Patched some leaks
fixed spawn
  • Removed the boat and replaced it with a board
Boat was removed because it was hard to get to the health pack, this change should make it easier to get it
  • Increased the length of the map
by adding a church to fall back to, I hope to stop spawn camping, while giving each team more ground
  • Raised Skybox
By raising the sky box, rocket jumping should become more easy
  • Changed the stairs in the house
Increased the size too 128 Hu from the original 64 Hu, also clipped them
  • Fixed Resupply Lockers
Originally, one locker would open the other
  • Added more "doory" looking doors
Thanks for all the complements during testing, I hope I can keep the twist of the map while fixing many issues.
changed fille name
Placed a boat under the bridge
Moved full healthpacks
Patched leaks and fixed the problem of water not spawning