- simplified some things
- added back the medium to mid
- added silo looking things to mid to block a sightline
- added stairs to allow easier access to the high ground
- other minor stuff to prepare for 6s testing
- fixed team color issue
- adjusted cover at mid and changed cover elsewhere to compensate
- lowered the roofs again cause I don't have to block dumb a sightline anymore thanks to the waterfall route being gone

now that I think about this map looks a lot like older versions (the small health kit is even back)
I think its time I go into beta soon
- forgot a clip brush whoops
map still fun, but too many flanks spoils the koth. also too much health this time. oh well

- got rid of the waterfall flank entirely
- changed the medium health under mid to a small again
- got rid of that extra health pack I added a couple versions back
- probably some other stuff
why don't I check things more often
- correctly mirrored crate in the elevator cave
- also updated the pictures cause I'm bored
- fixed team colors
- tweaked the waterfall thing again
- blocked a dumb sightline
test went well people seemed to have fun but I didn't like how the waterfall drop-down was playing so I changed it.

- changed the waterfall section a bit
- blocked a sightline
- added an extra ammo pack just because
- probably some other stuff