Changelog for version A2
- The entire theme has been changed to better fit the changes to the layout of the map, which I think overall will be beneficial to the gameplay of the map
- Renamed the map from Silo to Phantom, this will probably become an event version, and silo will return later as a separate map
Now onto some actual changes:
The middle roof has been changed to better allow combat, with a tower in the middle to block sightlines, as well as give another entry point into the building
The right shack structure has been made smaller and lower, letting jumping classes get on top of it
The left area which previously had the container, is now a cliff with a death pit, as well as a small health kit placed on a risky platform
The middle building that houses the control point can now no longer be accessed until the point unlocks
The large buildings next to the spawns have been redesigned, removing the drop down exit and making the other exits more equally viable. The large windows have also been removed, reducing the large sightlines that existed across the map.
A small rock structure has been added to the yard area outside of the control point house to give the area a bit more height variation, as well as provide cover for the main entrances to the control point
A small shack has been added to the side routes to block sitelines and add variation to combat
The bridge connecting the buildings has been changed, and a new roof added to allow more space for combat, and provide cover to players exiting from the lower door