First of all, thanks to everyone who tested the map and gave feedback!

Sadly, the map seemed plagued by sightlines issues. Multiple changes have been made to curb these problems:

-Raised the fences on the cliffs to prevent snipers from standing on them

-Adjusted hangar doors size and positioning to prevent snipers from seeing mid from spawn

-Replaced the trucks in the hangars to prevent snipers from shooting over and under them

-Lengthened the white buildings protruding from the hangars

-Raised the point to prevent one team from seeing straight into the other team's hangar from their own (this also prevents players from bashing their head on the underside of the point when trying to jump down onto the bridge)

-Shifted the flank doorways to prevent snipers from seeing straight into them from mid

-Raised the walls under the point ramps to prevent shooting under them

-Raised the tanks in the cliff house to prevent from seeing directly onto the other's team cliff through the doorways

-Replaced the metal barrier in front of the cliff house with a solid wall, to prevent unfair shots through the gaps in the metal barrier

-Added a fence to the flank routes and turned the previously one-brush building near flank into a branching route to the point

-Removed the top doorway and exterior ramps from the cliff house

In addition, other general quality of life changes were made:

-Clipped the rocks under the battlements to prevent getting stuck

-Aligned the escalators at both spawns

-Added more ammo packs

-Added more interior lights and changed light_environment settings

-Fixed multiple geometry discrepancies

-Changed the shape of top step of the battlement stairs (from a weird angled shape to a regular rectangular shape)

-Fixed multiple texture scaling and alignment issues

-Removed the parking barriers from each side of the point (made redundant by sightlines fixes)

-Removed the bombs from the hangars (made redundant by sightlines fixes)

-Added props under ramps to prevent players from crouching under them

I hope the major issues that cropped up during the last playtest are now resolved, and the map can now be played in a fun way that doesn't involve getting your head forcibly removed by a sniper standing in their spawn.