* Hale receives more damage the less players are left.
* Hale receives less damage if he took too much recently.
The desired effect is to minimize rounds when Hale is still half-full, while most of the Mercs are dead, while also avoiding singular damage sources (kritz, sticky traps, backstabs) from deleting Hale.
* VFX for Charge (both Wind-Up and Dash).
* VFX for Saxton PUNCH!
* Wall Climbing now works off of everything except players and engie buildings.
* Quicker round change when Hale bails out.
* The info sign at the start of the round now says "Kill all Mercenaries" and "Kill Saxton Hale".
* Removed `arena_win_panel` event to test if tf2maps is bugged because of it.
* Fixed incorrect damage accumulation for Airstrike and Frontier Justice.
* If you died during Setup as a Merc, you will get respawned.
* Backstabs and Market Gardens deal 100% of the Damage Quota, as opposed to 80%, but will likely increase Hale's damage resistance factor.
* Engineer buildings stay alive after their Engineer dies.
* Added Hale's portrait for the player panel at the top.