
pl_eruption B14

In this version:

-----Point A-----
➤Added more cover
-----Point B-----
➤Fully detailed the point.
➤Improved lighting
➤Made it possible to climb up to Blu's highground via a prop jump.
➤Added more signs to guide players to the right path.
➤Remade Blu's second forward spawn. So no more getting stuck to the floor. Now that area is an old Red base that Blu just took over.

-----Point C-----
➤Made the left attacking route wider. Now it provides more space to dodge incoming attacks.
➤Made Red's hold a little weaker.
➤Added a way for blu to climb from the lowground up to the cart path quicker.
➤tweaked a few rocks for better cover.
-----Point D-----
➤Added better detailing around the point as well as inside Red's base.
➤Added a room inside Blu's attacking hallway for cover and for teleport placement.
Hey there!
Long time no see!
Sorry for taking 3 months to release this badboy. I was busy with so many stuff!
Such as pl_corruption , cp_caribbean a few new maps of mine, life stuff such as university and balancing that with a full time job now and finally I am learning godot (a game engine program).
So I have plenty of stuff going on lately however the update is done. I will try to "finish" the map at B10 if I am lucky. That means implementing a 3D skybox, adding custom particles for when the cart falls into the pit, sound effects and finalizing the design. I am pretty happy with the map but still I feel like I could have done things better and in a different way. But that's how most people feel when making anything really, so I will try to finish what I have been working on for years now and then start something new. For christmas Rhamkin and I are preparing a really creative map that we can't wait to show you.
Also Eruption got featured on Uncletopia! How cool is that?
Eruption received a lot of love and I can't wait to finish the map and present it to the workshop!
That's for now, let me know what you think of the changes and the map!
Fixed a few more stuff based on feedback.
Fixed a few minor issues with the map
In this version:

➤Fixed a few issues with the map.
➤Improved clipping.
➤Removed all dev textures.

-----Point B-----
➤Added a drop down for Red and for spies to use.
➤Detailed the point some more.
-----Point D-----
➤Detailed the whole point.
➤Changed the detailing inside Red's spawn.
➤Moved the health and ammo from Blu's left route into D, from the entrance, down to the freezer room.
➤Blu's Left route was nerfed more, the stair case got smaller, the wall on the highground was extended thus allowing for splash damage and area denial and a window was also added so Red can see Blu coming.
➤Red was buffed in this version more, now some windows are see-through only from the one side, Red has more hp/ammo and a "new" place for engies to set up on the stairs outside Red's spawn. It's a small place but it doesn't have any visibility from enemies so it can't get spammed that easily.
➤The platform was widened
➤Blu's window visibility got restricted so they can't spam Red's defences from faaaaaar away anymore.

I want to note something, a few issues like prop shadows, lighting, skybox , detailing etc will be addressed in a later version!
I am aware of them but I don't have the time to do them yet. Pl_corruption and trying to get this map done for the competitive cups really ate my time a lot!
I also have exams for my university right now so yeah...
I will fix them tho, I guess B9 could be the most stable version. I could even prepare a 3D skybox, dunno I will see.
Anyways that's for now, keep an eye for the upcoming cups!
Also there are talks of including Eruption in an upcoming season...


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In this version:

-----Point A-----
➤Fixed the gravel (ice) issue
➤props now cast shadows
➤fixed obvious prop fades
➤Gave the spy a few places to decloak
➤Medic should be a little more safe at A now. Just a little tho
➤Improved clipping.
➤Added fog
-----Point B-----
➤Removed Red's ramp up to the highground at mid. Now they have to go all the way back to their highground in order to reach the highground at mid.
➤Gave the spy multiple decloak spots at B, even a prop jump.
➤Made Blu medic a lot safer around B. Now there is more cover and little cubies to hide.
➤Removed the closed doors at B. Red can use them now to escape and spies to decloak.
➤Removed a medium ammo pack for Red.
➤Added a fence on the highground on Mid for Blu in order to prevent red pyros from denying uber with one click.
➤Improved clipping.
➤Fixed the gravel (ice) Issue here too.
➤Changed the water texture.
-----Point C-----
➤Fixed a few issues with the props and lighting
➤Changed Red base's textures
-----Point D-----
➤Reworked the left route into D, now there is a spiral staircase going up and down. Up leads to the highground where the main push happens. Down leads to the freezer room, Blu can use this route to attack from bellow and enter D easier. Also another reason why this change was made is because Red were able to hold Blu back really easily, this should help Blu push since a red Demo can't camp both entrances to the highground with just one trap anymore.
➤Moved the medium health pack inside a cuby.
➤Gave spy a jump route in order to get up to Red engineer's highground and sap the sentry.
➤Made the bridge smaller
➤Fixed a few issues with last as well.
Alright, I have like a week left to wrap everything up, the gameplay changes at D really slowed me down. Dunno if I will have all the time I need to detail the whole map, so I will have to throw textures around it looks like. I will do my best though.
Some of you give me feedback about fog, lighting , shadows etc. All of those will be addressed later in the development. I can't spend hours with the lighting only to remove it in the next update. The map almost reached a place where huge changes are no longer required, so we will see how it will go from here.
Thanks for the feedback and help so far. Have fun with the map.
In this update:

➤Fixed a couple of issues such as seams.
➤Changed Spawn times after each point gets capped.

---Old spawn times----
1st: 8/3
2nd: 8/3
3rd: 6/3
4th: 7/3

---New spawn times---
1st: 8/3
2nd: 8/2
3rd: 7/3
4th: 9/2

-----Point A-----
➤ Cave's out of bounds detailing was expanded a little in order to hide the skybox.
➤Fully detailed A, (Preparing for September 2nd Deadline for competitive cups)
-----Point B-----
➤Started detailing work on B.

-----Point C-----
➤Changed the outside walls of the base to be a different texture.
-----Point D-----
➤Reverted blu's left platform into a window
➤Fixed the white metal grade not rendering from underneath.
I was really happy to see in the newest demos that even if the teams were rather unbalanced, people were still able to defend/attack the point and in general have a good time.
I was really happy in fact when I saw comments like these:
"good gameplay and cool aesthetic"
"Good map all around, fun to play"
"map fun now"
Like damn! Those bring a tear to the eye haha.
My next goal is to prepare D for an artpass, since B1 last point was always half baked. Only the interiors had any detailing, Now I am planning of shaping it up.
As far B is concerned I will definitely do the same, slowly but shortly. I still have like 2 weeks to do it. 2 weeks to prepare eruption, study for my exams and to finish a super duper secret project. You will find out more about it soon.
In this version:

-----Point A-----
➤ Reworked the detailing inside Blu's spawn. Now the cave feels a lot more unique, custom props made by JeddyK
➤Made it possible for Blu to climb up to Red's highground via a small platform. This should help attackers.

-----Point B-----
➤Reworked mid, Now instead of a bridge there is a "Hill"

-----Point C-----
➤ Detailed 100% of the point. Now C is complete.
➤Also made Red's highground a little bigger so they can shoot Blu team while they are pushing the cart on the slope and also gave Red more cover.


-----Point D-----
➤Replaced Blu's attacking window with a door and a platform. This should allow Blu to use the left route more easily, take down Red's defences and drop to the cart a lot quicker.
➤Blocked Blu's path to get behind Red Engineers. Now setting up should be easier.
➤Also D saw detailing work as well.

The layout is almost finalized, I am putting together the final touches and preparing the map for upcoming competitive leagues. Hope I finish the map on time. Wish me luck.
There are some clipping issues with the spawn, a few fade issues and stuff like that, But I am kinda in a hurry to release this version but I will fix all of them soon. I am aware of them so expect a fix in the upcoming days!
In this update:
➤Improved clipping
➤Improved fps via occluders & hints
➤Made props fading less obvious
➤Fixed collision issues with certain props
➤More detailing added to the map
➤Removed most trees from the gameplay area and made the push entities on top of the trees work better
➤Some forest rock props got replaced with cliff ones.
➤Fixed the lighting bug inside Red's first spawn. (It's been around since B1 lol)

-----Point A-----
➤Removed the rollback zone
➤Gave Blu small hp/ammo pack when attacking
➤Made Red's defence weaker by nerfing certain hiding spots so blu don't have to turn 180 degrees to look behind them when attacking anymore.
➤When A is capped it gives Blu 30 more seconds to attack B.
➤Moved Health and Ammo further back on the right side. This helps both Red when defending A and Blu when attacking B.

-----Point B-----
➤Made it harder for Red to push out of B now. The Left side where Red used to hold to the highground overlooking the main cart path now is a big staircase. Blu have the highground (Health and Ammo too) when attacking from there so it should be easy to hold Red back. Right side, instead of going down, goes up now. Blu need to fully commit to attacking B from this side now since they need to drop down.
➤Tweaked Health and Ammo around B in order to allow for new defence positions and stop Red from pushing Blu back.
➤Blu's flank route which leads to the highground now limits their view more, no more diagonal sightlines.
➤In order to stop Blu from rolling B, they have to earn their way to the highground now. Main path has limited sightlines (where the bridge is), they can climb up to Red's defence quickly but they don't get as much highground as Red have etc. (Suggestion/change by Doom)
➤If someone falls to the lowground they can't get back up quickly anymore. They get punished for falling down but there is also a big health pack so it's all forgiven lol.

-----Point C-----
➤This time around I tried to experiement with C a little. The bridge now protects Blu from Red snipers 100%
➤There is a new bridge added which connects Blu's highground with Red's sniper spot. This should allow for some interesting plays.
➤Flank now has a full health and ammo pack, encouraging people to use this route for both attacking and healing up.
➤Finally Red's Ammo pack got reduced to a medium one but they got a fence protecting them from spam.
➤Made it clearer that you can't highbomb C where the big rocks are.

The goal for C is to have a back and forth with the point. I don't want either Red to dominate or Blu to roll.

Eruption is getting even more Attention from competitive, Eruption may even be featured in the next cup in september which is super exciting!
I worked really hard on this version, trying to improve most points and make them more balanced. let me know what you think of them, I will continue working on the map and improving it as much as I can. Thanks.


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In this update:
➤Improved fps and optimization
➤improved clipping
➤tweaked hp and ammo pack placements.
➤Added a little more detailing

-----Point A-----
➤Upgraded medium ammo packs to full ones.
➤replaced some mining rocks with cliff rocks
➤replaced some rocks with fences, brushes or displacements
➤Fixed being able to climb a rock as sniper, hide and snipe people.
-----Point B-----
➤Reworked the point so as to allow blu to attack easier.
➤Now the side flank allows both Red and Blu to get up to the highground from their angles. The idea is for them to fight for who will control the flank which gives them highground and health. If Red loses Blu can attack from the upper area and have visibility over their defence so they can spam it. That flank also has an additional small hp/ammo pack. Another reason why such change was made is because the cart couldn't be defended by Red until it reached a very specific point, now the flank should be more interesting.
➤Made the waterfall quieter.
➤Removed the Health and ammo from Blu's left attacking root into B. The reason is that Red can use the health and ammo to flank Blu if they cordinate enough and also the map has too many packs already.
➤On the Right side now, instead of stairs/catwalk there is a bridge connection Red's and Blu's highgrounds. So the Right route now can be a lot more useful when attacking.
➤Instead of one, Red has now 2 staircases leading up to their highground. One is safer than the other, which to use now depends on what the situation calls for it. The one staircase is exposed to a potential enemy sniper, whereas the other isn't.
➤Red's Highground now provides a full ammo box and a medium health pack. The highground always was the main way to defend the point so I am trying to reinforce this idea.
➤Added a rollback zone to point B right behind the cap.
-----Point C-----
➤Removed the Red bush (visibility and team recognition purposes)
➤Made the rollback zone longer
➤Upgraded the medium ammo pack into a full one, also gave Red another small hp pack.
➤Replaced a rock with fences so both teams can have better visibility.

-----Point D-----
➤Made Red have less back up options.
➤Removed a small handrail on the fan room.
➤The fan got improved. Now there is a grate around the fan allowing for an easier escape if someone chooses to drop down to the lowground. Despite that, there is a hole in that grate which allows for players to still use the fan. The goal is to reduce the possibility of people accidentally using the fan while trying to escape.
➤Removed the Window outside Red's spawn which allowed Red to get information for upcoming Blu attacks from really far away.
➤Made it harder for someone to peak and shoot from spawn while having a direct line of sight to the cart from the highground. (added a fence/window there)
➤Reworked the room near Red's spawn which leads up to the highground.
I don't have much to say, hope you like the version, I tried to make the map more playable and more fun in general. Hope everything I did helped.