
pl_eruption B14

in this update:

- For an experiement I moved both Blu forward spawns a bit back to see if it will give Red a chance at defending C and D. ( now the first forward spawn is outside the cave, where point A is , and the second is really close to the Red's first spawn.)

- made it possible for Red team to get into the vent at last.

- Moved a health pack to another location at C.

I hope the latest changes will help with the flow of the map a bit. I am trying to give Red a hand at defending C. But overall the map plays good.
Last point is very interesting you have to keep watch at every area and I think its fun. People complain about the balconies but before you say anything I have at least 2 counters for the sniper balconies. You can either take the vent and get behind the enemy sniper and kill him or you have 2 bigger balconies with cover and health which you can use to your advantage. Anywayz I dont have much to say cause I am updating this map really often so... yea
in this version:

- fixed and removed the force spawn mechanic I added in the previous version.

- changed the ammo/health packs a bit

thats it lol.

I was really suprised to see that the force spawn would make everyone teleport back to the spawn after they captured B. The goal was just to make the dead red players respawn after point B is captured so they have more of a chance at defending C. Similar to barnblits.
Anywayz It should be working now. Peace players.
In this version:

- Changed a small cave area at first ( in theory it will allow for a new and stronger sentry spot there. ( first picture )

- extended the platform at B , so now it gives Blu more cover and the ability to see around the sides easier ( second picture )

- Changed the Health and Ammo placements Around points: B and C
to help the attack or defence accordingly.

- added a force spawn after B is captured so the Red team can actually prepare a defence at C.

- added 2 new rollback zones At C.

- Made the cave flank at C a little more difficult and risky to use. Now its more risk/reward based on the situation.

- blocked a small but rather annoying sightline.

- changed a few things based on feedback.


Based on the new changes hopefully Blu will have an easier time capturing point B , I tried giving them more space to move around on the highground and I made this sentry spot on the waterfall still possible but still harder to pull off. People said that point C feels like a connector to the final point which in some way is but I hope I can make it something more than that.

Sorry for the long wait. I had been having a few difficulties lately but I think most of them are done. I will keep working both my maps ( eruption and sharkbay ) and with sharkbay I am finishing things up. Its the first map I ever playtested and detailed properly and It was pretty fun! I hope I can do the same with this map. Can't wait to start detailing this bad boy. The difference this time may be that someone will help me with the detailing. It's my last year at school..... oh boy...

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in this version:

- Reverted the first red spawn to it's previous position

- moved the second checkpoint back a bit to give Blu an easier time capping

- brighten up the map more. ( I covered almost every dark spot now )

- Added a rollback zone at point C to give Red an easier time holding there.

- Optimized the map more.

- more clipping.

Well, I think now people can finally rest with the map being too dark. I wanted to keep some dark spots especially in the cave because ITS A CAVE of course it will be at least a little dark right?
I want to say a few things even though almost nobody reads them anyways. I watched last night's playtest of the map and I got "a little" frustrated. Some people make me now feel "bad" for actually putting this map for playtest. I honestly don't know man.
Another thing. If you dont like something in this map try explaining why. Just saying the Cave area isn't good or I dont like it doesnt help me one bit.
That's what I wanted to say.
In this version:

- Moved the first Red spawn a bit further back. Previously it took around 5 seconds to reach the second point , now it takes around 7. ( thats Borneo's and frontier's time)
In theory, now when you exit the spawn you will have more options where to go and Blu will find it easier to cap point B.

Thats all. A rather small update but I honestly didnt know what else to change.
in this version:

- made changes according to feedback.

- changed the health/ammo packs a bit so as to nerf Red and Buff BLU more

- At point A , I gave Blu the high ground on one of the routes to the point.

- made the map a little brighter

- At point B , I gave the ability to Blu to access the waterfall flank a lot easily and blocked the second flank - route only for Red.

- Fixed snipers being able to shoot through the waterfall.

- added a flank ( vent ) to the final point , which connects with the a building which has on top those sniper spots. In theory a spy for instance could get there undetected and kill the snipers.

-Also tried breaking the sniper sightlines a little.

I saw that Blu team is having quite some hard time pushing the cart so I tried giving them a boost. If those are not enough for points A and B , I will try moving the first Red Spawn elsewhere as a test.

I dont have much to say. I just hope I can get the chance to actually play my map :p
in this version:

- changed a few things based on feedback.

- the door on last point no longer goes on top and it can not be opened by blue team.

- improved the clipping around the map , and fixed a few exploits.

- made the first red spawnroom door close after 15 seconds when point B is capped so as to give the players inside some time to move out.

- the cave is brighter now.

- changed the ammo/health pack sizes and placement a little bit.
I think thats it.

I am happy so far with how the map is viewed. I spent way too much time on A1 but I think I done well. I tried to make a payload map right. Not many chokepoints , small rooms etc.
Thanks for the feedback so far , the real playtest of this map will most likely happen in the upcoming days when people get to know the layout better. So I am looking forward to seeing and playing the map when I have the chance.
For sharkbay I am doing some work there too. I finished the 3D skybox and out of bounds details , Red spawn and a few other small areas. Now I got to fully detailed the rest of the map and add sound and the boat. Then I think it will be ready for workshop.
Thats for now.