
pl_eruption B14

In this update:
➤Impoved clipping, fps and detailing.
➤Added color correction.
➤Changed the lighting.
➤Fixed a lot of props fading out sooner than they should.

----Point A-----
➤Reworked the entire point.
----Point B-----
➤Restricted Blu's highground
➤Made it really difficult for Red to get up to Blu's highground. Only jumping classes can now.
➤Reduced the angles where fights can happen.
➤Added the staircase that lead's Blu up to Red's highground back.
➤The right route out of B got reworked so as not to lead to the same area as the main path.
➤The platforms on the highground got a buff. Now there is more space to move around, as well as not any annoying fences limiting your movement.

Special thanks to d3adfin for helping me out with point B changes!
----Point C-----
➤Added a rollback zone near the cap.
➤Upgraded the small health pack to the left attacking route for Blu into a medium one.

----Point D-----
➤Detailed the point a lot more.
➤Made the fan spin 4 times faster
➤Made the cold room feel colder lol.
Alright we made it to Beta 2. The map is going pretty well so far!
Even competitive teams played it and enjoyed it which gives me a second win!
Anyways, Hope you enjoy the update, lemme know if you find any issues with it and feel free to give me feedback about the map!
In this update:
➤Fixed some prop fades
➤clipping and lighting were improved a little.
➤certain props that a sniper could hide and make it difficult to tell where he is got removed or moved around.
➤Added a trigger hurt on the lava at spawn.
➤Fixed being able to build at spawn.
➤Fixed getting stuck at spawn.
➤Fixed a small issue the holograms.

-----Point A-----
➤Blocked the left route for attackers, the goal is to make the first point more defendable. This is an idea I had, this change is something like an experiement.
-----Point B-----
➤Removed the catwalk as an experiement. While playing the map I noticed that Blu could attack from everywhere making it impossible to hold a nest.
➤Removed the rollback zone.
-----Point C-----
➤Moved the point further back.
-----Point D-----
➤Changed the way to get up to the highground as both Red and Blu at the left side. This should make it easier for Blu to attack the point as well as make the low ground more useful.
➤Moved the health and ammo from the highground to the low ground at the left side. Now setting up a nest should be harder.
While JeddyK and I are working on B2 which should have bigger and more significant changes to both detailing and gameplay, I figured I should release this version which fixes a few issues as well as improved the gameplay. My goal is to make A and B feel better to play and in general be more defendable. As far D is concerned I want to make it easier to attack. C usually plays well. We will see what happens.
That's for now, I was really happy to see people enjoy the map and the detailing. My friend and I really put a lot of work and passion into this map.
If you have any feedback regarding the detailing or gameplay please let us know!
In this update:
➤Detailed Points: A,B and D.
➤Optimized the map more.
➤Added more clipping
➤Fixed a few issues.
➤Made the map laggier lol.

-----Point A-----
➤Added a rock on the right side of Red's Defence. This should block a sightline and make holding the point a little bit easier.
➤Moved the point away from B a little.


-----Point B-----
➤Gave Red more cover and space.
➤Made the platforms on the highground have more space to move around.
➤Made certain sentry spots a little more viable.
➤Moved the Right Attacking Entrance by a few HU. This way Blu could flank Red if they wish to set up right outside the Main entrance into B.
➤Also made it possible to jump to that highground via platforms.
➤Small tweaks and fixes around the point were also made.

-----Point C-----
➤Added an ammo pack to the sniper's highground.
➤Made Blu's highground weaker.
➤Moved the point forward. This should give Red a better time defending C, as well as new spots to do so.


-----Point D-----
➤ Added more cover.
➤Changed the size of Blu's window so as to be weaker for Red to abuse.
➤Tweaked HP/Ammo boxes around.
➤Removed Blu's side route to the fan room. Instead there is a staircase allowing Blu to have some highground, as well as a way to get to their main highground route. There is also a medium health pack there. This change was made in order to encourage fighting to happening around the cart more.
➤Removed a glass window which allowed Red to see Blu enemies coming from far away. They were able to abuse that window as well.


I find it difficult to believe we made it this far. The detailing was done by JeddyK and me this time around. We worked together for 2 months and this was everything we managed to do while working on and off. Hope you like what we made so far. Keep in mind the map is still Work In Progress so a few issues/bugs will change obviously.
If you have any feedback on the map feel free to let us know!


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In this update:
-----Point A-----
➤opened up the closed doors on the left side that lead to point B. Red can retreat from there if the need now.
➤Gave the right side for attackers more cover.
➤Fixed a sightline.
-----Point B-----
➤ Made the waterfall quieter
➤Placed shutter doors on the waterfall flank in order to simplify the layout when attacking B.
➤Also the first Blu forward spawn was moved closer.
➤Tweaked hp/ammo packs so there are fewer of them on B.
➤Made it possible as red to climb up to Red's hold without getting seen by the enemy blu sniper.
➤Made it possible to climb up to Blu's flank via a box jump.
➤Gave Red some more space.
➤Made the low ground with the waterfall and the hp/ammo packs less wide. Should make the catwalk route more viable now.
➤Buffed Blu's highground when they enter B. Now they have more space to move, as well as more to visibility. Snipers can benefit from that for sure. Other classes can choose to drop down and climb the catwalk route as mentioned above.
➤Added a rollback zone before cap B.
-----Point C-----
➤Brought back the staircase that Red could climb up to get to Blu's highground.
➤Blu's highground has more cover now, making it harder for snipers to get quick snipes with no risk.
➤Fixed a nasty sightline, Blu snipers could stand on that rock outside red's first spawn and could see until point D's left entrance.
➤Fixed being able to shoot through a small gap on the rock on Blu's highground.
➤Added a rock close to cap C in order to make the low ground flank more viable for Blu. Now a combo can walk past the defences without getting seen at all and can surprise Red from the side.
-----Point D-----
➤Opened up Blu's window in order to give another way for attacking Red's highground. It should help snipers and demos.
➤Also gave this window some cover so as not to make it over-powered for Red ( they could snipe Blu players when they enter the right route).
➤The building with the fan was changed a bit. Now instead of a window, there is a balcony with a platform connecting it with Red's main defence position. This should make the point more unique,flexible and enable quick rotations.
➤Fixed a clipping issue where jumping classes could stand on the clipping on the metal bars.

So... like I said I can explain. Eruption got tested a few times in competitive and based on the feedback I made certain changes. Some people and I discussed this map in great detail and it looks like it has potential. Based on what they said the map is fun, has potential and it's cool. So I decided before releasing Beta 1 which I am working on, I could release a new alpha version where we could test some changes out and if they work I can just implement them into the existing b1 version I am working on for more than a month now.
Thank you to everyone who left feedback for me and helped me out. You guys are amazing.
Here's some progress of Beta 1:
In this version:

-----Point A-----
➤Fixed the displacements now sewing
➤Moved the rock with the palm tree closer to Blu's right route for cover
➤Reworked the right route a little.
➤Improved the collisions on the rocks.
-----Point B-----
➤Made the sniper's cover weaker for Red
➤Made sniper's upper sightlines weaker for Blu
➤Moved the bridge a few hammer units so as to give blu more cover from the Red's sniper sightline
➤Added a small ramp on the cart's path route that if climbed allows for quicker rotations.
-----Point C-----
➤ Removed the small duck-into cover area since it wasn't used that much.
➤Added a small rock on the low ground that allows players to climb up to Blu's highground once again. Now it shouldn't be a dead-end anymore.
➤Now the point gives 20 less seconds upon capping.
-----Point D-----
➤Fixed some annoying sightlines.
➤Added another resupply cabinet at Red's spawn.
➤Reworked the left route a lot. Now a Red sniper can't stand on the back and snipe Blu players coming from their main route and retreat that easily anymore. Also in conjuction with the fan, stairs were also added. Now players can choose which one to use and at what times. This change was also made because when players where fighting on the highground, sometimes they would try to retreat by dropping down to the low ground but the fan would push them back up. This change will hopefully fix that issue. Also the highground only provides a medium ammo pack. Health and ammo are on the low ground predominately.
➤ Made certain Red sentry spots stronger.
➤Fixed being able to jump up to the window bars as soldier and rain down rockets.

Really glad you guys enjoy the map. As of today my friend JeddyK and I are starting detailing!
Expect news from us soon!
Thank you to everyone who helped with the map's developement all these years. I really hope we can deliver something good.
In this version:

-----Point A-----
➤ The right route for attacking got a small rework
➤ improved the displacements
➤ gave blu a small health pack
➤ Extended Red's cover from the left route so Blu have less visibility over red's defence.
➤added some fences on the high ground
-----Point B-----
➤ Made blu a little stronger getting into B. Now their fences are see-through and they have a little more height advantage
-----Point C-----
➤ Moved the point a few hammer units back.
-----Point D-----
➤ Reworked the spawn so red can reach the cart a little quicker. Hopefully the last defence will be a little more exciting now.
➤ Moved the fun a few hammer units back so players won't get launched into air when trying to escape that easily.

I know what you're thinking. Beta? Next update? nooooo.....
Billo you said that you're going to beta like 2 months ago. Why now?
Well now I am a lot more certain and people are telling me the map is ready for beta so... yeahhhh.
I mean the map is playing a lot better the past few playtest. Even A was defendable. I was like wtf?
People left feedback saying A is too hard to attack and it took me by surprise. In almost every playtest A got capped after 1-2 mins, so seeing something like this as you can imagine was shocking to me.
Anyways I am really happy with how the map plays so far, people seem to like D as well. FUCKING FINALLY! I mean I have been working on this map for what? 4 years now? It's almost done. JeddyK and I are detailing the map next week! I will keep you posted of course. Any type of feedback is much appreciated! Thank you guys for your help all these years!


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In this version:

-----Point A-----
➤Reopened the right route for attacking.

------Point C------
➤The turn was made wider, giving Blu team more room to breath.
➤Made it impossible for Red team to get up to Blu's highground via the staircase. Now they will need to rotate around the point exposing themselves completely or rocket jumping up to the high ground.

------Point D------
➤ The ground at the cart path level is now the same height.
➤ Removed the small jump pad and left only the big one
➤Gave Blu more high ground when exiting the right route.
➤Also made that route narrower
➤Replaced the security fence in the same route with glass.
➤The small ammo pack was replaced with a medium one now.

(Most of the changes over to C and D where suggested by PigPig)

We are going to beta this April!
Guys I can't believe it's finally time. I first started working on this map on October of 2018 abd like 4 years later I am finally finishing it up. I will have some help though from a friend of mine (JeddyK).
Before I go to Beta I will need to Improve A some more first so leave as much feedback as you can!
It's been a crazy journey so far. I almost gave up on this map but certain people kept me going such as vibeisveryo and I am really happy I stayed. That's for now
In this version:

➤Fixed the rollback zone not working as intended.
➤Moved the C point closer. From the playtest it was clear that Blu had a really hard time capping C, the cart would constantly get stuck when it climbed the uphill. So the point is now almost on the top of the uphill. A little forward back but a lot closer than before.
➤On point A (as an experiement) the right flank route for Blu which allows access to Red's nest has been closed off. It was really easy for Blu to capture A almost every time. I am not 100% certain if this approach is the best but I can definitely give it a shot.
➤Added a closed door to point D which opens when C is capped. This will guide Red a little better to the right direction.
➤Fixed a clipping issue.

I am sorry for letting such an issue slip through. I didn't notice the rollback problem at all when I checked the map, the hud didn't show it for some reason. Sorry for this inconvenience guys.
On the bright side desprite that issue D played fairly well. I like how Blu work together to cap the point and Red are kept on their toes at all times. If you don't pay any attention to the cart you're gonna lose. Also I like the fact that most of the fights happen inside D. I am sick and tired of maps that you are locked outside the final point and you need to clean all the defence to get in. And when you do get in it's an instant gave over for the defending team. Anyways those are some thoughts of mine. Hope you enjoy the map. Also if you can consider leaving me some feedback since I am going into beta soon! This month by the looks of it.
In this version:
----Point A----
➤Reworked parts of the point to make Defence and Offence feel better.
➤Lowered the amount of rock props so as to look less as a prop spam.
➤Improved the tracks a bit.
➤The displacements were improved as well.


----Point B----
➤ Added light to highlight the health and ammo at the waterfall.
➤Also added a new crate jump to reach the bridge.
➤Speaking of the bridge, it is now possible to fall from the waterfall to the health and ammo pack underneath it.

----Point C----
➤Removed the health and ammo pack at Red's sniper highground area.
➤Made the corner path for blu which leads to the highground easier to climb.
➤Removed the new highground route from Point B to C. It felt a little weird altogether and almost no one used it.

----Point D----
➤Removed the mercenary park window
➤Added a see-through fence for attackers.
➤Added better collisions to a small cart prop near the computers. Bullets should pass through it now.
➤Made the trigger of the fan smaller so it doesnt launch you upwards by accident.

We are getting closer and closer guys! I am super excited to finally finish this map. I only need to test it some more and make a few more changes. A and D are the points that need more attention In my opinion. I don't have much to say. If you can provide me with some feedback so I can improve the map further.
In this version:

----Point A----
➤Added more cover around

----Point B----
➤Removed the rollback zone

----Point D----
➤ Added a window on the right side route so Red and Blu can see each other coming around the corner.

--General fixes and improvements around the map were also made--