This will be quite a spicy one.
This version includes "JACK Scaling". What is JACK Scaling? Well it's the idea of the JACK becoming worth more points the more time passes without any team scoring goals.
PASS Time as a gamemode has a similar problem to Capture The Flag: If one team is playing decently defensive, things become slow paced. If both are aggressive, everything works out round duration wise since you will hit the amount of score required to win the round. Things feel satisfying for players.
However when one team starts focusing on defense a bunch, the aggressors will spent a lot more time trying to break through it. The problem? Once they are finally through it, they only get a single point for their efforts!
That's rather discouraging. It also means that the game is likely going to go to time. Overall: Not a good time. Players clearly correlate time spent struggling with reward gained, and getting hit by the single point out of 5 after pushing through a sentry nest that took you 5 minutes just sucks.
This problem isn't really fixable via map design. If you make the map more favored towards aggressors to the point where playing defensively just isn't an option anymore, the map will be over in a flash if neither team is playing defensive. You have to account for both types of teams - offensive and defensive, playing in any combination be it offensive vs offensive, def vs. off or def vs. def.
This is where JACK Scaling comes in! Every 2 minutes of no goal being scored, the Jack will increase in it's worth. Base goals (Throw/Walk) will reward 2 points now, while the Bonus will reward 4. JACK Scaling caps at 2 extra points - meaning that if you hit 4 minutes with no goal scored, a single bonus goal will be able to win the entire round, while Throw/Walk award 3 points.
This change makes the effort/reward align with the player's expectations after they push through a sentry nest for several minutes and also makes matches more tense the longer they go on without goal, rather than make them feel like a boring slog.
JACK Scaling will also leave the fast paced, no defense matches untouched and still intact, as these have a far higher Goal/min rate which in turn makes JACK Scaling not kick in.
With this implemented, playing to time should be a rarity. This kind of scaling could also be used in Capture The Flag to ensure swift round durations, however I am unsure if you can implement it easily.
- Implementation of JACK Scaling to ensure exciting and tense rounds under any circumstances. Lights around each goal will signalize the amount of points gained, custom Voice Lines are planned.
- There are now bright, spinning alarm lights at doors attackers attack from. If the JACK is within one of these buildings, the lights will turn on and spin. This should raise defender awareness tenfold and prevent "sneaky" goals.
- Added a sightline blocker around the crate on that one roof to prevent a strange interaction angle.
- Moved walk-in goal back a little bit.
- Moved throw-in goal forwards a bit
- Changed throw-in goal size from small to big, as players couldn't notice the small one.
- Removed a small ammo pack inside the defender building over the goal.
- Added an arrow looking down on the walk-in.
- Alarm Siren is now louder and triggers faster.
Very excited for the next map test to see if JACK Scaling works as I imagine it to.