
pullsnake a16a

-opened up the areas between A point and B point
-modified geo on C slightly
-pushed A point back
-other minor tweaks
-added missing respawn room for blue team's 2nd respawn
-extended the cliffside on b to make that route a more effective flank
2years in alpha

-changed C point in the hope to make it more defendable
-pushed back point a
-pushed forward point B while adding some more flanks
-pushed A point back further
-redesigned the entire building around B point
-pushed the C point's respawn room for blu further back and added another forward spawn for blu when capturing A
-raised the ceiling at certain areas on point C
-modified pickup placement slightly
-slightly modified A to handle the new placement of point A
-pushed point C's cap area further back by a bit
-slightly modified positions of points A and B
-changed the forward hold area for B to be a big warehouse style interior
-increased time added for capping A point by 30 seconds
-added more signs for directions
-pushed the blue team spawn very slightly further after capping A
-changed pickup placement as a result of new areas
-modified the space for the area in between B and C
-modified the position of the trimp ramp at C
-increased blue team's 2nd spawn while condensing red's 2nd spawn
-scrunched up the area connecting point A to point B even further to decrease walk times for offense / mitigate sightlines
-pushed both A and B points further ahead
-modified the area between B and C to be less open, but still be blue sided
-reduced red team's respawn wave time on point B
-made some minor geo changes / fixed some oversights, mostly in the area between point A and B
-scrunched up excess areas between the B point and the C point
-modified the balcony area for A
-reverted B spawn for red from the previous version
-modified flanks at point A
this map seems to just be getting worse and worse
-pushed the capture point for A way back
-the respawn point for red on B is now the same as it is on C
-changed respawn wave times for red on A and C
-opened up some perches (experimental) on A
-removed some added elements from the previous version
-modified & refined rollback areas
mostly changes to A and C here...