//Changelog A5

//Added low gravity during wall building phase for red team, to help non-jumper classes get atop
//Fixed buildings not being able to be built after wave
//Fixed upgrade room not working
//Fixed Gatebot trap stunning giants
//Fixed some traps not properly reducing the tower credits and breaking the system
//Walls can now be resold during the wall phase, also fixed an error relating to the nav (I couldn't make the buttons melee-only, but I did make it so your not going to buy walls by mistake when the wave is over)
//Removed Engie hints off each wall, no more stuck engies
//The wave now pauses bot spawning shortly after it starts, so spies and shit won't harrass players, but to allow important bots like the time's up to spawn
//Moved the Tower Credits on the HUD to the far left so it isn't blocked by the sweer "X killed BLUE ROBOT" spam
//Ghost trap now properly animates and doesn't stun giants
//walls have been altered a little to make the nav work

//Changed the towers a bit, to make the nav work
Lets see:

RD bots now spawn from bombs dropping and 10 spawn per reset on the 5 main bombs, they go for the hatch. Don't get overwelmed!
2 new trap types: Croc traps instantly kills and collects money, but only works on non-bomb and non-giant bots. Ghost trap spooks foes.
Gatebot trap now emits a blast that does 200 damage to RD bots when it triggers
Balance changes to the missions, and cost of the lv2 sentry decreased to 3 and HP increased to 1500
Players move 50% faster when they leave spawn

Alot of other things I may have forgotten
adv_tftd, another mission, this time showing off the ability to give fixed tower credits after waves, no bomb reset tower credits, and a timer before the doors open and the wave starts.
to make the current wave give no tower credits on bomb reset
to give tower credits after a wave that isn't 5 tower credits

-removed dispenser pickup, and replaced it with a resupply locker you can deploy.

--mission: adv_fpstd
-waves now give 5 tower credits after the wave, they gave 10 before (the rules say they give 5 so my bad)
-sniper missions have a much longer cooldown, and wave 4-5 missions even longer
Added lighting, that's kinda it, also changed the screenshots to show off a wave 1 maze you can build


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