complex, yet refined, approach to the payload game type. While the path of the cart provides a clear focal point, the numerous and diverse access points ensure that a skilled player will be able to outmaneuver or directly overpower the opposition. Additionally, this map attempts to revitalize the concept of base infiltration as the Blu team moves from the Red team’s façade to deep inside the Red rocket base, all the while, pleasing the player’s eye.

To win BLU team must escort a cart full of explosives through a series of checkpoints and into RED's base within a certain amount of time.
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L6: Sharp Member
Mar 31, 2008
well this popped out of no where. looks amazing dude.

I really love this area


L1: Registered
Sep 18, 2011
I don't think the name fits the name very well. Doesn't really look like a marsh to me. It seems something more along the lines of fortress, facility etc., would do this map some justice.

Design wise it looks great. I like how it transitions from 3-4 different environments.


L2: Junior Member
Sep 22, 2011
I don't think the name fits the name very well. Doesn't really look like a marsh to me. It seems something more along the lines of fortress, facility etc., would do this map some justice.

Design wise it looks great. I like how it transitions from 3-4 different environments.

Thank you. The name is really focused on point 1 as it is one of the more memorable areas of the map. Points B-D Are really more about whats actually inside of the marsh behind Red's facade. I do appreciate the Input though


L1: Registered
Jun 12, 2011
This map is just wonderful. I like this
with much love to detail made​​.
I've sent an email to valve TF team that will officially map.
good luck "R1ghteous"
greet jbezorg (GECL_Knecht)


L3: Member
May 19, 2009
This looks fantastic. I look forward to seeing it on a game day or impromptu!

Have you uploaded it to the game server?


L2: Junior Member
Sep 22, 2011
I have not personally... though I do host my own 24/7 manngrove server right now so I can get great feedback and have demos sitting there for me.

Feel free to play @

Its a 20 slot NFO server.

Oh. Also there are quite a few communities that have adopted it. You can check it out on the Crit Sandwich Network, Festers Place, Twisted Network, and Off Balance Gaming all have had it in their rotation.
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L2: Junior Member
Sep 22, 2011
@Ravage ... Have anything constructive to say? I have gotten really positive response across the board. Minor fixes/tweaks here and there, but certainly posts like yours are useless to building a better community/map. If you have something constructive to say or feedback then please be my guest. Otherwise, I see no need to waste everyone's time with useless negativity. Many people agree with him.


L2: Junior Member
Sep 22, 2011
Guys, please be helpful and supportive like this any other map.

I agree with yyler, you should defiently look at better lighting compiling options.

I am. Thanks frozen and yyler. I know this is something that I need to do as I approach final release. Thanks again.


L1: Registered
Sep 26, 2011
my fav payload map hands down.
ive played it in a full server and it runs great.
probably the most balanced pl map in tf2.


Jun 23, 2010
When I run throughout this map for the first time, the first point seemed very dizorganiated at the level of detail.

The detail is present at all level of the map, In any case, this can be something very good, but you need a lot of more work on this, the brushwork is very squared and unimaginative, the giants rocks just looks unnatural, there is not transition between the displacement and the model, the part with the water is just copy/pasted from mountainlab. The skybox seems very odd for me because I feel crushed under a pile of building and smoke, whitout any blank zones.

For the second point, it's just the layout of well man, three levels, an hole at the middle with a distillery on the top, please, be more imaginative. Further, the gameplay based on a main corridor with somes small corridors at the sides can be very fade, you are just playing on a choke all the time !

At the third point, you have once again changed the theme, with another main corridor with some others corridors, okay it looks good (less the tracks on the floor and the mono-level).

for the last point, I saw the last point of dustbowl, the same floor level and the same size.

So no, for me this map don't got the level to be official, because is lack of creativity and is level of detailling very disturbing, even if I didn't play this map with others players, but what do you want to test in FFA now, chargintargedirecthitdeadringerpyrooppf2peverywhere.

Oh and cool lighting in the well part, I just want to see some yellow sprites and it will be perfect ;)

Do not take it too bad, it's just my opinion, I'm probably an idiot but at least I said what I think of your map.

(yeah I'm mad because nobody like my maps so I'm a bitch with the other mappers who are appreciated :)D).)


Sep 11, 2013
FYI, final releases aren't the only place for good lighting. I'm guessing from what you've said here so far that you have a decent rig. If that's the case you ought to be compiling with at least -staticproplighting. I do that and -staticproppolys even in alpha.