In this update:
➤Improved fps and optimization
➤improved clipping
➤tweaked hp and ammo pack placements.
➤Added a little more detailing
-----Point A-----
➤Upgraded medium ammo packs to full ones.
➤replaced some mining rocks with cliff rocks
➤replaced some rocks with fences, brushes or displacements
➤Fixed being able to climb a rock as sniper, hide and snipe people.

-----Point B-----
➤Reworked the point so as to allow blu to attack easier.
➤Now the side flank allows both Red and Blu to get up to the highground from their angles. The idea is for them to fight for who will control the flank which gives them highground and health. If Red loses Blu can attack from the upper area and have visibility over their defence so they can spam it. That flank also has an additional small hp/ammo pack. Another reason why such change was made is because the cart couldn't be defended by Red until it reached a very specific point, now the flank should be more interesting.
➤Made the waterfall quieter.
➤Removed the Health and ammo from Blu's left attacking root into B. The reason is that Red can use the health and ammo to flank Blu if they cordinate enough and also the map has too many packs already.
➤On the Right side now, instead of stairs/catwalk there is a bridge connection Red's and Blu's highgrounds. So the Right route now can be a lot more useful when attacking.
➤Instead of one, Red has now 2 staircases leading up to their highground. One is safer than the other, which to use now depends on what the situation calls for it. The one staircase is exposed to a potential enemy sniper, whereas the other isn't.
➤Red's Highground now provides a full ammo box and a medium health pack. The highground always was the main way to defend the point so I am trying to reinforce this idea.
➤Added a rollback zone to point B right behind the cap.

-----Point C-----
➤Removed the Red bush (visibility and team recognition purposes)
➤Made the rollback zone longer
➤Upgraded the medium ammo pack into a full one, also gave Red another small hp pack.
➤Replaced a rock with fences so both teams can have better visibility.
-----Point D-----
➤Made Red have less back up options.
➤Removed a small handrail on the fan room.
➤The fan got improved. Now there is a grate around the fan allowing for an easier escape if someone chooses to drop down to the lowground. Despite that, there is a hole in that grate which allows for players to still use the fan. The goal is to reduce the possibility of people accidentally using the fan while trying to escape.
➤Removed the Window outside Red's spawn which allowed Red to get information for upcoming Blu attacks from really far away.
➤Made it harder for someone to peak and shoot from spawn while having a direct line of sight to the cart from the highground. (added a fence/window there)
➤Reworked the room near Red's spawn which leads up to the highground.

I don't have much to say, hope you like the version, I tried to make the map more playable and more fun in general. Hope everything I did helped.